ChemoJun050 (2006/08/08) Copyright 2002-2006 National Institute of Informatics, Research Organization of Information and Systems.
instance variables:
- informationHolder
- defaultResolution
- withoutResetViewWhenOpen
- serialNumberSetting
class instance variables:
class variabels:
pool variabels:
instance methods:
- asImage [converting]
- asImageExtent: imageExtent [converting]
- boundingBoxesFrom: a3dObject [pencil]
- classToSpawn [private]
- clickAt: aPoint [actions]
- cloneViewer [private]
- cloneViewerUseDisplayList: aBoolean [private]
- convert: collectionOfPoints triangles: collectionOfTriangles controller: aController [pencil]
- cylinder: pointCollection triangles: triangleCollection [pencil]
- defaulSerialNumberSetting [defaults]
- defaultBaseName [defaults]
- defaultDisplayViewClass [defaults]
- defaultEyePoint [defaults]
- defaultMinimumTriangleArea [defaults]
- defaultPartitionSize [defaults]
- defaultResolution [defaults]
- defaultResolution: aSymbol [defaults]
- defaultShading [defaults]
- defaultString [defaults]
- defaultTriangulationClass [defaults]
{ JunFormTriangulation2 | JunFormTriangulation3 }
- defaultUpVector [defaults]
- defaultWindowLabel [defaults]
- extractPatchesFrom: boundingBoxes [pencil]
- featureResolution [accessing]
- fileName [accessing]
- flushDisplayObject [flushing]
- getInformationView [private]
- getInformationWindow [private]
- highResolution [menu messages]
- informationHolder [accessing]
- initialize [initialize-release]
- is2d [testing]
- is3d [testing]
- isElectroViewer [testing]
- isFeaturesViewer [testing]
- isMoleculeViewer [testing]
- isStericViewer [testing]
- lowResolution [menu messages]
- mediumResolution [menu messages]
- noticeOfWindowClose: aWindow [interface closing]
- numberOfPolygons [accessing]
- numberOfPrimitives [accessing]
- openWithoutResetView [interface opening]
- pencilClosedPointCollection: collectionOfPoints from: aController [pencil]
- pencilOpenedPointCollection: collectionOfPoints from: aController [pencil]
- pencilTrace: aBlock [pencil]
aBlock value
- pickedObjectAt: mouse2dPoint [actions]
- plane: collectionOfPoints from: aController [pencil]
- postOpenWith: aBuilder [interface opening]
- serialNumberSetting [accessing]
- setInformationWindowLabel [private]
- settingIndex [menu messages]
- setWindowLabel [interface opening]
- showInformation [menu messages]
- spawnObject [menu messages]
- spawnObject: spawningObject [menu messages]
- splitPathesFrom: aPlane [pencil]
- triangulationClass: aClass pointCollection: collectionOfPoints controller: aController [pencil]
- updateStringHolder: aValue [updating]
- updateViewMenuIndication [menu accessing]
class methods:
- copyright [copyright]
- system [copyright]
- version [copyright]