

ChemoJun050 (2006/08/08) Copyright 2002-2006 National Institute of Informatics, Research Organization of Information and Systems.


instance variables:

class instance variables:

class variabels:

pool variabels:

instance methods:

  1. attributeTable [attribute accessing]
  2. bondType [accessing]
  3. bondType: aNumber [accessing]
  4. bondTypeSymbol [accessing]
  5. connectionColor [attribute accessing]
  6. connectionColor: colorValue [attribute accessing]
  7. defaultBondType [defaults]
  8. defaultConnectionColor [defaults]
  9. defaultFromAtom [defaults]
  10. defaultStereoType [defaults]
  11. defaultToAtom [defaults]
  12. fromAtom [accessing]
  13. fromAtom: atomObject [accessing]
  14. hasConnectionColor [testing]
  15. initialize [initialize-release]
  16. isAromatic [testing]
  17. isDouble [testing]
  18. isSingle [testing]
  19. isTriple [testing]
  20. postCopy [copying]
  21. printOn: aStream [printing]
  22. stereoType [accessing]
  23. stereoType: aNumber [accessing]
  24. stereoTypeSymbol [accessing]
  25. toAtom [accessing]
  26. toAtom: atomObject [accessing]

class methods:

  1. copyright [copyright]
  2. defaultAtomObjectClass [defaults]
  3. defaultMoleculeObjectClass [defaults]
  4. example1 [examples]
    ChemoJunAtomConnection example1.
  5. fromAtom: fromAtomObject toAtom: toAtomObject [instance creation]
  6. fromAtom: fromAtomObject toAtom: toAtomObject bondType: bondType [instance creation]
  7. fromAtom: fromAtomObject toAtom: toAtomObject bondType: bondType stereoType: stereoType [instance creation]
  8. system [copyright]
  9. version [copyright]
