ChemoJun050 (2006/08/08) Copyright 2002-2006 National Institute of Informatics, Research Organization of Information and Systems.
instance variables:
- atomObjects
- atomConnections
- atomResolution
- exceptHydrogen
- attributeTable
class instance variables:
class variabels:
pool variabels:
instance methods:
- arrayOfPolylinesForAromaticBondAsPlane: atomConnection [3d aux]
- arrayOfPolylinesForDoubleBondAsPlane: atomConnection [3d aux]
- arrayOfPolylinesForSingleBondAsPlane: atomConnection [3d aux]
- arrayOfPolylinesForTripleBondAsPlane: atomConnection [3d aux]
- asGraph [converting]
- asGrapher [converting]
- atomConnection: atomObject with: anotherAtomObject [accessing connection]
- atomConnections [accessing connection]
- atomConnections: atomConnectionCollection [accessing connection]
- atomConnectionsDo: aBlock [enumerating]
- atomObjectAt: serialNumber [accessing atom]
- atomObjects [accessing atom]
- atomObjects: atomObjectCollection [accessing atom]
- atomObjectsAndIndexesDo: aBlock [enumerating]
- atomObjectsDo: aBlock [enumerating]
- atomResolution [accessing]
- atomResolution: aSymbol [accessing]
- atomTable [accessing]
- attributeTable [attribute accessing]
- changeColor: colorValue serialNumberPairs: serialNumberPairs nestLevel: nestLevel [coloring]
- changeColor: colorValue serialNumbers: serialNumbers nestLevel: nestLevel [coloring]
- connectedAromaticAtomsAround: atomConnection [accessing atom]
- connectedAtomsAndConnectionsWith: atomObject [accessing atom]
- connectedAtomsAround: atomConnection [accessing atom]
- connectedAtomsWith: atomObject [accessing atom]
- connectedConnectionsAround: atomConnection [accessing connection]
- connectionsWith: atomObject [accessing connection]
- connectionTable [accessing connection]
- cylinderFrom: fromPoint to: toPoint width: widthValue by: divisionNumber [3d aux]
- default2dMolfilePatterns [defaults]
- defaultAtomConnectionClass [defaults]
- defaultAtomObjectClass [defaults]
- defaultBallDivisionNumberHigh [defaults]
- defaultBallDivisionNumberLow [defaults]
- defaultBallDivisionNumberMedium [defaults]
- defaultBondThickness [defaults]
- defaultFrontierMinimumDistance [defaults]
- defaultFrontierRevisedCoeffcient [defaults]
- defaultGraphClass [defaults]
- defaultGrapherClass [defaults]
- defaultHalftoneValue [defaults]
- defaultMinimumTriangleArea [defaults]
- defaultMolFileReaderClass [defaults]
- defaultSpaceFillDivisionNumber [defaults]
- defaultSpaceFillDivisionNumberHigh [defaults]
- defaultSpaceFillDivisionNumberLow [defaults]
- defaultSpaceFillDivisionNumberMedium [defaults]
- defaultTubeDivisionNumber [defaults]
- defaultTubeDivisionNumberHigh [defaults]
- defaultTubeDivisionNumberLow [defaults]
- defaultTubeDivisionNumberMedium [defaults]
- distancesFrom: aPoint [functions]
- exceptHydrogen [accessing]
- exceptHydrogen: aBoolean [accessing]
- frontierPoint: aLine rejectedBy: aBall [frontier]
- frontierPolygons: aPolygon of: atomObject offset: offsetValue [frontier]
- frontierTriangles: aTriangle rejectedBy: aBall [frontier]
- hasHydroxyl: atomObject [testing]
- informationString [accessing]
- initialize [initialize-release]
- is2d [testing]
- is3d [testing]
- isAldehyde: atomObject [testing]
- isAmino: atomObject [testing]
-NH2 or -NH
^ ^
- isCarbonyl: atomObject [testing]
- isCarboxyl: atomObject [testing]
- isHydroxyl: atomObject [testing]
- isMethyl: atomObject [testing]
- isSulfanyl: atomObject [testing]
- modifierAssociation: atomObject normalPresentation: aBoolean [private]
- moleculeAsBallAndStick [3d accessing]
- moleculeAsBallAndStick: divisionNumber [3d accessing]
- moleculeAsPlane [3d accessing]
- moleculeAsSpaceFill [3d accessing]
- moleculeAsSpaceFill: divisionNumber [3d accessing]
- moleculeAsSpaceFill: divisionNumber offsetValue: offsetValue [3d accessing]
- moleculeAsSpaceFill: divisionNumber offsetValue: offsetValue smoothShading: aBoolean [3d accessing]
- moleculeAsStick [3d accessing]
- moleculeAsStick: divisionNumber [3d accessing]
- moleculeAsStickAndSpaceFill [3d accessing]
- molfileHeaderBlock [attribute accessing]
- molfileHeaderBlock: aCollection [attribute accessing]
- numberOfAtoms [accessing atom]
- numberOfConnections [accessing connection]
- numberOfHydrogens: atomObject [accessing]
- numberOfHydrogensTable: atomObject [private]
- numberOfNitrogens: atomObject [accessing]
- numberOfOxygens: atomObject [accessing]
- postCopy [copying]
- surfaceInformationString [accessing]
- translationOffsetOf: atomConnection [3d aux]
class methods:
- copyright [copyright]
- defaultAtomConnectionClass [defaults]
- defaultAtomObjectClass [defaults]
- defaultExceptHydrogen [defaults]
- defaultGraphClass [defaults]
- defaultGrapherClass [defaults]
- defaultMolFileReaderClass [defaults]
- example1 [examples]
ChemoJunMoleculeObject example1.
- example2 [examples]
ChemoJunMoleculeObject example2.
- example3 [examples]
ChemoJunMoleculeObject example3.
- example4 [examples]
ChemoJunMoleculeObject example4.
- example5 [examples]
ChemoJunMoleculeObject example5.
- example6 [examples]
ChemoJunMoleculeObject example6.
- example7 [examples]
ChemoJunMoleculeObject example7.
- example8 [examples]
ChemoJunMoleculeObject example8.
- example9 [examples]
ChemoJunMoleculeObject example9.
- exampleA [examples]
ChemoJunMoleculeObject exampleA.
- exampleB [examples]
ChemoJunMoleculeObject exampleB.
- fileName: aFilename [instance creation]
- fromReader: aReader [instance creation]
- moleculeObjectFromReader: aReader [private]
- request [utilities]
ChemoJunMoleculeObject request.
- system [copyright]
- version [copyright]