The first workshop on Multi-Agent Systems in Logic Progamming was held in Las Cruces in December 1999, in conjunction with the Sixteenth International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP). In the summer of 2000, ICLP was co-located with other major events and hosted at Imperial College London under the umbrella of CL 2000. Ever since, the international workhsop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA) has been a forum to discuss techniques, based on computational logic, for representing, programming, and reasoning about multi-agent systems in a formal way. Former editions have been conducted in conjunction with other major Computational Logic and AI events such as ICLP in December 2001, FLoC in August 2002, LPNMR and AI-Math in January 2004, JELIA in September 2004 and the last workshop, CLIMA VI was the first independent event held in London. Selected papers from previous editions have been published in special issues of international journals and in volumes issued by international publishers.