Hypothesis-Finding in Systems Biology, by A. Doncescu, K. Inoue, T. Sato, ALP Newsletter,
Vol. 21 n. 2-3, August 2008.
Research Leaders
- Prof. Katsumi Inoue (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
- Prof. Andrei Doncescu (LAAS-CNRS, France)
Japanese Team
- Prof. Katsumi Inoue (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
- Prof. Taisuke Sato (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
- Prof. Koji Iwanuma (University of Yamanashi, Japan)
- Prof. Hidetomo Nabeshima (University of Yamanashi, Japan)
- Prof. Yoshitaka Kameya (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
- Prof. Chiaki Sakama (Wakayama University, Japan)
- Prof. Asao Fujiyama (National Institute of Informatics/National Institute of Genomics, Japan)
- Dr. Reiko Tanaka (RIKEN, Japan)
- Mr. Yoshitaka Yamamoto (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan)
- Mr. Takehide Soh (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Japan)
French Team
- Prof. Andrei Doncescu (LAAS-CNRS, France)
- Prof. Louise Trave-Massuyes (LAAS, France)
- Prof. Gérard Montseny (LAAS, France)
- Prof. Jean-Louis Uribelarea (LRB, France)
- Prof. Gérard Goma (LRB, France)
- Prof. Luis Farinas del Cerro (IRIT, France)
- Prof. Jacques Demongeot (TIMC-IMAG, France)
- Prof. Pierre Siegel (University of Provence, France)
- Prof. Céline Casenave (LAAS, France)
- Mr. Emmanuel Montseny (LAAS, France)
- Dr. Oliver Ray (University of Bristol, UK)
National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan,
LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France
As a part of:
the JST-CNRS Strategic International Cooperative Program between France and Japan
"Knowledge-based Discovery in Systems Biology".
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