Discussion Topic (Resume is not distiributed)
- 2011.06.10 16:00- @1716
- DONAR: Decentralized server selection for cloud services (Wendell et al., in SIGCOMM2010)
- Detecting the performance impact of upgrades in large operational networks (Mahimkar et al., in SIGCOMM2010)
- 2011.06.24 14:00- @2005
- What happend in my network: mining network events from router syslogs (Qiu et al., in IMC2010)
- Spatio-temporal patterns in network events (Wang et al., in CoNEXT2010)
- 2011.07.08 14:00- @1509
- Profiling network performance for multi-tier data center applications (Yu et al., in NSDI2011)
- Shadow configuration as a network management primitive (Alimi et al., in CoNEXT2008)
- Characterizing and modeling internet traffic dynamics of cellular devices (M.Shafiq et al., in SIGMETRICS2011)
- 2011.07.19 14:00- @1210 (location changed)
- Improving datacenter performance and robustness with multipath TCP (Ballani et al., SIGCOMM2011),
- What's going on? Learning communication rules in edge networks (Kandula et al., SIGCOMM2008),
- 2011.08.02 14:00- @2107 (location changed)
- Demystifying Configuration Challenges and Trade-Offs in Network-based ISP Services (Benson et al., SIGCOMM2011)
- Uncovering performance differences among backbone IPSs with Netdiff (Mahajan et al., NSDI2008)
- 2011.08.23 14:00- @1213
- Symbiotic Routing in Future Data Centers (Abu-Libdeh et al., SIGCOMM2010)
- Understanding the Impact of Video Quality on User Engagement (Dobrian et al., SIGCOMM2011)
- 2011.08.30 14:00- @1904
- Understanding network failures in data centers: measurement, analysis and implications (Gill et al., SIGCOMM2011)
- Let the Market Drive Deployment: A Strategy for Transitioning to BGP Security (Gill et al., SIGCOMM2011)
- 2011.09.20 14:00- @1601
- A content propagation metric for efficient content distribution (Peterson et al., SIGCOMM2011)
- Inter-datacenter bulk transfer with NetSticher (Laoutaris et al., SIGCOMM2011)
- 2011.10.07 17:00- @1904
- Towards Predictable Datacenter Networks (Ballani et al., SIGCOMM2011)
- 10 Lessons from 10 years of measuring and modeling the Internet's autonomous systems (Roughan et al., JSAC2011)
- 2011.10.28 17:00- @1904
- Anatomizing application performance differences on smartphones (Huang et al,, MOBISYS2010)
- Technology-Drive, Highly-Scalable Dragonfly Topology (Kim et al., ISCA-35)
- 2011.11.18 17:00- @2006
- Revisiting the cache effect on multicore mutithreaded network processors (, DSD08)
- akashi
- 2011.12.02 17:00- @1904
- Managing data transfer in computer clusters with Orchestra (Chowdhury et al., SIGCOMM2011)
- Web content cartography (Ager et al., IMC2011)
- 2011.12.22 17:00- @1904
- 2012.01.13 17:00- @2107
- Impact analysis of BGP sessions for prioritization of maintenance operations (Lee et al., IM2011)
- Identifying diverse usage behaviors of smartphone apps (Xu et al., IMC2011)
- 2012.01.26 17:00- @1904
- Deja vu: fingerprinting network problems (Ranjita et al., CoNEXT2011)
- ASAP: A low-latency transport layer (Zhou et al., CoNEXT2011)
- 2012.02.15 17:00- @1904
- Debugging the data plane with anteater (Mai et al., SIGCOMM2011)
- TCP fast open (Radhakrishn et al., CoNEXT2011)
- 2012.03.01 16:30- @1904 (schedule changed)
- Augmenting data center networks with multi-gigabit wireless links (Halperin et al., SIGCOMM2011)
- What's the difference? Efficient set reconciliation without prior context (Eppsetein et al., SIGCOMM2011)
- 2012.03.14 17:00- @1904
- 2012.04.06 17:00- @1904
- Rapid detection of maintenance induced charanges in service performance (Mahimkar et al., CONEXT2011)
- The evoluation of network configuration: a tale of two campuses (Kim et al., IMC2011)
- 2012.04.20 17:00- @1904
- Structured comparative analysis of systems logs to diagnose performance problems (Nagaraj et al., NSDI2012)
- Address-based route reflection (Chen et al., CONEXT2011)
- 2012.05.11 17:00- @1904
- 2012.05.25 17:00- @1904
- Header space analysis: static checking for networks (Kazemian et al., NSDI2012)
- 2012.06.08 17:00- @1904
- 2012.06.22 17:00- @1904
- Bipartite Graph Structures for Efficient Balancing of Heterogeneous Load (xxx et al., SIGMETRICS2012)
- 2012.07.06 17:00- @1904
- (koibuchi)
- Inferring visibility: who's (not) talking to whom? (Guson et al., SIGCOMM2012)
- 2012.07.20 17:00- @1904
- Camdoop: Exploiting in-network Aggregation for Big Data (Costa et al., NSDI2012)
- D-factor: a quantitative model of application slow-down in multi-resource shared systems (Lim et al., SIGMETRICS2012)
- 2012.08.08 16:00-@1904
- 2012.08.24 17:00-@1904
- Abstractions for Network Update (Reitblatt et al., SIGCOMM2012))
- Joint hop-by-hop and receiver-driven interest control protocol for content-centric networks (Carofiglio et al., ICN2012)
- 2012.09.07 17:00-@2005
- Measuring and fingerprinting click-spam in ad networks (Dave et al., SIGCOMM2012)
- IO virtualization. handout (takano)
- 2012.09.21 17:00-@1904
- Private and Verifiable Interdomain Routing Decisions (Zhao et al., SIGCOMM2012)
- 2012.10.04 17:00-@2005
- Small-world datacenters (Shin et al., SOCC2011)
- Optimizing cost and performance for content multihoming (Liu et al., SIGCOMM2012)
- 2012.10.18 17:00-@2005
- Making middleboxes someone else's problem: netowrk processing as a cloud service (Sherry et al., SIGCOMM2012)
- REWIRE: a optimazation-based framework for unstructured data center network design (Curtis et al., INFOCOM2012)
- 2012.11.01 17:00-@2005
- HyperDex: A searchable distributed key-value store (Escriva et al., SIGCOMM2012)
- A first look at cellular machine-to-machine traffic (Shafiq et al., SIGMETRICS2012)
- 2012.11.15 17:00-@2005
- Automatic test packet generation (Zeng et.al, CONEXT2012)
- Inside dropbox: understanding personal cloud storage services (Pras et al., IMC2012)
- 2012.11.29 17:00-@2005
- Lifeguard: practical repair of persistent route failures (katz-Bassett et al., SIGCOMM2012)
- 2012.12.13 17:00-@2107
- Optimizing overlay-based virtual networking through optimistic interrupts and cut-through forwarding (Cui et al., SC2012)
- Network coding meets TCP: theory and implementation (Mitzenmacher et al., Proc of the IEEE)
- 2012.12.27 17:00-@2005
- 2013.01.10 17:00-@2005
- A scalable, commodity data center network architecture (Al-Fares et al., SIGCOMM2008)
- A SOFT Way for OpenFlow Switch Interoperability Testing (Kuzniar et al., CoNEXT2012)
- 2013.01.24 17:00-@
- 2013.02.07 17:00-@2005
- 2013.02.21 17:00-@2005
- FRAppE: Detecting malicious facebook applications (Rahman et al., CoNEXT2012)
- Intra-cloud lightning: building CDNs in the cloud (Chen et al., INFOCOM2012)
- 2013.03.07 17:00-@2005
- 2013.03.21 17:00-@1601
- Modeling complexity of enterprise routing design (Sun et al., CONEXT2012)
- 2013.04.05 17:00-@2005
- VALE, a switched ethernet for virtual machines (Rizzo et al., CONEXT2012)
- Chatty Tenants and the Cloud Network Sharing Problem (, NSDI2013)
- 2013.04.19 17:00-@1904
- Real time network policy checking using header space analysis (Kazemian et al., NSDI2013)
- 2013.05.10 17:00-@1904
- Application-specific network-on-chip architecture customization via long-range link insertion (Ogras et al., ICCAD2005)
- PIPAC: Patient Infusion Pattern based Access Control Scheme for Wiless Insulin Pump System (Hei et al., INFOCOM2013)
- 2013.05.24 17:00-@1904
- Juggling the jigsaw: towards automated problem inference from network trouble tickets (Potharaju, et al., NSDI2013)
- 2013.06.17 17:00-@1904
- High performance RDMA-based design of HDFS over InfiniBand (Islam et al., SC2012)
- Software defined traffic measurement with OpenSketch (Yu et al., NDSI2013)
- 2013.07.05 17:00-@1904
- B4: experience with a globally-deployed software defined WAN (Jain et al., SIGCOMM2013)
- 2013.07.19 17:00-@1904
- Datacenter TCP (Alizadehzy et al., SIGCOMM2010)
- 2013.08.02 17:00-@1904
- Anatomy of a large European IXP (Ager et al., SIGCOMM2012)
- PoiRoot: Investigating the root cause of interdomain path change (Javed et al., SIGCOMM2013)
- 2013.09.13 17:00-@1904
- Practical comprehensive bounds on surreptitious communication over dns (Paxson et al., Security2013)
- A provider-side view of web search response time (Chen et al., SIGCOMM2013)
- 2013.09.27 17:00-@1904
- Optimizing the "one big switch" abstraction in software-defined networks, (Kang et al., CoNEXT2013)
- An empirical reexamination of global dns behavior (, SIGCOMM2013)
- 2013.10.11 17:00-@1904 (cancelled)
- 2013.10.25 17:00-@1904
- Simple and Deterministic Matrix Sketching (, KDD2013)
- 2013.11.08 17:00-@1904 (cancelled)
- 2013.11.22 17:00-@1904 (cancelled)
- 2013.12.06 17:00-@1904 (cancelled)
- 2013.12.20 16:30-@1716
- Power/performance evaluation of energy efficient Ethernet (EEE) for High Performance Computing (Karthikeyan et al., ISPASS2013)
- Virtualizing the Access Network via Open APIs (Sivaraman, CoNEXT2013)
- 2014.1.17 17:00-@1904
- Integrating microsecond circuit switching into the data center (Forencich et al., SIGCOMM2013)
- 2014.1.31 17:00-@1904
- SIMPLE-flying Middlebox Policy Enforcement Using SDN (Qazi et al., SIGCOMM2013)
- 2014.2.21 17:00-@1904
- A Comparison of Syslog and IS-IS for Network Failure Analysis (Turner et al., IMC2013)
- DNS to the Rescue: Discerning Content and Services in a Tangled Web (Bermudez et al., IMC2012)
- 2014.3.14 17:00-@1904
- RainMon: An Integrated Approach to Mining Bursty Timeseries Monitoring Data (Shafer et al., SIGKDD2012)
- 2014.4.03 17:00-@2005
- Towards a SPDY'ier MobileWeb? (Erman et al., CoNEXT2013)
- Libra: Divide and Conquer to Verify Forwarding Tables in Huge Networks (Zeng et al., NSDI2014)
- 2014.4.25 17:00-@2001A
- DECAF: Detecting and Characterizing Ad Fraud in Mobile Apps (Liu et al., NSDI2014)
- Compressing IP Forwarding Tables: Towards Entropy Bounds and Beyond (Retvari et al., SIGCOMM2013)
- 2014.5.09 17:00-
- CauseInfer: Automatic and Distributed Performance Diagnosis with Hierarchical Causality Graph in Large Distributed Systems (Chen et al., INFOCOM2014)
- 2014.5.23 17:00- (cancelled)
- 2014.6.06 17:00- @1904
- Rethinking the Network Stack for Rack-scale Computers (Costa et al., HotCloud2014)
- Bolt: Data Management for Connected Homes (Gupta et al., NSDI2014)
- 2014.6.20 17:00-
- Towards Energy Propotionality for Large-Scale Latency-Critical Workloads (Lo et al., ISCA2014)
- Hierachical Multi-Label Classifcation over icket Data using Contexutual Loss (Zeng et al., NOMS2014)
- 2014.7.04 17:00-
- SDX: A Software Defined Internet Exchange (Gupta et al., SIGCOMM2014)
- Inferring multilateral peering (Gitsas et al., CoNEXT2013)
- 2014.8.01 17:00- @1904
- Networkprofiler: towards automatic fingerprinting of android apps (Dai et al., INFOCOM2013)
- Root cause detection in a service-oriented architecture (Kim et al., SIGMETRICS2013)
- 2015.4.24 17:00- @2005
- SlimFly: A Cost Effective Low-Diameter Network Topology (Hoefler et al., SC2014)
- 2015.5.22 17:00- @2005
- Succinct: Enabling queries on compressed data (Agrawal et al., NSDI2015)
- 2015.6.05 17:00- @2004
- Dodec: random-link, low-radix on-chip networks
- DoE report
- 2015.7.10 17:00- @1904
- FlowBender: Flow-level adaptive routing for improved latency and throughput in datacenter networks (Kabbani et al., CONEXT2014)
- Checking beliefs in dynamic networks (Lopes et al., NSDI2015)
- 2015.7.24 17:00- @2006
- Exploiting ICN for flexible management of software-defined networks (Arumaithurai et al., ICN'14)
- Transfer entropy - a model-free measure of effective connectivity for the neurosciences (Vicente et al., J.Comp.Neurosci 2011)
- 2015.8.07 17:00- @2006
- Scalable Near Real-Time Failure Localization of Data Center Networks (Herodotou et al., KDD'14)
- Detecting malicious activity with DNS backscatter (Fukuda et al., IMC'15)
- 2015.09.04 17:00- @2004
- Central Control Over Distributed Routing (Vissicchio et al., SIGCOMM'15)
- 2015.09.18 17:00- @1509 (cancelled)
- 2015.10.02 17:00- @1904
- Presto: Edge-based Load Balancing for Fast Datacenter Networks (He et al., SIGCOMM'15)
- Encore: Lightweight Measurement of Web Censorship with Cross-Origin Requests (Burnett et al., SIGCOMM'15)
- 2015.10.16 17:00- @1904
- The black widow high radix clos network (Scott et al., ISCA'07)
- Simple testing can prevent most critical failures (Yuan et al., OSDI'14)
- 2015.11.13 17:00- @1904
- (inoue)
- Annoyed users: Ads and Ad-block usage in the wild (Pujol et al., IMC'15)
- 2015.11.27 17:00- @1904 (cancelled)
- 2015.12.11 17:00- @1904
- Destroying networks for fun (and profit) (Shelly et al., HotNets'15)
- Characterizing IPv4 Anycast Adoption and Deployment (Cicalease et al., CoNEXT
- 2015.12.25 17:00- @1904 (cancelled)
- 2016.01.08 17:00- @1904
- Network endpoint congestion control for fine-grained communication (Jiang et al., SC'15)
- Management plane analytics (Gember-jacobson et al., CoNEXT'15)
- 2016.01.22 17:00- @1904
- Demystifying and mitigating TCP stalls at the server side (Zhou et al., CoNEXT'15)
- Structued denoising autoencoder for fault detection and analysis (Tagawa et al., ACML'14)
- 2016.02.12 17:00- @1509
- LFTI: a new performance metric for assessing interconnect designs for extreme-scale hpc systems (Yuan et al., IPDPS'14)
- Practitical network-wide packet behavior identification by AP classifier (Wang et al., CoNEXT'15)
- 2016.02.26 17:00- @2006
- Self-diagnosis technique for virtual private networks combining bayesian networks and case-based reasoning (Bennacer et al., IEEE Trans. on. Automation Science and Engineering, vol.12, no.1, 2015)
- Design, implementation, and evaluation of energy-aware multi-path TCP (Lim et al., CoNEXT'15)
- 2016.03.11 17:00- @1509 (cancelled)
- 2016.03.25 17:00- @2006
- On measuring the client-side DNS infrastructure (Schomp et al., IMC'13)
- Learning a Hierarchical Monitoring System for Detecting and Diagnosing Service Issues (Nair et al., KDD'15)
- 2016.04.22 17:00- @1716
- EnerJ: Approximate data types for safe and general low-power computation (Sampson et al., PLDI'11)
- infocom2016
- 2016.05.13 17:00- @2005
- Expressing and verifying probabilistic assertions (Panchkha et al., PLDI'14)
- infocom2016 retreat
- 2016.05.27 17:00- @1716 (cancelled)
- 2016.06.10 17:00- @1716
- I always feel like somebody's watching me measuring online behavioural advertising (Carrascosa et al., CoNEXT'15)
- Robust Monitor Placement for Network Tomography in Dynamic Networks (He et al., INFOCOM'16)
- 2016.06.24 17:00- @2006
- ISAAC: A Convolutional Neural Network Accelerator with In-Situ Analog Arithmetic in Crossbars (Ali Shafieeet al. ISCA2016)
- Detecting and Localizing End-to-End Performance Degradation for Cellular Data Services (Ahmed et al., INFOCOM2016)
- 2016.07.08 17:00- @2006
- Galaxyfly: A Novel Family of Flexible-Radix Low-Diameter Topologies for Large-Scales Interconnection Networks (Lei et al., ICS'16)
- Decentralized Context Sharing in Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks with Compressive Sensing (Xi et al., ICDCS'16)
- 2016.07.22 17:00- @2006
- Focus: shedding light on the high search response time in the wild (Liu et al., INFOCOM'16)
- Apps on the move: a fine-grained analysis of usage behavior of mobile apps (Yang et al., INFOCOM'16)
- 2016.08.05 17:00- @2006
- Rapid and Robust Impact Assessment of Software Changes in Large Internet-based Services ( et al., CoNEXT'15)
- Simple and accurate analytical calculation of shortest path lengths (Melnik and Gleeson, arXiv)
- 2016.08.19 17:00- @2006