Call for Participation

We are very glad to invite you to attend the second NTCIR Workshop Meeting to be held on March 7-9, 2001 at NII, Tokyo. Japan. Please come and present your experimental results and findings, and join the discussion!

The DAY-1 of the meeting is an open forum on evaluation of IR and text summarization. Anyone who is interested in the topics are welcome to attend and join the discussion. For DAY-2 & DAY-3, the participation will be restricted to the members of the active participating groups that conducted the task set by the NTCIR Workshop 2.

Every active participating group can present own experimental results and findings either as an "oral presentation" or "digital poster". We also plan to reserve sufficient time for discussion including position paper and round-table sessions. Discussing what and how we shall evaluate and what we learned from the results in an informal atmosphere is one of the most precious experiences we have through the NTCIR Workshop.


Every active participating group can do a presentation. Progress after results submission can be included in the presentation.
The application for presentation was closed on January 22, 2001.

For the presentation types, there are two types of presentations; "oral presentation" or "digital poster". Please show your preference on the presentation type in the application form. We'd like to appreciate your preference as much as possible but you may be asked to do in the different type when the number of the application for the presentation type will be excess the limit.

Oral Presentation

An oral presentation is an ordinary conference-typed presentation. The length of the presentation will be decided based on the number of presentations, but 20 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes discussion will be a good estimation. A projector which can be connected to a PC and an overhead projector will be available.

Digital Poster

We organize digital poster session that is a combination of ordinary poster session and/or PC-based demonstration (presentation). You can demonstrate your system and interactive presentation by using your PC. We also welcome paper-based ordinary posters for this session.
For anyone who will do digital poster can do a short presentation (2-3minutes), in which the authors can appeal their main achievements and unique aspects, then invite the audience to their digital posters.
Followings are tentative instructions for the poster session.
  1. A space for putting A0 size poster (WxH 840x1188mm) will be provided for the display.
  2. A desk and electric power plug (100V/50Hz) will be also provided for PC presentation if necessary.
  3. Digital poster session will be held at 2nd day of the workshop. Just before the session, we plan to have a short presentation session (2-3 min. for each poster) for assisting the audience to select posters to see.
  4. Rooms for the digital poster session opens at 9:30 AM on the first day and closes at 7:00 PM on the final day. You can use the poster session rooms for the presentation throughout the entire workshop time. The secretariat will not be liable for to lost any posters and PC.
For allocating the amount of the space based on the number of the presentater, we would like to know the number of presentations and what kind of facilities are needed for that. Since we can not arrange PC and monitors at all for this purpose, we suggest you to bring laptop PC with large display.

Paper Preparation

Every active participants who conducted the task(s) set by the NTCIR Workshop 2 must write and submit the paper regardless of the attendance of the Workshop meeting. Progress after results submission can be included in the paper. Please include failure analysis. No longer than 8 pages per task. For the detailed instruction and format, please consult here.

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