Format of Search Results to NACSIS

(enhanced on Feb. 6, 1999)
(modified on Nov.29, 1998)

0001	0	gakkai-0000000001	1	9999	ntc1 
0001	0	gakkai-0000000002	2	9998	ntc1 
0001	0	gakkai-0000000006	3	9997	ntc1 
0001	0	gakkai-0000000004	4	9997	ntc1 
0001	0	gakkai-0000000005	5	9995	ntc1 
0002	0	gakkai-0000000001	1	9999	ntc1 
0002	0	gakkai-0000000002	2	9998	ntc1 
0002	0	gakkai-0000000006	2	9998	ntc1 

The search result file which will be sent to NACSIS should follow the format below:

Topic-ID	Dummy-field	Document-ID	Rank	Similarity-value	Run-ID