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NTCIR-5 Meeting: Open Submission Session
Evaluation of Information Access Technologies:
Information Retrieval, Question Answering and Cross-lingual Information Access
December 6-9, 2005, Tokyo, Japan

Date for the Open Submission Session: December 6, 2005

*Notice* List of Accepted Full Papers

The NTCIR-5 Workshop hosts an open submission session. Paper submissions are invited from anybody who are interested in the investigation of the information access technologies and the evaluation methodologies. Submissions from non-NTCIR task participants are welcome. Sumissions from NTCIR task participants and organizers are also welcome!

NTCIR is a series of evaluation workshops designed to enhance the research in information access technologies such as information retrieval, question answering, text summarization, text mining, etc., by providing infrastructure of evaluation and testing including large-scale reusable test collections, a forum of researchers, investigation of evaluation methodologies and metrics. The workshop is held once per one and half years, i.e. about 18-month interval. The NTCIR-5 selected five areas of research as "tasks"; cross-lingual information retrieval (CLIR), cross-language question answering (CLQA), patent retrieval, question answering, and Web for main tasks, and one pilot task on multimodal summarization for trend information (MuST).

NTCIR Workshop has started in late 1998 with emphasis on Japanese and English, then gradually enlarged the scope to East Asian languages, i.e. Chinese and Korea, and English documents published in East Asia, and has attracted international participation not only from Asia but also from North America, Europe, and Oceania.

NTCIR-5 Workshop Meeting will held from Tuesday December 6 to Friday December 9, 2005. It includes an overview of the NTCIR-5, overview of each of the five above mentioned tasks and selected full system papers from each task, digital posters (poster with demo, or ordinary poster) by every active task participant, and full and short papers in the open submission session.

As for the open submission session, the program committee especially encourages submissions that discuss (1) evaluation methodologies and metrics, and (2) any attempt to exploit the information access towards subjective / sentimental statement in the documents and its evaluation. We expect that the presentation on these topics will be good input for the discussion for the NTCIR-6 tasks and future directions. Your contribution is more than welcome!

For the submissions on evaluation methodologies and metrics, NTCIR-3 CLIR submission raw data archive is available for research purpose, and those for other tasks and other NTCIR's will be available Sept 21. If you are interested in those archives for research purpose, please contact Noriko Kando.

OCT 08, 2005 : New Submission Due
NOV 01, 2005 : Notification: Acceptance/rejection
NOV 16, 2005 : Camera-ready (to be included in both paper- and online proceedings)

OCT 15, 2005: Abstract Submission Due : Please indicate the intention to submit short papers by sending the "information sheet"
NOV 01, 2005 : Submission Due : Short papers (4 pages)
NOV 16, 2005 : Notification: Acceptance/rejection
NOV 23, 2005 : Camera-ready (online proceedings only)

DEC 06, 2005

Topics of interest include but not limited to:

  • Focused Track 1: Evaluation, test collection building, metrics
  • Focused Track 2: Information access for subjective and sentiment information
  • Information extraction
  • Information retrieval
  • Multi- or cross-lingual information access including CLIR, CL question answering, multilingual summarization,language identification
  • Multi- or transmedia information access
  • Question answering
  • Statistical and learning techniques for text processing, including language modeling
  • Text summarization

Requirements: Submissions must describe original, completed, unpublished work, and include concrete evaluation results. Submission must be an unpublished, original work which was not under consideration to be published elsewhere.

Format: The submission must be electronic PDF format and should follow the instruction of NTCIR Proceedings author's guideline: two-column and no longer than eight pages including tables/figures and references for Full papers. For late-breaking short papers and poster papers, it will be four pages in the same format. Please discard author's names and affiliations for the initial submission.

A PDF file of the paper and a text file of the separate information sheet for the paper should be sent to ntc-submit as attachment of an email.

The separate information sheet will include:

  • *Title of Work
  • *Author(s)' names, affiliations, and email addresses
  • *Contact author, contact information
  • *Number of pages:
  • *A short list of keywords
  • *Abstract (no more than 500 words)
  • *Submission Type: Full paper / Late-breaking Short paper

The submissions for the late-breaking short papers may be accepted for oral presentation or for presentation in a digital poster session. The accepted short papers and poster papers will not be included in the printed-version of the proceeding and be included in the online proceedings only.

Hsin-Hsi Chen, National Taiwan University, Taiwan ROC


The NTCIR-5 Workshop Meeting will be held at the National Center for Sciences, where the National Institute of Informatics is situated. It is in the central part of Tokyo and just across the street from the Royal Palace. The travel and hotel information is available on the Workshop Web site.