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Instructions for Digital poster

As having announced in the Call for Participation, we organize digital poster sessions, in which you can show your works not only by ordinary paper posters but also by PC-based demonstration or presentation. Participation to the sessions is mandatory. Every active task participant has to make a presentation at digital poster session irrespective of oral presentation. If you are participating more than one task, please prepare one presentation for each task.

Instructions for Digital Poster Presentations follow. Please read them carefully.
  1. Digital Poster Session
  2. Setting and Removing
  3. Spaces
  4. Presentations
  5. Boasting
  6. Others
  7. Digital Poster Session Request Form
Digital Poster Register Number
Digital Poster Session Layout of Mid-Conference Hall (2F)

contact : Mail to ntc-poster

1. Digital Poster Session
We have two sessions of the Digital Poster, both are held in Conference Room on the 2nd floor, though you can display your posters throughout the meeting. You are requested to assign a presenter to be present next to the poster during the following session time for questions and discussion.

CLQA, PATENT, WEB, OPEN: 12:20-14:50, Dec. 8

CLIR, QAC: 12:40-15:10, Dec. 9

2. Setting and Removing

You can prepare and clean up your presentation freely, as Conference Room is open throughout the meeting after the lunch time on Dec. 7. You are supposed to complete clearing up your posters by 18:00, Dec. 9.

And, please refrain from preparing/cleaning up in the following time.

16:00-20:00, Dec. 7 (Preparing for and having a banquet)
9:00-9:30, 12:20-14:50, Dec. 8 (Breakfast and Digital Poster Session 1)
9:00-9:30, 12:40-15:10, Dec. 9 (Breakfast and Digital Poster Session 2)
3. Spaces
A special poster board (width 90cm x height 140cm) with a poster number will be provided for each presentation. The number of your board will be announced by the Secretariat. Posters can be displayed on the board using pushpins only. No tape or glue can be used. Pins will be provided by the Secretariat.

4. Presentations
Demonstration with personal computers is welcomed. If you plan to make such a demonstration and/or any kind of special exhibition, please let us know the following by the form attached below.

(1) Whether you need a table (width 90cm x depth 60cm x height 70cm)
(2) The number of electrical outlets (100V/50Hz) you use and estimated total power of electricity
(3) Whether you need Internet access (through wireless LAN)
@@If you need a cable connection to the Internet for some reason, please specify it as special equipment you use.
(4) Whether you have a plan to use any special equipment, and what that is if so.
If you need to send your poster and/or other equipment to the workshop site beforehand, please let us know of it by the following form and make sure the equipment arrives during 13:00-16:00 on Dec. 6. The address you send them is
Research Center for Information Resources
National Institute of Informatics
2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-8430 Japan

5. Boasting
Anyone who will do digital poster can do a Boaster (short presentation, 1 minute for each), in which the authors can appeal their main achievements and unique aspects, then invite the audience to their digital posters. Boasters will be held on the 8th (for CLQA, PATENT, WEB, OPEN) and 9th (for CLIR, QAC) of Dec. at Hitotsubashi Memorial Hall, prior to the digital poster session for 30 minutes. It is not compulsory, but we wish many participants join it. Those who will join it should send the following form.
*Presentation material for Boasting: one sheet for the Over Head only.

6. Others
  1. If you have any requests, please contact us using the following form.
    eg.; please place our presentation next to presentation xxx, because the two
    presentations belong to the same group.
  2. Poster allocation and LAN equipment will be announced on the workshop web site later.

7. Digital Poster Session Request Form
Teams wishing to request the following items should fill in this form and send it to ntc-poster by Nov. 25 (extended).

Teams who do not submit this form will be assumed to have no special requests. Please check appropriate items in the form.

( ) We have a demonstration and/or exhibition.
We need a table (Yes / No)
Number of plugs we use is : (________)
Total electrical power is about (________)W
We need Internet Access through wireless LAN (Yes / No)
We use a special equipment (Yes / No),
that is (________________________).
Write here if you need a cable connection to the Internet.

( ) We send posters and/or other equipments in advance.
We send: (________________)
from: (________________)

( )We participate to the boasting.

( )We have a special request of board assignment, etc.

( )We have questions.

Participating Group:
Primary Investigator:
E-mail Address:
Participating Task:
Digital Poster Register Number:

*Digital Poster Register Number is found on web site.
Please check this web site and make sure which Register Number corresponds to your name of the participant group.
(Please make sure that this Register Number is for use of digital poster session only and is different from Group ID which each task participant specifies.)

Last updated: Dec. 1, 2005
Mail to: ntc-local
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