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Submission of paper for Proceedings of the 5th NTCIR Workshop Meeting

Every active participant who conducted the task(s) set by the NTCIR Workshop 5 must write and submit a paper for the Proceedings of the 5th NTCIR Workshop Meeting, regardless of attendance of the Workshop meeting. Please follow the guideline on the web: author guidelines.

Submission due: October 15. 2005.

Please submit the electronic version to the task organizers. Send the paper version to NTCIR secretariat only after the task organizers confirm the content of your electronic version.

What you submit:

(a) separate information sheet(via postal mail) using following form.
separate sheet form:
  • Title of Work:
  • Author(s):
  • Number of pages:
  • Team name:
  • Task name:
  • Your postal address and E-mail address:

Note: All participants are expected to present posters including those who are selected to present at oral session.

(b) copyright form (via postal mail) using the form we provide for the Proceedings.
(c) 3 copies of hard copy version of the paper (via postal mail). Further information is available here.
(d) PDF version of the paper and ascii text file version of the separate information sheet (via E-mail).
File name should be ``NTCIR5-task name-family name of the first author and the initial of the first name''.pdf
e.g.) NTCIR5-CLIR-KishidaK.pdf

Where to submit:

First, please submit (d) PDF version of the paper and separate ascii text file version of the separate information sheet (via E-mail) to each task organizer.

After the task organizer has confirmed your paper, please submit (a), (b) and (c) (via postal mail) to the NTCIR Project Office.

Faculty of Cultural Information Resources, Surugadai University
E-mail: clir-admin

Yutaka Sasaki
Dept. of NLP; ATR Spoken Language Communication Research Laboratories
E-mail: yutaka.sasaki

Junichi Fukumoto, Tsuneaki Kato, Fumito Masui
E-mail: qac-admin

Atsushi Fujii
Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba
E-mail: fujii

Keizo Oyama
National Institute of Informatics
E-mail: oyama

NTCIR Project Office
Research Center for Information Resources (Rm.1309)
National Institute of Informatics
2-1-2 Hitotsubashi Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8430, JAPAN
Phone: +81-3-4212-2750
FAX: +81-3-4212-2751
E-mail: ntc-proceedings

Page limit:

No longer than 8 pages for one task ("task" means either of CLIR, CLQA, PATENT, QAC, or WEB).


(1) Manuscripts of task overview will be partially available by early September. Participants will be able to refer to the task overview in order to explain the task design or basic statistics in the paper. Please avoid describing redundantly such basic information in your paper.
(2) Papers in the Proceedings will be also published on the Web in the form of PDF files.

If you plan to use LaTeX for compiling the manuscript, please get the style file named latex8.sty for that. If you use 'latex8.sty', please adjust the margin settings, the same as the sample tex source file.

Click on the file names below:

Contact: ntc-proceedings