001 CH EN Time Warner, American Online (AOL), Merger, Impact Find reports about the impact of AOL/Time Warner merger. Time Warner and American Online (AOL) announced a merger on January 10th, 2000. The market value was estimated at $US350 billion making it the biggest merger in the US. Comments on AOL/Time Warner merger's effects on Internet and entertainment media businesses are relevant. Descriptions of the development of the AOL/Time Warner merger are partially relevant. Information about the total amount and the transformation of ownership structure are irrelevant. Time Warner, American Online, AOL, Gerald Levin, merger, M&A, Merger and Acquisition, media, entertainment business 002 CH EN President of Peru, Alberto Fujimori, scandal, bribe Find reports about Peru President Fujimori's bribery scandal in the 2000 election and his exile abroad after he was impeached by the Congress of Peru. After President Fujimori won the 2000 election, riots began everywhere in Peru. The US government declared the election result to be invalid. Peru's media aired a tape showing Fujimori's staff trying to bribe the opposition party. Fujimori offered a written resignation to the Congress but they impeached him for moral decadence. Reports on how Fujimori tried to manipulate the election or bribe the opposition party are relevant. Reports on responses and opinions of foreign governments such as US and Japan are partially relevant. Reports on the situation in Peru without mention of the presidential election in 2000 are irrelevant. President of Peru, Alberto Fujimori, bribe, freedom of the press, Japan, United States, US, extradite, impeach 003 CH EN Kim Dae Jun, Kim Jong Il, Inter-Korea Summit Find reports on the Inter-Korea Summit between South Korean President Kim Dae Jun and North Korean leader Kim Jong Il in Pyongyang. South Korean President Kim Dae Jun and North Korean leader Kim Jong Il held a summit in Pyongyang on June 13th, 2000. On the 14th, they signed a joint declaration on unification and reached an agreement on solving humanitarian issues such as repatriation of political refugees, reunifying separated North and South Korean families and providing funds from South Korea to North Korea to help the economy. Reports on the concrete agreements made at the Inter-Korea summit about solving humanitarian issues, helping the economy of North Korea or speeding up the unification of North and South Korea are relevant. Reports about the opinions of other countries and their politicians are partially relevant. Reports mentioning only the problems between North Korea and South Korea but not the implications and effects of this summit are irrelevant. Kim Dae Jun, Kim Jong Il, Sunshine policy, Summit between North and South Korea, Inter-Korea Summit, Pyongyang 004 CH EN the US Secretary of Defense, William Sebastian Cohen, Beijing Find reports about the US Secretary of Defense, William S. Cohen, visit to Beijing in June, 2000. The US Secretary of Defense, William S. Cohen, visited Beijing in June, 2000. Cohen's mission was to carry out a strategic dialogue with Beijing about his country's development of National Missile Defense (NMD) and Theater Missile Defense (TMD) systems and express concerns about the cross-strait relationship. This visit symbolized the normalization of US-China relations after the accidental May 1999 bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. It also reflected the gradual normalization and increased transparency in the US and Chinese military. Reports about the visit of US Secretary of Defense, William S. Cohen, and details on the meetings with Chinese leaders are relevant. Analysis or discussions about the political, military and diplomatic implications of Cohen's visit are partially relevant. Reports only on Cohen's itinerary are irrelevant. Reports on Cohen's opinions about the cross-strait relationship outside of this visit are also irrelevant. the US Secretary of Defense, William S. Cohen, visiting Beijing, Theater Missile Defense (TMD), National Missile Defense (NMD), cross-strait relationship, Taiwan problem, US-China relationship, military transparency, the 1999 bombing of Chinese embassy in Belgrade, Yugoslavia 005 CH EN G8 Okinawa Summit Find reports on the G8 Okinawa Summit 2000. The G8 Okinawa Summit was held in Nago City, Okinawa, and China was not invited. The participating countries planned to announce a statement about regional peace issues, and to publish a cooperative declaration that would focus on what the WTO should pay attention to like balance and tolerance toward developing countries. The G8 would also discuss the application and supervision of official development assistance (ODA) to developing countries. Discussions or analyses about the impact of the 2000 G8 Summit on global political and economic situations are relevant. Descriptions of the declarations or discussions about regional peace, WTO, ODA in the 2000 G8 Summit period are also relevant. Reports on other issues related to the 2000 G8 summit are also partially relevant. Reports only on the process of the 2000 G8 Summit or the arrangement of participants' journeys without discussing any content issue are irrelevant. The Group of Eight, G8 Summit, Official development assistance, ODA, Okinawa Summit, Regional peace issues, World Trade Organization, WTO 006 CH EN Wen Ho Lee Case, classified information, national security Find reports on the Chinese-American scientist, Wen Ho Lee who was suspected of stealing classified information about nuclear weapons from the US's Los Alamos National Laboratory. The Chinese-American scientist, Wen Ho Lee, was accused of stealing classified information about US nuclear weapons. On September 13th, 2000 he plea bargained with federal prosecutors by pleading guilty to one felony count of downloading classified files about nuclear weapons. In exchange, federal prosecutors agreed to drop the remaining 58 counts. The judge then sentenced Lee to 278 days. On the 24th, the Albuquerque federal court, New Mexico agreed to release him on $1 million bail. Reports on the story and investigation of the Wen Ho Lee case are relevant. Discussions about the issues following the Wen Ho Lee Case such as racial discrimination, national security and so on are partially relevant. Descriptions of the support of Wen Ho Lee are irrelevant. Wen Ho Lee, Wen Ho Lee Case, Cox Report, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Nuclear warhead, Mishandling nuclear secrets, National security, Racial discrimination, Amnesty International 007 CH EN Ichiro, Rookie of the Year, Major League Find reports on Ichiro's first year in the Major League after his move from a Japanese league . The Japanese professional baseball star, Ichiro had a distinguished record after he transferred to Seattle Mariners MLB. He won many titles and awards such as Ranks 1st in the Batting average Title, and the Rookie of the Year award.. Report on Ichiro's records and awards in MLB are relevant. Descriptions of others' reflections and reactions to the above are partially relevant. Reports only on the Mariners' routine and playoff games are irrelevant. Ichiro Suzuki, Ranks 1st in Batting average, Rookie of the Year, Most Valuable Player, MVP, Gold Glove, the People's Honor Award, Fantasy Comparison, Ranks 1st in Stolen bases, Seattle Mariners, Orix Blue Wave 008 CH EN Jennifer Capriati, tennis Find reports on American female tennis player, Jennifer Capriati, who won some major games after a comeback and was once ranked the world's number one by the WTA. The female tennis player, Jennifer Capriati, was the youngest star but left the tour due to personal problems. She made a comeback in 2001 and won the Australian Open and the French Open. As a result, she took the WTA's top spot in the ranking from Martina Hingis. Reports on Capriati's wins and record in any of four major tournaments; the Wimbledon, French Open, Australian Open and US Open, are relevant. Others' opinions or reactions to the above are partially relevant. Reports on Capriati's tennis career including personal reviews or special reports about the comeback are also partially relevant. Those only mentioning the competition details in which Capriati participated are irrelevant. Jennifer Capriati, Australian Open, French Open, Women's Tennis Association, world number one 009 CH EN EP-3 surveillance aircraft, F-8 fighter, aircraft collision Find reports on the midair collision of a US EP-3 surveillance aircraft and a Chinese F-8 fighter near Hainan Island. A U.S. Navy EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft on a routine reconnaissance and surveillance mission near Hainan Island was intercepted and collided with a F-8 fighter jet aircraft of the People's Republic of China. The collision caused damage that resulted in an emergency landing of the EP-3 at the nearest airfield on Hainan Island and a drop into the sea of the F-8 fighter. After the accident, China asked the US to apologize and the US asked China to return the reconnaissance aircraft and the crew. This caused a stalemate in the US-China relationship for a while. Mention of the explanations for the collision of two military aircrafts such as the statements from the crew are relevant. Reports on the reflections or reactions around the world about the accident and the reactions from both sides are partially relevant. Mentions of only the function or the crew of EP-3 reconnaissance aircraft or F-8 fighter are irrelevant. EP-3 surveillance aircraft, reconnaissance aircraft, F-8 fighter, collision, military aircraft, Colin Powell, Jiang Zemin, President Bush 010 CH EN History Textbook Controversies, World War II Find reports on the controversial history textbook about the Second World War approved by the Japanese Ministry of Education. The Japanese Ministry of Education approved a controversial high school history textbook that allegedly glosses over Japan's atrocities during World War Two such as the Nanjing Massacre, the use of millions of Asia women as "comfort women" and the history of the annexations and colonization before the war. It was condemned by other Asian nations and Japan was asked to revise this textbook. Reports on the fact that the Japanese Ministry of Education approved the history textbook or its content are relevant. Reports on reflections or reactions to this issue around the world are partially relevant. Content on victims, "comfort women", or Nanjing Massacre or other wars and colonization are irrelevant. Reports on the reflections and reactions of the Japanese government and people are also irrelevant. Ministry of Education, Japan, Junichiro Koizumi, textbook, comfort women, sexual slavery, Nanjing Massacre, annexation, colonization, protest, right-wing group, Lee Den Hui 011 CH EN Tobacco business, accusation, compensation Find reports related to accusations against Tobacco business and compensation awarded by the courts. The U.S. tobacco giant, Philip Morris, has been ordered to pay compensation of $US 3 billion to a 56-year-old cancer patient. This was the largest compensation awarded to a single person in a tobacco related case. Other countries have had similar cases. - Reports on the content and accusations against the tobacco business and the amount of the judgments against the tobacco business are relevant. Reports on the ill effects of tobacco are partially relevant. Reports on the tobacco business related to stock price performance and the like are irrelevant. Tobacco, Tobacco business, Compensation, Tobacco ill effects 012 KR EN Tiger Woods, sports star Find documents about sports media or related enterprises recognizing Tiger Woods as a sports star. During his four full years on the PGA Tour, Tiger Woods (25) was voted athlete of the year for the 3rd time. Sportsmen's changing views of golf was the reason he won their votes. Documents about sports magazines or enterprises recognizing Tiger Woods as a sports star based on his record, skills or contribution to marketing are relevant. Documents about Tiger Woods' daily life or celebrity news outside of golf are irrelevant. Tiger Woods, golf, golf genius, PGA 013 CH EN "Chiutou" (Autumn Struggle), Appeal, Laborer, Protest, Taiwan Find articles containing Taiwan laborers' appeal in the "Chiutou" (Autumn Struggle) protest and the laborer policies proposed by Government in 1998 The "Chiutou" (Autumn Struggle) protest of Taiwan laborers is held every November 12th. I would like to know the appeals the laborers proposed to the Council of Labor Affairs in Executive Yuan in 1998 and what laborer policy points the Council of Labor Affairs promised at that time. The appeals of laborers are relevant. Feedback of the Council of Labor Affairs for appeals of the laborer policy points is relevant as well. The process of the protest is not relevant. Laborer, protest, Council of Labor Affairs, Appeal, Laborer Policy 014 KR EN Expert, Opinion, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Asian countries Find expert critical opinion on the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) policy on Asian countries The International Monetary Fund (IMF) presented many measures to deal with the economic crisis related to foreign exchange in Asian countries and Russia, and there are various opinions on these measures. Expert critical opinion and criticism on the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) countermeasures on Asian countries is relevant. Self-criticism by the IMF itself is also relevant. Critical opinions of government officials of the countries directly involved are partially relevant. Articles that simply describe the IMF's policy or negotiation between the IMF and the involved country are irrelevant. International Monetary Fund, IMF, foreign exchange crisis, economic crisis, Asia, influence 015 KR EN Teenager, Social Problem Find articles dealing with a teenage social problem As materialism appears in many aspects of society, many incidents related to young teenagers are becoming a major social problem. Articles dealing with specific incidents or social problems related to teenagers (age 11 to 19) that show a summary or background story of an incident (problem) and information on the teenagers are relevant. Articles only addressing general criticisms on youth problems are irrelevant. Incidents or social problems where teenagers are mentioned but are not the main issue are partially relevant. teenager social problem, youth problem, youth, teenager, human traffic, runaway, robbery, suicide, sexual abuse 016 KR EN Divorce, Family Discord, Criticisms Find articles describing criticisms on family discord such as divorce, separation, etc. As a consequence of the society's tendency to form nuclear families and maximize the individual's freedom, divorces and separations are increasing heavily. Articles related to divorces and separation describing divorce (separation) statistics, reasons of divorce (separation), social problems such as child problems of divorced (separated) families, etc are relevant. Articles only recording someone's divorce, separation or remarriage are not relevant. divorce, separation, divorce statistics, divorce reason, child problem, family discord, beating, adultery 017 KR EN China, Reaction, Taiwan, Diplomatic Relations Find articles that show China's reaction to Taiwan's establishment of diplomatic relations with foreign countries Taiwan is making efforts to establish relations with foreign countries such as North Korea, Macedonia, etc. as well as expanding existing relations. China is showing negative reactions. Articles recording China's reaction to Taiwan's attempt to establish and strengthen diplomatic relations with foreign countries are relevant. Articles that interpret China's actions in international conferences or international organizations that are related to Taiwan's attempt to strengthen diplomatic relations are also relevant. Taiwan, Macedonia, amity, China, reaction, retaliation 018 KR EN China, Stationing, Weapons, Taiwan Find articles showing China's military actions against Taiwan such as deployment of missiles, etc. In order to keep alert against Taiwan, China is taking military actions against Taiwan such as deployment of missiles, etc. Articles showing China's military actions against Taiwan such as deployment of missiles near Taiwan and developing new arms are relevant. Articles containing Taiwanese government speeches, reaction, etc. that suggest the fact that China is taking military actions, even if the articles do not show it directly, are relevant. China's usual military drills and relocations that are not military actions against Taiwan are irrelevant. China, Taiwan, arms disposition, military disposition, missile disposition 019 KR EN Animal Cloning Technique Find articles introducing different countries' animal cloning techniques. The birth of Dolly, the cloned sheep, at the Roslin research institute of England on July 5, 1996 is evaluated as the opening of a new world in genetics. Dolly was created through a method totally different from the existing one, which created identical twins by splitting the fertilized egg. The new method involved the removing of a somatic cell of a six year old ewe and transplanting a nucleus. Consequently, animal cloning using the same method is happening in many countries Articles about the present state of animal cloning techniques of different countries that include cloning techniques, cloned animals and research institutes or researchers are relevant. Articles containing contents of embryo experiments related to human cloning or criticism of human cloning are partially relevant. Articles introducing books related to animal cloning are irrelevant. Contents on illegally copying software are irrelevant. animal cloning, human cloning, cloning technique, DNA, gene, cloned sheep, Dolly, genetics, bioengineering 020 JA EN Sexual Harassment, Lawsuits Find articles referring to incidents involving sexual harassment lawsuits. Sexual harassment lawsuits occur frequently ever since suspicions were raised about President Clinton and a former trainee. In Japan as well, an incident in which Knock Yokoyama, former governor of Osaka sexually harassed a campaign worker became an issue and resulted in Mr. Yokoyama paying a fine of 10 million yen. Articles pertaining to incidents resulting in trials for sexual harassment are relevant. Articles commenting on sexual harassment trials are partially relevant. Articles solely concerned with sexual harassment are irrelevant. Sexual Harassment, Academic Harassment, Lawsuit, Trial, President Clinton, Monica Lewinski, Knock Yokoyama 021 JA EN Olympic, Bribe, Suspicion Find articles pertaining to suspicions about bribes by IOC members involved in the selection of Olympic venues Suspicions surfaced about members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) accepting bribes in relation to the selection of venues for the Nagano and Salt Lake City Winter Olympics, and President Samaranch established a committee to investigate the situation. Articles pertaining to suspicions about monetary payments made in relation to the selection of Olympic venues are relevant. Articles that don't contain detailed information on the content of specific suspicions are partially relevant. Articles on suspicions of corruption involving non-IOC members involved in selecting Olympic delegates are irrelevant. Olympic, Five-Ring, International Olympic Committee (IOC), IOC Member, President Samaranch, Summon, Bribe, Purchase, Suspicion 022 JA EN North Korea, Daepodong, Asia, Response Find articles on Asian nations' responses to North Korea's launching of a Daepodong missile. In August 1998, North Korea launched a Daepodong 1 missile over Japan. The warhead landed off Sanriku, giving Japan a big shock. Although North Korea had given indications of the launch beforehand, the Japanese Government hadn't taken measures to deter it, and the announcement came after the event. Articles on Asian nations' responses and reactions the North Korea's launch of the Daepodong missile are relevant. Articles on North Korean announcements, or comments made by unrelated countries on the impact of this incident are partially relevant. Articles that simply mention the relationship between North Korea and the United States or the Daepodong incident are irrelevant. The Daepodong is an intermediate-range ballistic missile under development in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea). It is said to have a range of 1700-2200 kilometers. Its name derives from name of the place (Daepodong) from which the American reconnaissance satellite first photographed it. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), Taepodong, Ballistic Missile, Off Sanriku, Punitive Measures, Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi, Kim Jong-il, Kim, Jong-il, Daepodong 023 CH EN Joining WTO Find possible problems that industries will meet after Taiwan's joining WTO. It has taken Taiwan 10 years to get in to WTO. The Council For Economic Planning and Development, Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research and Taiwan Institution for Economic Research evaluated the beneficial result of joining WTO. Related contents are supposed to include the evaluation contents, the advantages and disadvantages and the effects on agriculture, industry and business. If the documents only describe the opinions, comments, and attitudes of the America and other countries, or the political and diplomatic issues, they will be regarded irrelevant. Taiwan, WTO, agriculture, industry, benefits, economy, World Trade Organization 024 CH EN China Airlines Crash Retrieve reports about China Airlines' crash while trying to land at Taoyan international airport. CI676 China Airlines crash on February 16th in 1998 is the most serious plane crash in Taiwan history. It even draws international attention. Related contents are supposed to include the death toll, accidents causes, who should take responsibility, the compensation from China Airlines. Take the accident in principal and ignore the introduction of victims. China Airlines, plane crash, black box, compensate, body count, death toll, jet crash 025 CH EN Province-refining Find the content of Province-refining enactment and Mr. James Soong's attitudes after the Province-refining Taiwan Province and Taiwan province assembly have become history since December 20th, 1998. The temporary province function and organization regulation start applying on December 21st. Related contents include province-refining regulation and on what it is based, which regulations stop applying, which ones start applying, the purpose of province-refining, James Soong's reflections, attitudes and other related comments. Effects on individual because of province-refining will be regarded as irrelevant. Province-refining, James Soong, Taiwan Province, chairman of Taiwan Province, Province assembly, budget 027 JA EN President Kim Dae-Jung's policy toward Asia Articles relating to President Kim Dae-Jung's policy toward Asia On February 25, 1998, in South Korea, Mr. Kim Dae-Jung, elected by presidential election at the end of 1997, was inaugurated as President, and the Kim Dae-Jung Administration was formally inaugurated. While President Kim regarded the new government as "the national government", he appealed against people concentrating on overcoming a serious economic crisis. He started structural adjustments, such as plutocracy reform. If an article describes President Kim Dae-Jung's policy toward Asia, it is relevant. If an article does not describe his policy towards Asia, but his posture towards a foreign country, or a plan, it is partially relevant. Kim Dae-Jung, the President, the national government, policy toward Asia, economic crisis, economic reform, China, Taiwan, Japan 028 EN EN Clinton scandals What was the reaction in Asia to the Clinton scandals? Documents should present either specific opinions expressed in Asia about the Clinton scandal or discuss possible effects of the scandal and subsequent Congressional hearing on Asia. Not relevant are documents that just report information about these events. the President of the USA, Bill Clinton, sex scandal, Asia, opinion 029 EN EN War crimes lawsuits Provide information on lawsuits in Japan arising from war crimes committed by Japan during World War II. Documents should describe the progress or outcome of a specific civil lawsuit arising from war crimes committed by Japan during World War II. This can include new lawsuits, verdicts, or public comments on a trial. Information on war crimes tribunals is not relevant. World War II, civil lawsuit, war crime by Japan, verdict 030 EN EN Nuclear power protests Give information regarding protests against nuclear power. Documents should describe specific negative public reaction to nuclear power issues, such as a petition, protest or demonstration. Nuclear power issues include generating power, building nuclear plants, and import/export of waste products. Articles regarding nuclear weapons development or testing are not relevant. nuclear power, protest against nuclear power, nuclear plant, waste product 031 KR EN College Admission Policy Relevant documents should describe college admission policies (systems) and opinions of parents, students and teachers. The college admission policy is of great interest to the students who want to enter a college and to their parents. Relevant documents include an overall description of the policy or system that the government or a university has set up for college entrance, or discussions about specific issues on the policy or system, which include opinions of the stakeholders such as parents, students, or advisors from high schools or private institutions. Documents with opinions from the society as a whole alone, not from a specific stakeholder, are not relevant. college admission policies, college admissions system, parents, high school students, teachers 032 KR EN Counseling for Youths What are documents including the names of institutions for counseling youths' anguish and the guides for getting the counseling services? Relevant documents describe the names of counseling institutions for youths, details of youths' anguish, and methods by which a youth can receive counseling services, including telephone numbers, maps, and office hours. Expressions about youths' anguish can be general in relevant documents. If a document provides a detailed guide about how to access the institution without its name or has the name for the institution without a specific access point, it is partially relevant. A document without any method for accessing the institution is irrelevant. youth, new generation, counseling organization, counselor, life line, school violence