NTCIR Project
(Advanced Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval and Question Answering)
Research Purpose Use of Test Collection


NTCIR-8 ACLIA (Advanced Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval and Question Answering)

NTCIR-8 ACLIA test collection can be used for experiments of Complex Question Answering and Information Retrieval between Chinese (Simplified (CS), Traditional (CT)), Japanese (JA), English (EN) such as

*"X-Y subtask" means to accept a question in language X and retrieve/extract answer in language Y.

The documents are full-text of news articles in CJ languages (except for English), which were published in Asian areas from 2002 to 2005 in formal run. This test collection includes 100 Japanese topics (for JA-JA), 100 Simplified Chinese topics (for CS-CS) , 100 Traditional Chinese topics (for CT-CT), 300 English topics (100 for EN-JA, 100 for EN-CS and 100 for EN-CT), weighted answer nuggets, and answer-bearing document ID. In the IR4QA task, we shared the same topic set with CCLQA. The test collection also includes relevance judgement information for IR4QA evaluation.
Collection Document Data Task Data
Genre Name Language Year Volume Question Relevance judgment
Language #

News articles

Xinhua (B)

Simplified Chinese


308,845 CJE 100* for each language pair Binary pyramid nugget matching (QA); Three-level relevance judgment (IR)

Traditional Chinese


Mainichi (B) Japanese 2002-2005 377,941

Xinhua (B) --For the non-participants, LDC2007T38: Chinese Gigaword Third Edition including Xinhua News Articles file is available from Linguistic Data Consortium (LDC). The format of the document records shall be converted with this perl script.
UDN (A) NII delivers to non-participants for research purpose use.
Mainichi (B) --For the non-participants, Mainichi Newspaper Japanese Article Data Full-Text Article Database CD-ROMs are available for research purpose use from Nichigai Associates and Mainichi Shinbum (currently information is available in Japanese only) and the document records in the CD-ROMs shall be converted into the NTCIR standard document format by the script mai2ntc-r-utf.pl.
To obtain script mai2ntc-r-utf.pl:
README 【mai2ntc-r-utf.pl】:

*Removed a few IR4QA topics from the formal run such that a very small number of relevant document has been returned. Find more detail in the overview paper.

The documents sets included in the NTCIR-8 ACLIA test collection are as follows.

A.1 Chinese Data Set (Simplified)

A.2 Chinese Data Set (Traditional)

A.3 Japanese Data Set


Tags are based on the TREC format.

Mandatory tags



The tag for each document



Document identifier



Language code: CS, CT, EN, JA



Title of this news article



Issue date



Text of news article

Optional tags



Paragraph marker



Section identifier in original newspapers



Contain figures or not



Number of words in 2 bytes


Question Format

Example Question


    <CORPUS>Mainichi Newspaper (2002-2005)</CORPUS>
    <QUESTION LANG="EN"><![CDATA[What is Fatah?]]></QUESTION>
    <QUESTION LANG="JA"><![CDATA[ファタハとはどんな組織ですか?]]></QUESTION>
    <NARRATIVE LANG="EN"><![CDATA[The analyst is especially interested in major characteristics of the organization called Fatah.]]></NARRATIVE>
    <NARRATIVE LANG="JA"><![CDATA[ファタハの一般的な情報と活動内容についての回答を求めています。]]></NARRATIVE>

For more details about the question format, visit this page.

Gold Standard

Example Gold Standard

    <DESCRIPTION>NTCIR-8 ACLIA Training questions and answers</DESCRIPTION>
    <CORPUS>Mainichi Newspaper (2002-2005)</CORPUS>
  <TOPIC ID="ACLIA2-JA-T1" TITLE="ファタハ">
    <QUESTION LANG="EN"><![CDATA[What is Fatah?]]></QUESTION>
    <QUESTION LANG="JA"><![CDATA[ファタハとはどんな組織ですか?]]></QUESTION>
    <NARRATIVE LANG="EN"><![CDATA[The analyst is especially interested in major characteristics of the organization called Fatah.]]></NARRATIVE>
    <NARRATIVE LANG="JA"><![CDATA[ファタハの一般的な情報と活動内容についての回答を求めています。]]></NARRATIVE>
      <TEXT ID="1" DOCNO="JA-010101032"><![CDATA[パレスチナ解放機構(PLO)の主流派ファタハ]]></TEXT>
      <TEXT ID="2" DOCNO="JA-011218020"><![CDATA[ファタハが反イスラエル抵抗闘争の主体となっている]]></TEXT>
      <TEXT ID="3" DOCNO="JA-211221040"><![CDATA[アラファト議長の最大支持基盤であるファタハは13日、]]></TEXT>
      <NUGGET ID="1" VITAL="10" NONVITAL="0" SCORE="1.0"><![CDATA[パレスチナ解放機構(PLO)主流派]]></NUGGET>
      <NUGGET ID="2" VITAL="3" NONVITAL="7" SCORE="0.3"><![CDATA[反イスラエル抵抗闘争の主体となっている]]></NUGGET>
      <NUGGET ID="3" VITAL="9" NONVITAL="1" SCORE="0.9"><![CDATA[アラファト議長の最大支持基盤]]></NUGGET>

For more details about the question format, visit this page.


The following is the procedure to obtain the test collection. The test collection and data are available from NII free of charge.

Task data ( without document data )

Document data

Please read "The terms of use" carefully before you apply data.
Documents to submit



NTCIR Project (Rm.1309)
National Institute of Informatics
2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
102-8430, JAPAN
PHONE: +81-3-4212-2750
FAX: +81-3-4212-2751
Email: ntc-secretariat


The test collection was constructed and used for the NTCIR project. It is usable only for research purposes.
The document collection included in the test collection was made available to NII for use in the NTCIR project free of charge or for a fee. The providers of the document data understand the importance of such test collections in research on information access technologies and have kindly given their permission to use the data for research purposes. Please remember that the document data in the NTCIR test collection is copyrighted and has commercial value as data. To maintain a good relationship with the data producers/provider, we researchers must be reliable partners and use the data only for research purposes under the user agreement, and we must use the data carefully so as not to violate copyright.