(November 28, 2001)

Memorandum on Permission to Use NTCIR-3 Web Task Test Collection

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All of participants of Web Retrieval Task are required to print two copies of 'Memorandum on Permission to Use NTCIR-3 Web Task Test Collection' --please print on both sides of a paper--, complete, sign, and send them by postal mail to the address below so that they will be delivered to us by December 7 2001.

ATTN: NTCIR Web Retrieval Task Executives Committee,
c/o Research Center for Information Resources
National Institute of Informatics
2-1-2 Hitotsubashi Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8430, JAPAN
Phone: +81-3-4212-2750 | FAX: +81-3-3556-1916
If you cannot submit them by the due date for a compelling reason, please let us know in advance.

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