NTCIR-11 MobileClick Evaluation Results

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For details, please refer to the MobileClick website and the Overview of the NTCIR-11 MobileClick Task in the NTCIR Online Proceedings.


This file contains test queries for English or Japanese MobileClick task. Each line is of the following format:



MC-E-0001 \t marlon brando acting style


This file contains a list of iUnits for each query. Each line consists of a query ID, an iUnit for the query, and a knowledge source of the iUnit. The format is:


iUnit Retrieval Results

This file contains scores of evaluation metrics for each query. Each line is of the following format:


where <Score> is either nDCG@k or Q@k (see our overview paper).

iUnit Summarization Results

This file contains M-measure for each query. Each line is of the following format:


where \t is a TAB, and <M> is a M-measure score (see our overview paper).

L in the filename is a patience parameter used in M-measure, which we set to 280, 560, and 840.

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