NTCIR-13 Actionable Knowledge Graph (AKG) task is composed of two subtasks: Action Mining (AM) and Actionable Knowledge Graph Generation (AKGG). The active groups for this task are as follows(Task Name/Group name/Affiliation): AKG/TUA1/Tokushima University AKG/CUIS/The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur AKG/TLAB/National Institute of Informatics In particuar, the Group name is used to identify the results. The folder AKGG includes the evaluation results of the group: CUIS The folder AM includes the evaluation results of the group: TLAB, TUA1 and Organizer In particular, 'eval_verb' means the evaluation based on only verbs (depth of the pool was 20), namely using verbs from the submitted actions were judged as for their relevance irrespectively of their modifiers. 'eval_verb_object' means the evaluation based on the full actions (verbs+modifiers) such that only the actions judged as the most relevant in the first assessment (L3 score, described later) were considered. Again, the selected results were pooled with the cut-off value equal to 20. For detailed information, please refer to the task overview paper.