As of 2006. 3.23
[Outline of current research]
Information Theoretic Approach to Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing
Cluster-based Indexing and Text Mining
Graph-based Methods for Automatic Generation of Linguistic Resources
Identification of Textual Information using Suffix Tree Structure
Soft-Computing Approach to Information Retrieval
1985 BE (Electrical Engineering), University of Tokyo, Japan
1987 ME (Electronics), University of Tokyo, Japan
1990 Doctor of Engineering, University of Tokyo, Japan
1990 Research Associate at National Center for Science Information Systems
1990-1992 Visiting Researcher at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1995 Associate Professor at National Center for Science Information Systems
2000 Associate Professor at National Institute of Informatics
2002 Associate Professor at Graduate University for Advanced Studies
2003 Professor at National Institute of Informatics
2003 Professor at Graduate University for Advanced Studies
2000 Best Paper Award for JSAI Annual Conference
2001 Best Paper Award for IPSJ Journals
2002 Best Paper Award for JSAI Annual Conference
[Teaching positions]
2002.4 - Department of Informatics, School of Mathematical and Physical Science, Graduate University for Advanced Studies
Text Processing (Graduate University for Advanced Studies)
[Most important publications (Top 10)]
- Akiko Aizawa: An Information-Theoretic Perspective of Tf-idf Measuress, Information Processing & Management, Vol.39, No.1, 45-65 (2003).
- Akiko Aizawa: Fitness Landscape Characterization by Variance of Decompositions, in “Foundations of Genetic Algorithms・4,” edited by Belew,R.K. and Vose,M.D., pp.225-245, Morgan Kaufman, 463p. ISBN 1-55860-460-x (1997.9).
- Akiko Aizawa: The Feature Quantity: An Information Theoretic Perspective of Tfidf-like Measures, Proceedings of the 23th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2000), pp.104-111 (2000).
- Akiko Aizawa: On the Quantitative Representation of Term Specificity Based on Terms and Documents Co-occurrences, Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol.41, No.12, pp.3332-3343 (2000). (in Japanese)
- Akiko Aizawa: Analysis of Source Identified Text Corpora: Exploring the Statistics of the Reused Text and Authorship, Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-03), 383-390 (2003).
- Akiko Aizawa: A Method of Cluster-Based Indexing of Textual Data, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2002) , 1-7 (2002).
- Akiko Aizawa and Kyo Kageura: An Approach to the Automatic Generation of Multilingual Keyword Clusters, Proceedings of the First Workshop on Computational Terminology (COMPTERM'98), pp.8-14 (1998).
- Akiko Aizawa and Kyo Kageura: An Approach to the Automatic Generation of Multilingual Keyword Clusters, in “Recent Advances in Computational Terminology,” edited by Bouligault, D., Jacquemin, C. and l'Homme, M-C., John Benjamins, pp.1-27 (2001.5).
- Akiko N.Aizawa and Benjamin W.Wah: Scheduling of Genetic Algorithms in a Noisy Environment, Evolutionary Computation, Vol.2, No.2, pp.97-122 (1994).
- Akiko N.Aizawa and Benjamin W.Wah: A Sequential Sampling Procedure for Genetic Algorithms, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol.27, No.9/10, pp.77-82 (1994).
[Most important activities (Top 10)]
[Refereed publications, published books]
- Akiko Nakahara, Hitoshi Aida, Tadao Saito: A Method for Constructing FSM Model from Event-Sequence Based FDT, Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Vol.J72-BI, No.12, pp.1165-1172 (1989). (in Japanese)
- Akiko Nakahara: Study on Formal Description of Communication Protocol for the Implementation and Performance Evaluation Communication Networks, Post Doctorial Dissertation, University of Tokyo (1989.12). (in Japanese)
- Akiko Nakahara, Hitoshi Aida, Tadao Saito: An Evaluation of Test Sequence Generation Methods for Communication Protocols, Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, No.11, pp.853-863 (1990). (in Japanese)
- E.Katsura, A.Takasu, S.Hara and A.N.Aizawa: An Approach to Electronic Contents Services Based on a Multimedia Document System, Proceedings of 14th International Online Information Meeting (1990).
- Akiko Nakahara, Hitoshi Aida, Tadao Saito: A Performance Evaluation Method of Communication Networks Based on FSM Specifications of Protocols, Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Vol.J74-DI, No.7, pp.418-428 (1991). (in Japanese)
- A.Ieumwananonthachai, A.N.Aizawa, S.R.Schwartz B.W.Wah and J.C.Yan: Intelligent Mapping of Communicating Processes in Distributed Computing Systems, Proceedings of Supercomputing 91, pp.512-521 (1991).
- Akiko Nakahara, Hitoshi Aida and Tadao Saito: An Evaluation of Test Sequence Generation Methods for communication Protocols, Electronics and Communications in JAPAN, Vol.74, No.11, pp.1-16 (1992). (translation of the above)
- E. Katsura, A. Takasu, S. Hara, and A.N.Aizawa: Design Considerations for Capturing an Electronic Library, Information Services and Use, Vol.12, pp.9-112 (1992).
- A.Ieumwananonthachai, A.N.Aizawa, S.R.Schwartz B.W.Wah and J.C.Yan: Intelligent Process Mapping through Systematic Improvement of Heuristics, Journal of Parallel and distributed computing, Vol.15, pp.118-142 (1992).
- Akiko Nakahara, Hitoshi Aida and Tadao Saito: Performance Evaluation of Communication Networks Based on FSM Specifications of Protocols, Systems and Computers in JAPAN, Vol.23, No.13, pp.1-14 (1993). (translation of the above)
- Akiko N.Aizawa and Benjamin W.Wah: Dynamic Control of Genetic Algorithms in a Noisy Environment, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, pp.48-55 (1993).
- Akiko N.Aizawa and Benjamin W.Wah: A Sequential Sampling Procedure for Genetic Algorithms, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol.27, No.9/10, pp.77-82 (1994).
- Akiko N.Aizawa: Evolving SSE: A Stochastic Schemata Exploiter, Proceedings of the First IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation, pp.525-529 (1994).
- Akiko N.Aizawa and Benjamin W.Wah: Scheduling of Genetic Algorithms in a Noisy Environment, Evolutionary Computation, Vol.2, No.2, pp.97-122 (1994).
- B.W.Wah, A.Ieumwananonthachai, L.C.Chu and A.N.Aizawa: Genetics-Based Learning of New Heuristics: Rational Scheduling of Experiments and Generalization, IEEE transaction on Knowledge and data engineering, Vol.7, No.5, pp.763-785 (1995).
- Akiko Aizawa: Evolving SSE: A New Population-Oriented Search Scheme Based on Schemata Processing, Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Vol.J78-DII, No.1, pp.94-104 (1995). (in Japanese)
- Akiko Aizawa: Schemata Exploiting Genetic Search, in “Genetic Algorithms, 2” edited by Kitano Hiroaki, Chapter 1, pp.3-33, Sangyo-Tosho,335p. ISBN 4-7828-5141-3 (1995.5) (in Japanese)
- Akiko N. Aizawa: Evolving SSE: A New Population-Oriented Search Scheme Based on Schemata Processing, Systems and Computers in Japan, Vol.27, No.2, pp.41-52 (1996). (translation of the above)
- Akiko Aizawa: Fitness Landscape Characterization by Variance of Decompositions, Proceedings of The Fourth Foundations of Genetic Algorithms Workshop, pp.390-400 (1996).
- Akiko Aizawa: Genetic Algorithm as a Combination of Probabilistic Solution-Space Decomposition and Randomized Search, Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Vol.J80-DII, No.11, pp.3029-3038 (1997). (in Japanese)
- Akiko Aizawa: Fitness Landscape Characterization by Variance of Decompositions, in “Foundations of Genetic Algorithms・4,” edited by Belew,R.K. and Vose,M.D., pp.225-245, Morgan Kaufman, 463p. ISBN 1-55860-460-x (1997.9).
- Akiko Aizawa: Genetic Algorithms as a Combination of Probabilistic Solution-Space Decomposition and Randomized Search System and Computers in Japan, Vol.29, No.5, pp.1-10 (1998). (translation of the above)
- Akiko Aizawa: Analysis of Internet Domains by Extracting Information from HTTP Logfiles, Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Vol.J81-DI, No.11, pp.1201-1210 (1998). (in Japanese)
- Akiko Aizawa and Kyo Kageura: An Approach to the Automatic Generation of Multilingual Keyword Clusters, Proceedings of the First Workshop on Computational Terminology (COMPTERM'98), pp.8-14 (1998).
- Noriko Kando, and Akiko Aizawa: Cross-lingual information retrieval using automatically generated multilingual keyword clusters, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Information Retrieval with Asian Languages (IRAL98), Singapore, p.86-94 (1998).
- Akiko Aizawa, Kyo Kageura: Calculating Associations between Technical Terms Based on Co-occurrences in Keyword Lists of Academic Papers, Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Vol.J83-D-I No.11, pp.1154-1162 (2000). (in Japanese)
- Kyo Kageura, Keita Tsuji, Akiko Aizawa: Automatic Thesaurus Generation through Multiple Filtering, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING’2000), pp.397-403 (2000).
- Akiko Aizawa, Kyo Kageura: Automatic Generation of Clusters of Synonyms Utilizing Japanese-English Keyword Lists of Academic Papers, Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol.41, No.4, p.1180-1191 (2000). (in Japanese)
- Akiko Aizawa: The Feature Quantity: An Information Theoretic Perspective of Tfidf-like Measures, Proceedings of the 23th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2000), pp.104-111 (2000).
- Akiko Aizawa: On the Quantitative Representation of Term Specificity Based on Terms and Documents Co-occurrences, Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol.41, No.12, pp.3332-3343 (2000). (in Japanese)
- Akiko Aizawa and Kyo Kageura: An Approach to the Automatic Generation of Multilingual Keyword Clusters, in “Recent Advances in Computational Terminology,” edited by Bouligault, D., Jacquemin, C. and l'Homme, M-C., John Benjamins, pp.1-27 (2001.5).
- Vuthichai Ampornaramveth, Akiko Aizawa, Tasanee Metapisit: SAIKAM: Collaborative Japanese-Thai Dictionary Development on the Internet, Asian Association for Lexicography Biennial Conference (ASIALEX) (2001).
- Akiko Aizawa: Linguistic Techniques to Improve the Performance of Automatic Text Categorization, Proceedings of the Sixth Natural Language Processing Pacific Rim Symposium (NLPRS2001), pp.307-314 (2001).
- Teruhito Kanazawa, Akiko Aizawa, Atsuhiro Takasu, and Jun Adachi: The Effects of the Relevance-based Superimposition Model in Cross-Language Information Retrieval, Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL 2001), pp.312-324 (2001).
- Teruhito Kanazawa, Akiko Aizawa, Atsuhiro Takasu, Jun Adachi: Effectievness of the Relevance-based Superimposition Model for Cross-Language Information Retrieval, Transaction on Databases, Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol.43, No.SIG02, 003 (2002). (in Japanese)
- Akiko Aizawa: A Co-evoultionary Framework for Clustering in Information Retrieval Systems, Proceedings of the IEEE 2002 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC2002), pp.1787-1792 (2002).
- Akiko Aizawa: An Approach to Microscopic Clustering of Terms and Documents, PRICAI 2002: Trends in Artifitial Intelligence, Proceedings of the 7th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Mitsuru Ishizuka, Abdul Satter (Eds), LNAI2417 Springer, pp.404-413 (2002).
- Akiko Aizawa: A Method of Cluster-Based Indexing of Textual Data, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2002) , 1-7 (2002).
- Akiko Aizawa: An Information-Theoretic Perspective of Tf-idf Measuress, Information Processing & Management, Vol.39, No.1, 45-65 (2003).
- Akiko Aizawa: Designed Sampling with Crossover Operators, in "Advances in Evolutionary Computing" (Ashish Ghosh and Shigeyoshi Tsutsui Eds.) Springer 413-439 (2003)
- * Akiko Aizawa and Kyo Kageura: Calculating Associations between Technical Terms Based on Co-occurrences in Keyword Lists of Academic Papers, Electronics and Communications in Japan , 34(3), 85--95 (2003) (translation of the above)
- Akiko Aizawa: Analysis of Source Identified Text Corpora: Exploring the Statistics of the Reused Text and Authorship, Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-03), 383-390 (2003).
- Akiko Aizawa: Improving the Performance of Text Categorization Using Low Frequency Terms, Journal of Information Proessing Society in Japan, Vol.44, No.7, pp.1720-1730 (2003).
- Hidekazu Nakawatase and Akiko Aizawa: Discovering Homographs using N-partite Graph Clustering, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Discovery Science (DS'03) , pp.402-409 (2003).
- Aizawa,Akiko / Oyama,Keizo / Takasu,Atsuhiro / Adachi,Jun: Record Linkage of Multi-source Databases: Research Trends NII Journal, No.8, pp. 43-51 (2004.2)(in Japanese)
- Akiko Aizawa: An Approach to Automatic Generation of Multi-lingual Synonymous Terms Dictionary using Japanese-English Bilingual Author’s Keywords, Journal of Information Processing and Management vol.47, no.6, (2004) (in Japanese)
- Akiko Aizawa, Keizo Oyama, Atsuhiro Takasu, and Jun Adachi: "Techniques and Research Trends in Record Linkage Studies," trans. on IEICE DI, VOL.J88-D1 No.3, pp.576-589 (2005) (in Japanese)
- Keizo Oyama, Haruko Ishikawa, Koji Eguchi and Akiko Aizawa: The Test Collection for Navigational Retrieval on WWW Data? Design and Characteristics, Progress in Informatics, No.1, (2005-03) pp.59-73
- Akiko Aizawa and Keizo Oyama: A Fast Linkage Detection Scheme for Multi-Source Information Integration, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Challenges in Web Information Retrieval and Integration (WIRI2005), pages 31-40 (April 2005).
- Keizo Oyama, Haruko Ishikawa, Koji Eguchi, Akiko Aizawa: "nalysis of Topics and Relevant Documents for Navigational Retrieval on the Web," Proc. Intl. Workshop on Challenges in Web Information Retrieval and Integration (WIRI 2005), Tokyo, pp.157-162 (April 2005).
[Patents / softwares / other works]
[Other publications]
- Akiko Nakahara, Hitoshi Aida and Tadao Saito: An Evaluation of Test Sequence Generation Methods for communication Protocols, Electronics and Communications in JAPAN, Vol.74, No.11, pp.1-16 (1992).
- Akiko Nakahara, Hitoshi Aida and Tadao Saito: Performance Evaluation of Communication Networks Based on FSM Specifications of Protocols, Systems and Computers in JAPAN, Vol.23, No.13, pp.1-14 (1993).
- Akiko N.Aizawa and Benjamin W.Wah: A Sequential Sampling Procedure for Genetic Algorithms, International Workshop of the 5th Bellman Continuum (1993).
- Akiko N. Aizawa: Evolving SSE: A New Population-Oriented Search Scheme Based on Schemata Processing, Systems and Computers in Japan, Vol.27, No.2, pp.41-52 (1996).
- H.Gotoda, A.Aizawa, and K.Ono: Predistributed Caching Scheme for International Networking of Distance Education Systems, 1997 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Information and Telecommunication (APSITT97) (1997).
- Akiko Aizawa: Genetic Algorithms as a Combination of Probabilistic Solution-Space Decomposition and Randomized Search System and Computers in Japan, Vol.29, No.5, pp.1-10 (1998).
- Akiko Aizawa: Reducing the Dimensions of Attributes by Selection and Aggregation, DS98: the First International Conference on Discovery Science, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1532, Springer, pp.417-418, 1998.
- Akiko Aizawa, Noriko Kando and Kyo Kageura: A Graph-based Method for Automatic Generation of Multilingual Keyword Clusters and Its Applications, Proceedings of International Joint Workshop on Digital Libraries 1998 (IJWDL'98), pp.94-103 (1998).
- Eiji Ikoma, V Ampornaramweth, Akiko Aizawa, Kinji Ono, Masaru Kitsuregawa: Multi Resolution Image Viewing System on the WWW, Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Academic Information Networks and Systems (1998).
- Kando, N., Aizawa, A., Tsuji, K., Kageura, K. and Kuriyama, K.: Cross-Language Information Retrieval and Automatic Construction of Multilingual Lexicons, 1998 Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science p.572 (1998)
- Vuthichai Ampornaramveth , Eiji Ikoma, Akiko Aizawa, Kinji Ono: Interactive Large-Scale Pictorial Information Retrieval System for the Internet, Research Bulletin of the National Center for Science Information Systems, Vol.11, pp.87-92 (1999).
- Akiko Aizawa, Kyo Kageura, Noriko Kando and Keita Tsuji: Automatically Extracting Synonymous Relationship of Technical Terms using a Graph-based Methods, Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Advanced Informatics (AdInfo2000), pp.59-62 (2000).
- Akiko Aizawa: Selecting and Aggregating Features: Mining HTTP Log Files, Proceedigs of the First International Symposium on Advanced Informatics (AdInfo2000), pp.183-190 (2000).
- Vuthichai Ampornaramveth, Akiko Aizawa, Keizo Oyama, and Tasanee Methapisit: An Internet-Based Collaborative Dictionary Development Project: SAIKAM, Proceedings of the first International Symposium on Advanced Informatics (AdInfo2000), pp.85-88 (2000).
- Vuthichai Ampornaramveth, Akiko Aizawa, Tasanee Methapisit: Automatic World Lookup Service and Client Tool for SAIKAM Online Dictionary, NII Journal, No.1, pp.1-5, (2000).
- Ryosuke Ohgaya, Tomohiro Takagi, Kouta Fukano, Koji Taniguchi, Akiko Aizawa, and Masoud Nikravesh: Conceptual fuzzy sets-based navigation system for Yahoo!, Proceedings of NAFIPS 2002 (Annual Meeting of North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society) (2002)
- Kyung-Soon Lee, Kyo Kageura, Akiko Aizawa: TREC-11 Experiments at NII: The Effects of Virtual Relevant Documents in Batch Filtering, Text Retrieval Conference (TREC 2002), 2002.
- Akiyoshi Shinmura, Koji Taniguchi, Kazuyosi Kawahara, Tomohiro Takagi, Akiko Aizawa, and Masoud Nikravesh: Exposure of Illegal Web Sites Using Conceptual Fuzzy Sets-Based Information Filtering System, Proceedings of NAFIPS 2002 (Annual Meeting of North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society) (2002)
- Fatiha Sadat, Kyo Kageura, and Akiko Aizawa. Comparable Corpora for Terminology Practice. In Proceedings of the NLP 2004 workshop for Named Entities and Terminology. Tokyo, Japan, Mar. 15-19, 2004.
- Koji Eguchi, Keizo Oyama, Akiko Aizawa and Haruko Ishikawa: Overview of WEB Task at NTCIR-4, in Working Notes of the Fourth NTCIR Workshop Meeting, June 2-4, 2004Tokyo, Japan, Vol.Suppl.1, pp. ov-1 - 2 (June 2004).
- Koji Eguchi, Keizo Oyama, Akiko Aizawa and Haruko Ishikawa: Overview of the Informational Retrieval Task at NTCIR-4 WEB, in Working Notes of the Fourth NTCIR Workshop Meeting, June 2-4, 2004Tokyo, Japan, Vol.Suppl.1, pp. ov-3 - 15 (June 2004).
- Keizo Oyama, Koji Eguchi, Haruko Ishikawa and Akiko Aizawa: Overview of the NTCIR-4 WEB Navigational Retrieval Task 1, in Working Notes of the Fourth NTCIR Workshop Meeting, June 2-4, 2004Tokyo, Japan, Vol.Suppl.1, pp. ov-23 - 40 (June 2004).
- hogakukan Professional English-Japanese Dictionary (one of many contributers)
- Tomoe Tomiyama, Kosuke Karoji, Takeshi Kondo, Yuichi Kakuta, Tomohiro Takagi, Akiko Aizawa, Teruhito Kanazawa: "Meiji University Web, Novelty and Genomics Track Experiments," in proc. of the Thirteenth Text Retrieval Conference (TREC 2004) (2005)
- Keizo Oyama, Masao Takaku, Haruko Ishikawa, Akiko Aizawa and Hayato Yamana: Overview of the NTCIR-5 WEB Navigational Retrieval Subtask 2 (Navi-2), in Proc. the Fifth NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Information Access Technologies, December 6-9, 2005, Tokyo, Japan, pp.423-442 (December 2005).
- Other 43 technical papers are excluded from this list for simplicity.
[Speeches and oral presentations]
- Akiko Aizawa: Optimization Problems from Genetic Algorithms Viewpoints, Technical Report of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, AI98-8, pp.51-58 (1998) (Invited Speach)
- Other 8 presentations are excluded from this list for simplicity.
[Competitive research funds]
(1) Grant in aid for scientific research
(2) Public funding
(3) Others