International Workshop on Multimodality in Multiparty Interaction (MiMI2013)
- DATE: October 28, 2013
- VENUE: Raiosha Building, Keio University, Kanagawa, Japan
- Program is available here.
- Please register from here until Oct. 10th.
Invited Speakers
- Morana Alač, University of California, San Diego, U.S.A.
- Fumihide Tanaka, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Aims and Scope
In this workshop, we will try to cover a broader perspective of interaction studies, communication studies, conversation analysis, and workplace studies and their application to other research fields including, but not limited to, human–computer interaction (HCI). Moreover, we will try to provide a place where HCI researchers who have created original work can start collaborative projects with interaction and communication analysts to evaluate their products and upgrade their perspectives on human interaction in our daily lives. Recently, the interest of linguists, interaction analysts, and conversation analysts has turned increasingly toward observing interactional practices in the material world (Streeck et al. 2011). To turn to new domains of communication, we need to focus not only on the systematic structure of dialogue, i.e., two-party interaction, but also on the complexity of conversations involving more than three parties in social interactions. Our daily communication is not limited to dialogue, but open to multi-party interactions. Multimodality is a research concept that emerges from the history of traditional language research that has treated only verbal and text information of human language. Human social interaction involves the intertwined interaction of different modalities, such as talk, gestures, gaze, and posture. Human–computer interactions involve studying, planning, and designing interactions between humans and computers. Traditionally, HCI researchers have adopted the methodologies of experimental psychology to evaluate their products by measuring human behaviors and human knowledge under experimental conditions. However, we believe that experimental settings are limited in their ability to study human daily interactions. Can a robot gossip besides the well? Ido-bata kaigi (congregate at the side of a well) is a Japanese concept that reflects how Japanese women living in a village used to chat, circulate gossip, and exchange community information as they gathered beside a well and washed clothes and pumped water from the well. Now, the phrase refers to spontaneous congregations that serve as hubs for the communicative, intellectual, and political life of Japanese people. Such a phenomenon is not yet possible even for a robot which is manufactured with the latest technology. Figuratively speaking, we hope to build the infrastructure that will enable robots to congregate and engage in small talk, which are based on an interdisciplinary research framework involving scholars in linguistics, cognitive science, information science, sociology, and robotics. In this workshop, we will discuss how a marriage between interaction studies and informatics could affect developments in both research fields.
Call for Papers
Drawing on various interdisciplinary approaches such as:
- Conversation analysis
- Ethnographic studies
- Human-Computer interactions
- Workplace studies
we welcome contributions related to the following topics, but are not limited to:
- Computer-mediated interactions (e.g., video conference)
- Media-mediated interaction (e.g., remote human-agent interaction supported by computer technologies)
- Data mining in real space (e.g., meeting mining)
- Longitudinally established interactional spaces
- Multiple cognitive images within a speaker’s viewpoints for producing language and gesture (e.g., sign language and gestures in narrative discourses)
Important Dates
- extended!!Paper Submission Deadline: August 25, 2013
- Author Notification: September 15, 2013
- Camera-ready Deadline: October 5, 2013
- Workshop Date: October 28, 2013 (Monday)
Papers should be written in English, formatted according to the Springer Verlag LNCS style in a pdf form, which can be obtained from, and not exceed 12 pages including figures, references, etc. If you use a word file, please follow the instruction of the format, and then convert it into a pdf form and submit it at:
If a paper is accepted, at least one author of the paper must register the workshop and present it.
Selected Papers
We also plan to publish a selection of the accepted/invited papers as a portion of a volume "JSAI-isAI2013 selected papers", which will be published from `Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence' series (Springer Verlag).
Workshop co-chairs
- Mayumi Bono, NationaI Institute of Informatics, Japan
- Yasuyuki Sumi, Future University Hakodate, Japan
Progam Committee
- Nobuhiro Furuyama, NationaI Institute of Informatics, Japan
- Akira Takada, Kyoto University, Japan
- Kanayo Ogura, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan
- Yoshinori Kuno, Saitama University, Japan
- Yasuharu Den, Chiba University, Japan
- Tetsunari Inamura, NationaI Institute of Informatics, Japan
- Shogo Okada, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
- Hao-Chuan Wang, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
- Yuichiro Yoshikawa, Osaka University, Japan
- Takenobu Tokunaga, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
- Kazuhiro Otsuka, NTT Communication Science Labs., Japan
- Shimako Iwasaki, Monash University, Australia
- Matt Burdelski, Osaka University, Japan
- David Aline, Kanagawa University, Japan
- Domenic Berducci, Toyama Prefectural University, Japan
- Katsuya Takanashi, Kyoto University, Japan
- Gustav Lymer, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Sponsored by
- The Japan Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI)
- Innovation for interdisciplinary approaches across humanities and social sciences, JSPS
Information on Kanagawa