copyright [copyright]
^'ChemoJun050 (2006/08/08) Copyright 2002-2006 National Institute of Informatics, Research Organization of Information and Systems.'
example [examples]
"ChemoJunChemicalMediaNavigator example."
ChemoJunChemicalMediaNavigator open
install [class initialization]
"ChemoJunChemicalMediaNavigator install."
JunFileNavigator icon16x16Table at: 'mol'
ifAbsentPut: [ChemoJunOpaqueImageIcons chemoJun16x16].
JunFileNavigator icon64x64Table at: 'mol'
ifAbsentPut: [ChemoJunOpaqueImageIcons chemoJun64x64].
JunFileNavigator icon16x16Table at: 'catalogue'
ifAbsentPut: [ChemoJunOpaqueImageIcons chemoJun16x16].
JunFileNavigator icon64x64Table at: 'catalogue'
ifAbsentPut: [ChemoJunOpaqueImageIcons chemoJun64x64].
JunFileNavigator icon16x16Table at: 'sd'
ifAbsentPut: [ChemoJunOpaqueImageIcons chemoJun16x16].
JunFileNavigator icon64x64Table at: 'sd'
ifAbsentPut: [ChemoJunOpaqueImageIcons chemoJun64x64].
is2dMolfile: aFilename [testing]
| aString aCollection extensionString dimensionString |
aString := (aFilename class splitPath: aFilename asString) last.
aCollection := JunStringUtility separate: aString dividers: '.'.
extensionString := aCollection last asLowercase.
aCollection size > 2
[dimensionString := (aCollection at: aCollection size - 1) asLowercase]
ifFalse: [dimensionString := String new].
^extensionString = 'mol' and: [dimensionString = '2d']
isMolfile: aFilename [testing]
| aString aCollection extensionString |
aString := (aFilename class splitPath: aFilename asString) last.
aCollection := JunStringUtility separate: aString dividers: '.'.
extensionString := aCollection last asLowercase.
^extensionString = 'mol'
system [copyright]
uninstall [class initialization]
"ChemoJunChemicalMediaNavigator uninstall."
JunFileNavigator icon16x16Table removeKey: 'mol'.
JunFileNavigator icon64x64Table removeKey: 'mol'.
JunFileNavigator icon16x16Table removeKey: 'catalogue'.
JunFileNavigator icon64x64Table removeKey: 'catalogue'.
JunFileNavigator icon16x16Table removeKey: 'sd'.
JunFileNavigator icon64x64Table removeKey: 'sd'.
version [copyright]
windowSpec [interface specs]
"Tools.UIPainter new openOnClass: self andSelector: #windowSpec"
<resource: #canvas>
#key: #chemoJun_Chemical_Media_Navigator
#defaultString: 'Chemical Media Navigator' )
#min: #(#{Core.Point} 400 500 )
#bounds: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 500 200 1000 800 )
#setBackgroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} #white ) )
#isEventDriven: true )
#collection: #(
#layout: #(#{Graphics.LayoutFrame} 0 0 0 0 0 1 -282 1 )
#name: #moleculeModel
#flags: 0 )
#layout: #(#{Graphics.LayoutFrame} 0 0 0 0 0 1 -282 1 )
#name: #movieModel
#flags: 0 )
#layout: #(#{Graphics.LayoutFrame} 0 0 0 0 0 1 -282 1 )
#name: #imageModel
#flags: 0 )
#layout: #(#{Graphics.LayoutFrame} 0 0 0 0 0 1 -282 1 )
#name: #textModel
#flags: 0 )
#layout: #(#{Graphics.LayoutFrame} 0 0 0 0 0 1 -282 1 )
#name: #bodyModel
#flags: 0 )
#layout: #(#{Graphics.LayoutFrame} 1 0 -282 1 -1 1 -281 1 )
#name: #ResizingSplitter1
#horizontal: true
#minAboveSize: 300
#minBelowSize: 100
#aboveWidgets: 'moleculeModel movieModel imageModel textModel bodyModel'
#belowWidgets: 'fileModel' )
#layout: #(#{Graphics.LayoutFrame} 0 0 -281 1 0 1 0 1 )
#name: #fileModel
#flags: 0 ) ) ) )