index xrefs 2006/08/08 17:41:25


ChemoJun050 (2006/08/08) Copyright 2002-2006 National Institute of Informatics, Research Organization of Information and Systems.



instance variables:

class instance variables:

class variables:

pool variables:

instance methods:

  1. arrange [arranging] xrefs
    	self arrangeConcentricRectangles: nil.
    	self isConcentricArrangement 
    			[| attributeTable |
    			self arcsDo: 
    					[:arc | 
    					arc firstPointAlignment: #center.
    					arc lastPointAlignment: #center].
    			attributeTable := self 
    						arrangeConcentricCirclesAttributeSymbol: self arrangeAttributeSymbol.
    			(attributeTable at: #nodeCenterTable) 
    				keysAndValuesDo: [:node :center | node center: center]].
    	self isHierarchicalArrangement 
    			[| attributeTable |
    			self arcsDo: 
    					[:arc | 
    					arc firstPointAlignment: #center.
    					arc lastPointAlignment: #center].
    			attributeTable := self arrangeForest.
    			(attributeTable at: #nodeOriginTable) 
    				keysAndValuesDo: [:node :origin | node origin: origin]].
    	self isNoneArrangement 
    			[| aTable |
    			aTable := self noneArrangementTable.
    			self arcsDo: 
    					[:arc | 
    					arc firstPointAlignment: #center.
    					arc lastPointAlignment: #center].
    			self nodesDo: 
    					[:node | 
    					(aTable includesKey: node uniqueNumber) 
    						ifTrue: [node locationPoint: (aTable at: node uniqueNumber)]]].
    	self flushBoundingBox.
    	^self yourself
  2. arrangeForest: attibuteTable startNode: aNode originPoint: aPoint [arranging] xrefs
    	| extent width height level count x y |
    	(JunSensorUtility shiftDown or: [JunSensorUtility altDown]) 
    				arrangeForest: attibuteTable
    				startNode: aNode
    				originPoint: aPoint].
    	extent := aPoint.
    	width := 0.
    	height := 0.
    	self nodesDo: 
    			[:node | 
    			width := width max: node bounds width.
    			height := height max: node bounds height].
    	level := 0.
    	count := 0.
    	self nodesBreadthFirstDo: 
    			[:node :indent :sequence | 
    			level ~= indent 
    					[count := 0.
    					level := indent].
    			x := aPoint x + (width * indent + (self arrangeForestInterval * indent)).
    			y := aPoint y + (height * count + (self arrangeForestMargin * count)).
    			(attibuteTable at: #visitingTable) at: node put: #visited.
    			(attibuteTable at: #nodeOriginTable) at: node put: x @ y.
    			extent := extent max: x @ y + node bounds extent.
    			count := count + 1]
    		startNode: aNode.
  3. arrangeWithAnimation: aGrapher [arranging] xrefs
    	| aNode |
    	(JunSensorUtility shiftDown or: [JunSensorUtility altDown]) 
    		ifTrue: [^super arrangeWithAnimation: aGrapher].
    	self arrangeConcentricRectangles: nil.
    	aNode := aGrapher selection.
    	self isConcentricArrangement 
    			[| attributeTable |
    			self arcsDo: 
    					[:arc | 
    					arc firstPointAlignment: #center.
    					arc lastPointAlignment: #center].
    			attributeTable := self 
    						arrangeConcentricCirclesAttributeSymbol: self arrangeAttributeSymbol.
    			(aNode notNil and: [aNode center = Point zero]) 
    					[| oldPoint newPoint howMany aTable aCollection |
    					oldPoint := aGrapher scrollAmount.
    					newPoint := Point zero + aGrapher viewBounds center.
    					howMany := 25.
    					aTable := Dictionary new: attributeTable size.
    					(attributeTable at: #nodeCenterTable) keysAndValuesDo: 
    							[:node :center | 
    							aCollection := OrderedCollection new: howMany + 1.
    							0 to: howMany
    								do: [:n | aCollection add: node center + ((center - node center) / howMany * n)].
    							aTable at: node put: aCollection].
    					(0 to: howMany) do: 
    							[:n | 
    							self nodesDo: [:node | node center: ((aTable at: node) at: n + 1) rounded].
    							aGrapher scrollTo: oldPoint + ((newPoint - oldPoint) / howMany * n).
    							aGrapher redisplay.
    							(Delay forMilliseconds: 40) wait].
    					aGrapher flushBoundingBox].
    			(attributeTable at: #nodeCenterTable) 
    				keysAndValuesDo: [:node :center | node center: center]].
    	self isHierarchicalArrangement 
    			[| attributeTable |
    			self arcsDo: 
    					[:arc | 
    					arc firstPointAlignment: #center.
    					arc lastPointAlignment: #center].
    			attributeTable := self arrangeForest.
    			(aNode notNil 
    				and: [((attributeTable at: #nodeOriginTable) at: aNode) ~= aNode origin]) 
    						[| oldPoint newPoint howMany aTable aCollection |
    						oldPoint := aGrapher scrollAmount.
    						newPoint := Point zero + self arrangeForestMargin asPoint.
    						howMany := 25.
    						aTable := Dictionary new: attributeTable size.
    						(attributeTable at: #nodeOriginTable) keysAndValuesDo: 
    								[:node :origin | 
    								aCollection := OrderedCollection new: howMany + 1.
    								0 to: howMany
    									do: [:n | aCollection add: node origin + ((origin - node origin) / howMany * n)].
    								aTable at: node put: aCollection].
    						(0 to: howMany) do: 
    								[:n | 
    								self nodesDo: [:node | node origin: ((aTable at: node) at: n + 1) rounded].
    								aGrapher scrollTo: oldPoint + ((newPoint - oldPoint) / howMany * n).
    								aGrapher redisplay.
    								(Delay forMilliseconds: 40) wait].
    						aGrapher flushBoundingBox].
    			(attributeTable at: #nodeOriginTable) 
    				keysAndValuesDo: [:node :origin | node origin: origin]].
    	self isNoneArrangement 
    			[| aTable |
    			aTable := self noneArrangementTable.
    			self arcsDo: 
    					[:arc | 
    					arc firstPointAlignment: #center.
    					arc lastPointAlignment: #center].
    			self nodesDo: 
    					[:node | 
    					(aTable includesKey: node uniqueNumber) 
    						ifTrue: [node locationPoint: (aTable at: node uniqueNumber)]]].
    	aNode isNil 
    			[| oldPoint newPoint howMany |
    			oldPoint := aGrapher scrollAmount.
    			self isHierarchicalArrangement 
    					[newPoint := aNode bounds origin negated + self arrangeForestMargin asPoint]
    				ifFalse: [newPoint := aNode center negated + aGrapher viewBounds center].
    			oldPoint = newPoint 
    					[howMany := 25.
    					(0 to: howMany) do: 
    							[:n | 
    							aGrapher scrollTo: oldPoint + ((newPoint - oldPoint) / howMany * n).
    							(Delay forMilliseconds: 40) wait]]].
    	self flushBoundingBox.
    	^self yourself
  4. roots [accessing nodes] xrefs
    	| roots |
    	roots := self selections.
    	roots isEmpty ifTrue: [^super roots].

class methods:

  1. copyright [copyright] xrefs
    	^'ChemoJun050 (2006/08/08) Copyright 2002-2006 National Institute of Informatics, Research Organization of Information and Systems.'
  2. defaultArrangeConcentricRadius [defaults] xrefs
    	"ChemoJunGraph flushAttributes."
  3. defaultNodeClass [defaults] xrefs
  4. system [copyright] xrefs
  5. version [copyright] xrefs

index xrefs