index xrefs 2006/08/08 17:41:27


ChemoJun050 (2006/08/08) Copyright 2002-2006 National Institute of Informatics, Research Organization of Information and Systems.



instance variables:

class instance variables:

class variables:

pool variables:

instance methods:

  1. browseManual [menu messages] xrefs
    	JunURL browse: (ChemoJunUtility manualUriStringConstruct: 'index.html')
  2. changeFont [menu messages] xrefs
    	ChemoJunSystem changeFont
  3. defaultWindowLabel [defaults] xrefs
    	^(#chemoJun_ChemoJun_Launcher >> 'ChemoJun Launcher') asString
  4. openAbout [menu messages] xrefs
    	ChemoJunSystem about
  5. openChemicalMediaNavigator [menu messages] xrefs
    	ChemoJunChemicalMediaNavigator open
  6. openCredits [menu messages] xrefs
    	ChemoJunCredits show
  7. openEmail [menu messages] xrefs
    		browse: (JunEnvironmentUtility environmentVariableAt: 'ChemoJunMailUri'
    				ifAbsent: ['' yourself])
  8. openJunLauncher [menu messages] xrefs
    	JunLauncher install
  9. openMoleculeCatalogue [menu messages] xrefs
    	ChemoJunMoleculeCatalogue open
  10. openMoleculeCatalogueData [menu messages] xrefs
    	| aCollection aPoint |
    	JunSensorUtility shiftDown 
    			[aCollection := ChemoJunUtility selectDirectoriesInChemoJunSampleData 
    						ifNil: [Array new]
    						ifNotNil: [:it | it yourself]]
    			[aCollection := ChemoJunUtility selectDirectoryInChemoJunSampleData 
    						ifNil: [Array new]
    						ifNotNil: [:it | (Array with: it) yourself]].
    	aPoint := 100 @ 100.
    	aCollection do: 
    			[:aDirectory | 
    			(ChemoJunMoleculeCatalogue directory: aDirectory) openAt: aPoint.
    			aPoint := aPoint + (20 @ 20).
    			JunSensorUtility shiftDown ifTrue: [^self]]
  11. openMoleculeViewer [menu messages] xrefs
    	ChemoJunMoleculeViewer open
  12. openMoleculeViewerData [menu messages] xrefs
    	| aCollection aPoint |
    	JunSensorUtility shiftDown 
    			[aCollection := ChemoJunUtility selectMolfilesInChemoJunSampleData 
    						ifNil: [Array new]
    						ifNotNil: [:it | it yourself]]
    			[aCollection := ChemoJunUtility selectMolfileInChemoJunSampleData 
    						ifNil: [Array new]
    						ifNotNil: [:it | (Array with: it) yourself]].
    	aPoint := 100 @ 100.
    	aCollection do: 
    			[:aFilename | 
    			(ChemoJunMoleculeViewer fileName: aFilename) openAt: aPoint.
    			aPoint := aPoint + (20 @ 20).
    			JunSensorUtility shiftDown ifTrue: [^self]]
  13. openWebPage [menu messages] xrefs
    		browse: (JunEnvironmentUtility environmentVariableAt: 'ChemoJunWebPageUri'
    				ifAbsent: ['' yourself])

class methods:

  1. copyright [copyright] xrefs
    	^'ChemoJun050 (2006/08/08) Copyright 2002-2006 National Institute of Informatics, Research Organization of Information and Systems.'
  2. defaultSystemClass [defaults] xrefs
  3. example1 [examples] xrefs
    	"ChemoJunLauncher example1."
    	ChemoJunLauncher open
  4. initialize [class initialization] xrefs
    	"ChemoJunLauncher initialize."
    	super initialize
  5. install [class initialization] xrefs
    	"ChemoJunLauncher install."
    	"It is necessary to hook at installation."
    	super install
  6. menuBar [resources] xrefs
    	"Tools.MenuEditor new openOnClass: self andSelector: #menuBar"
    	<resource: #menu>
    	^#(#{UI.Menu} #(
    					#key: #chemoJun_Tools 
    					#defaultString: 'Tools' ) 
    				#submenu: #(#{UI.Menu} #(
    								#key: #chemoJun_Molecular_Viewer 
    								#defaultString: 'Molecular Viewer' ) 
    							#value: #openMoleculeViewer ) 
    								#key: #chemoJun_Molecular_Viewer___Select_Data 
    								#defaultString: 'Molecular Viewer - Select Data' ) 
    							#value: #openMoleculeViewerData ) 
    								#key: #chemoJun_Chemical_Media_Navigator 
    								#defaultString: 'Chemical Media Navigator' ) 
    							#value: #openChemicalMediaNavigator ) 
    								#key: #chemoJun_Molecular_Catalogue 
    								#defaultString: 'Molecular Catalogue' ) 
    							#value: #openMoleculeCatalogue ) 
    								#key: #chemoJun_Molecular_Catalogue___Select_Data 
    								#defaultString: 'Molecular Catalogue - Select Data' ) 
    							#value: #openMoleculeCatalogueData ) ) #(2 1 2 ) nil ) ) 
    					#key: #jun_Misc 
    					#defaultString: 'Misc' ) 
    				#submenu: #(#{UI.Menu} #(
    								#key: #jun_Manual 
    								#defaultString: 'Manual' ) 
    							#value: #browseManual ) 
    								#key: #chemoJun_About 
    								#defaultString: 'About' ) 
    							#value: #openAbout ) 
    								#key: #jun_Credits 
    								#defaultString: 'Credits' ) 
    							#value: #openCredits ) 
    								#key: #jun_Web_Page 
    								#defaultString: 'Web Page' ) 
    							#value: #openWebPage ) 
    								#key: #jun_E_mail 
    								#defaultString: 'E-mail' ) 
    							#value: #openEmail ) 
    								#key: #jun_Jun_Launcher 
    								#defaultString: 'Jun Launcher' ) 
    							#value: #openJunLauncher ) ) #(1 4 1 ) nil ) ) ) #(2 ) nil ) decodeAsLiteralArray
  7. system [copyright] xrefs
  8. version [copyright] xrefs

index xrefs