index xrefs 2006/08/08 17:41:27


ChemoJun050 (2006/08/08) Copyright 2002-2006 National Institute of Informatics, Research Organization of Information and Systems.



instance variables:

class instance variables:

class variables:

pool variables:

instance methods:

  1. addSelection: catalogueElement [selecting] xrefs
    	self selections: self selections , (Array with: catalogueElement)
  2. arrangeColumnSize [menu messages] xrefs
    	| numberOfColumns aString savedSelections |
    	self isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil].
    	numberOfColumns := self columnSize.
    	aString := JunDialog 
    				request: (#chemoJun_How_many_column_size_ >> 'How many column size?') 
    				initialAnswer: numberOfColumns printString.
    	(aString isNil or: [aString isEmpty]) ifTrue: [^nil].
    	numberOfColumns := aString asNumber asInteger.
    	numberOfColumns < 1 ifTrue: [^nil].
    		assert: [savedSelections := self selections]
    		do: [self columnSize: numberOfColumns]
    		ensure: [self selections: savedSelections].
    	self fitWindowSize
  3. asImage [converting] xrefs
    	| anImage aPixmap |
    	anImage := nil.
    		assert: [aPixmap := Pixmap extent: self boundingBox extent]
    			[| graphicsContext |
    			graphicsContext := aPixmap graphicsContext.
    			graphicsContext paint: self backgroundColor.
    			graphicsContext displayRectangle: aPixmap bounds.
    			self displayOn: graphicsContext.
    			anImage := aPixmap asImage]
    		ensure: [aPixmap close].
  4. asImageOfElement: element [converting] xrefs
    		asImageOfElement: element
    		selectionColor: self selectionColor
    		backgroundColor: self backgroundColor
  5. asImageOfElement: element selectionColor: selectionColor backgroundColor: backgroundColor [converting] xrefs
    	| aPixmap anImage |
    		assert: [aPixmap := Pixmap extent: self pixmapExtent]
    				displayElement: element
    				index: (self elements indexOf: element)
    				into: aPixmap
    				selectionColor: selectionColor
    				backgroundColor: backgroundColor.
    			anImage := aPixmap asImage]
    		ensure: [aPixmap close].
  6. asImageOfElements: elements [converting] xrefs
    		asImageOfElements: elements
    		selectionColor: self selectionColor
    		backgroundColor: self backgroundColor
  7. asImageOfElements: elements selectionColor: selectionColor backgroundColor: backgroundColor [converting] xrefs
    	| numberOfLimit elementImages offsetPoint aPixmap aMask pixmapContext maskContext aPoint figureImage shapeImage |
    	numberOfLimit := 16.
    	elementImages := (elements 
    				copyFrom: (elements size - (numberOfLimit - 1) max: 1)
    				to: elements size) collect: 
    						[:element | 
    							asImageOfElement: element
    							selectionColor: selectionColor
    							backgroundColor: backgroundColor].
    	offsetPoint := 13 @ 13.
    			[aPixmap := Pixmap extent: self pixmapExtent 
    								+ (offsetPoint * (elementImages size - 1) asPoint).
    			aMask := Mask extent: aPixmap extent]
    			[pixmapContext := aPixmap graphicsContext.
    			pixmapContext paint: ColorValue white.
    			pixmapContext displayRectangle: aPixmap bounds.
    			maskContext := aMask graphicsContext.
    			maskContext paint: CoverageValue transparent.
    			maskContext displayRectangle: aMask bounds.
    			maskContext paint: CoverageValue opaque.
    			aPoint := aPixmap bounds bottomLeft - (0 @ self pixmapExtent y).
    			elementImages do: 
    					[:elementImage | 
    					elementImage displayOn: pixmapContext at: aPoint.
    					maskContext displayRectangle: (aPoint extent: elementImage extent).
    					aPoint := aPoint + (offsetPoint x @ offsetPoint y negated)].
    			figureImage := aPixmap asImage.
    			shapeImage := aMask asImage]
    			[aPixmap close.
    			aMask close].
    	^OpaqueImage figure: figureImage shape: shapeImage
  8. backgroundColor [displaying] xrefs
    		scaledRed: 7700
    		scaledGreen: 7700
    		scaledBlue: 7700
  9. boundingBox [bounds accessing] xrefs
    	boundingBox ifNil: [boundingBox := Point zero extent: Point zero].
  10. browseManual [menu messages] xrefs
    	JunURL browse: (ChemoJunUtility 
    				manualUriStringConstruct: 'ChemoJunMoleculeCatalogue/index.html')
  11. catalogueElementsToLispList [lisp support] xrefs
    	| aList |
    	aList := JunLispCons cell.
    	aList head: #catalogueElements.
    	self elements collect: [:element | aList add: element toLispList].
  12. catalogueView [interface opening] xrefs
    	| aView |
    	aView := self class defaultMolecueCatalogueViewClass model: self.
    	(aView controller)
    		menuHolder: [self yellowButtonMenu];
    		performer: self.
  13. clearAndRedisplay [displaying] xrefs
    	self changed: #clearAndRedisplay.
    	self updateMenuIndication
  14. clearSelections [selecting] xrefs
    	self selections: Array new
  15. columnSize [accessing] xrefs
    	columnSize ifNil: [columnSize := self class defaultColumnSize].
  16. columnSize: numberOfColumns [accessing] xrefs
    	columnSize := numberOfColumns.
    	self elements: self elements
  17. columnSizeToLispList [lisp support] xrefs
    	| alist |
    	alist := JunLispCons cell.
    	alist head: #columnSize.
    	alist tail: self columnSize.
  18. condenseElements [menu messages] xrefs
    	| savedSelections |
    		assert: [savedSelections := self selections]
    		do: [self elements: (self elements select: [:element | element isNotVoid])]
    		ensure: [self selections: savedSelections].
    	self clearAndRedisplay
  19. defaultWindowLabel [defaults] xrefs
    	^(#chemoJun_Molecular_Catalogue >> 'Molecular Catalogue') asString
  20. displayElement: element index: index into: aPixmap [displaying] xrefs
    		displayElement: element
    		index: index
    		into: aPixmap
    		selectionColor: self selectionColor
    		backgroundColor: self backgroundColor
  21. displayElement: element index: index into: aPixmap selectionColor: selectionColor backgroundColor: backgroundColor [displaying] xrefs
    	| pixmapContext |
    	pixmapContext := aPixmap graphicsContext.
    	pixmapContext paint: ColorValue white.
    	pixmapContext displayRectangle: aPixmap bounds.
    		displaySelection: element
    		pixmapOn: pixmapContext
    		selectionColor: selectionColor
    		backgroundColor: backgroundColor.
    	self displayElement: element pixmapOn: pixmapContext.
    	self displayName: element pixmapOn: pixmapContext.
    	self displayIndex: index pixmapOn: pixmapContext.
  22. displayElement: element pixmapOn: pixmapContext [displaying] xrefs
    	element thumbnail ifNil: 
    			[pixmapContext paint: element class defaultEmptyColor.
    				displayRectangle: (self selectionMargin extent: element extent)]
    		ifNotNil: [:it | it displayOn: pixmapContext at: self selectionMargin]
  23. displayIndex: index pixmapOn: pixmapContext [displaying] xrefs
    	| aStyle composedText aBox |
    	self visibleCatalogIndex 
    			[aStyle := TextAttributes styleNamed: #small
    						ifAbsent: [TextAttributes default].
    			composedText := ComposedText withText: index printString style: aStyle.
    			aBox := composedText bounds.
    			aBox := aBox align: aBox topLeft
    						with: pixmapContext medium bounds topLeft + self selectionMargin + (0 @ -3).
    			pixmapContext paint: ColorValue blue.
    			composedText displayOn: pixmapContext at: aBox origin]
  24. displayName: element pixmapOn: pixmapContext [displaying] xrefs
    	| aString aStyle composedText howMany loopPredicate aBox |
    	self visibleFileName 
    			[aString := element baseNameString.
    			aStyle := TextAttributes styleNamed: #default
    						ifAbsent: [TextAttributes default].
    			composedText := ComposedText withText: aString asText style: aStyle.
    			howMany := 1.
    			loopPredicate := 
    					[composedText bounds width > element extent x 
    						and: [aString size - howMany > 3]].
    			[loopPredicate value] whileTrue: 
    					[composedText := ComposedText 
    								withText: (aString contractTo: aString size - howMany) asText
    								style: aStyle.
    					howMany := howMany + 1].
    			aBox := composedText bounds.
    			aBox := aBox align: aBox corner
    						with: pixmapContext medium bounds corner - self selectionMargin + (0 @ 2).
    			pixmapContext paint: ColorValue black.
    			composedText displayOn: pixmapContext at: aBox origin]
  25. displayOn: graphicsContext [displaying] xrefs
    	| aPixmap |
    		assert: [aPixmap := Pixmap extent: self pixmapExtent]
    			[self elements with: (1 to: self elements size)
    					[:element :index | 
    					| box |
    					box := element bounds expandedBy: self class defaultThumbnailMargin.
    					(box intersects: graphicsContext clippingBounds) 
    								displayElement: element
    								index: index
    								into: aPixmap.
    							aPixmap displayOn: graphicsContext
    								at: element bounds origin - self selectionMargin]]]
    		ensure: [aPixmap close]
  26. displaySelection: element pixmapOn: pixmapContext selectionColor: selectionColor backgroundColor: backgroundColor [displaying] xrefs
    	(self selections includes: element) 
    		ifTrue: [pixmapContext paint: selectionColor]
    		ifFalse: [pixmapContext paint: backgroundColor].
    	pixmapContext displayRectangle: pixmapContext medium bounds
  27. dropElements: elements toCatalogue: catalogue [actions] xrefs
    	| selections |
    	catalogue ifNil: [^nil].
    	selections := (elements asSortedCollection: 
    					[:e1 :e2 | 
    					(self elements indexOf: e1) < (self elements indexOf: e2)]) 
    				collect: [:element | element copy].
    	catalogue elements: catalogue elements , selections.
    	catalogue selections: selections.
    	catalogue scrollFor: selections first.
    	catalogue clearAndRedisplay
  28. dropTargetCatalogue [actions] xrefs
    	| aPoint aController aWindow aModel |
    	aPoint := JunSensorUtility cursorPoint.
    	aController := (ScheduledControllers
    				scheduledControllers) reverse 
    					[:controller | 
    					aWindow := controller view.
    					aWindow displayBox containsPoint: aPoint]
    				ifNone: [nil].
    	aController ifNil: [^nil].
    	aModel := aController model.
    	aModel = self ifTrue: [^nil].
    	(aModel isKindOf: self class) ifFalse: [^nil].
  29. elements [accessing] xrefs
    	catalogueElements ifNil: [catalogueElements := OrderedCollection new].
  30. elements: aCollection [accessing] xrefs
    	catalogueElements := aCollection.
    	boundingBox := Point zero extent: Point zero.
    	catalogueElements with: (0 to: catalogueElements size - 1)
    			[:element :n | 
    			| y x |
    			y := n // self columnSize + 1.
    			x := n \\ self columnSize + 1.
    			element ifNotNil: 
    					[:it | 
    					| originPoint displayBox |
    					originPoint := it class defaultThumbnailExtent * ((x - 1) @ (y - 1)).
    					displayBox := originPoint 
    								extent: (it thumbnail ifNil: [it class defaultThumbnailExtent]
    										ifNotNil: [:thumbnail | thumbnail extent]).
    					displayBox := displayBox 
    								translatedBy: self class defaultThumbnailMargin * (x @ y).
    					it bounds: displayBox.
    					boundingBox := boundingBox merge: displayBox]].
    	boundingBox := boundingBox origin 
    				corner: boundingBox corner + self class defaultThumbnailMargin.
    	selectedElements := nil
  31. filename [accessing] xrefs
  32. filename: aFilename [accessing] xrefs
    	aFilename ifNil: [catalogueFilename := nil]
    		ifNotNil: [:it | catalogueFilename := it asFilename].
    	self setWindowLabel
  33. fitWindowSize [interface opening] xrefs
    	| aWindow aView windowExtent viewExtent widgetExtent viewWidth |
    	(aWindow := self getWindow) ifNil: [^nil].
    	(aView := self getView) ifNil: [^nil].
    	windowExtent := aWindow displayBox extent.
    	viewExtent := aView bounds extent.
    	widgetExtent := windowExtent - viewExtent.
    	viewWidth := self class defaultThumbnailMargin x * (self columnSize + 1) 
    				+ (self class defaultThumbnailExtent x * self columnSize).
    	windowExtent := viewWidth @ viewExtent y + widgetExtent.
    	windowExtent := windowExtent max: aWindow minimumSize.
    	aWindow displayBox extent = windowExtent ifTrue: [^nil].
    	aWindow displayBox: ((aWindow displayBox origin extent: windowExtent) 
    				intersect: Screen default bounds)
  34. getView [private] xrefs
    	| aView |
    	aView := self dependents detect: 
    					[:each | 
    					(each isKindOf: self class defaultMolecueCatalogueViewClass) 
    						and: [each model = self]]
    				ifNone: [nil].
    	aView isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
  35. hasVoidElement [testing] xrefs
    	^(self elements detect: [:element | element isVoid] ifNone: [nil]) notNil
  36. htmlTo: aFilename with: aCollection [private] xrefs
    	JunProgress new do: 
    			[:progress | 
    			| aStream |
    			aCollection with: (1 to: aCollection size)
    					[:assoc :index | 
    					| element filename stream |
    					element := assoc key.
    					progress message: element baseNameString.
    					filename := assoc value last asFilename.
    					stream := JunJpegImageStream on: filename writeStream.
    					[Cursor write showWhile: 
    							[element isVoid 
    								ifTrue: [stream nextPutImage: element defaultThumbnail]
    								ifFalse: [stream nextPutImage: element thumbnail asImage]]] 
    							ensure: [stream close].
    					filename := assoc value first asFilename.
    					stream := JunJpegImageStream on: filename writeStream.
    					[Cursor write showWhile: 
    							[element isVoid 
    								ifTrue: [stream nextPutImage: element defaultImage]
    								ifFalse: [stream nextPutImage: element image asImage]]] 
    							ensure: [stream close].
    					progress value: index / aCollection size].
    				assert: [aStream := aFilename writeStream]
    						nextPutAll: '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
    <html lang="ja">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=Shift_JIS">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
    <link rev="made" href="">
    <link rel="index" href="index.html">
    <title>Molecular Catalogue</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
      background-color : #ffffff;
      margin : 20px;
      padding : 10px;
      font-family : serif;
      font-size : 10pt;
    img.borderless {
      border-width : 0px;
      vertical-align : middle;
    table.belt {
      border-style : solid;
      border-width : 0px;
      border-color : #000000;
      background-color : #cccccc;
      padding : 0px 0px;
    table.content {
      border-style : solid;
      border-width : 0px;
      border-color : #000000;
      padding : 2px 4px;
    table.element {
      border-style : solid;
      border-width : 0px;
      border-color : #000000;
      padding : 0px 0px;
    td.element {
      text-align : right;
      font-size : 8pt;
      padding : 0px 0px;
      background-color : #ffffff;
    } {
      text-align : center;
      font-size : 8pt;
      padding : 0px 0px;
      background-color : #ffffff;
    td.left-small-white {
      text-align : left;
      font-size : 8pt;
      padding : 0px 0px;
      background-color : #ffffff;
    td.right-small-white {
      text-align : right;
      font-size : 8pt;
      padding : 0px 0px;
      background-color : #ffffff;
    <table class="belt" summary="belt">
          <table class="content" summary="content">
    					10 timesRepeat: [aStream space].
    					aStream nextPutAll: '<tr>'.
    					aStream cr.
    					aCollection with: (1 to: aCollection size)
    							[:assoc :index | 
    							| element image thumbnail alt |
    							element := assoc key.
    							image := (Filename splitPath: assoc value first asString) last.
    							thumbnail := (Filename splitPath: assoc value last asString) last.
    							alt := (Filename splitExtension: thumbnail) first.
    							12 timesRepeat: [aStream space].
    							aStream nextPutAll: '<td class="element">'.
    							aStream cr.
    							12 timesRepeat: [aStream space].
    							aStream nextPutAll: '<table class="element" summary="element">'.
    							aStream cr.
    							14 timesRepeat: [aStream space].
    							aStream nextPutAll: '<tbody>'.
    							aStream cr.
    							self visibleCatalogIndex 
    									[16 timesRepeat: [aStream space].
    									aStream nextPutAll: '<tr>'.
    									aStream cr.
    									18 timesRepeat: [aStream space].
    									aStream nextPutAll: '<td class="left-small-white">'.
    									aStream nextPutAll: index printString.
    									aStream nextPutAll: '</td>'.
    									aStream cr.
    									16 timesRepeat: [aStream space].
    									aStream nextPutAll: '</tr>'.
    									aStream cr].
    							16 timesRepeat: [aStream space].
    							aStream nextPutAll: '<tr>'.
    							aStream cr.
    							18 timesRepeat: [aStream space].
    							aStream nextPutAll: '<td class="center-small-white">'.
    							aStream nextPutAll: '<a href="images/'.
    							aStream nextPutAll: image.
    							aStream nextPutAll: '">'.
    							aStream nextPutAll: '<img class="borderless" src="thumbnails/'.
    							aStream nextPutAll: thumbnail.
    							aStream nextPutAll: '" width="'.
    							aStream nextPutAll: element class defaultThumbnailExtent x printString.
    							aStream nextPutAll: '" height="'.
    							aStream nextPutAll: element class defaultThumbnailExtent y printString.
    							aStream nextPutAll: '" alt="'.
    							aStream nextPutAll: alt.
    							aStream nextPutAll: '">'.
    							aStream nextPutAll: '</a>'.
    							aStream nextPutAll: '</td>'.
    							aStream cr.
    							16 timesRepeat: [aStream space].
    							aStream nextPutAll: '</tr>'.
    							aStream cr.
    							self visibleFileName 
    									[16 timesRepeat: [aStream space].
    									aStream nextPutAll: '<tr>'.
    									aStream cr.
    									18 timesRepeat: [aStream space].
    									aStream nextPutAll: '<td class="right-small-white">'.
    									element baseNameString isEmpty 
    										ifTrue: [aStream nextPutAll: '&nbsp;']
    										ifFalse: [aStream nextPutAll: element baseNameString].
    									aStream nextPutAll: '</td>'.
    									aStream cr.
    									16 timesRepeat: [aStream space].
    									aStream nextPutAll: '</tr>'.
    									aStream cr].
    							14 timesRepeat: [aStream space].
    							aStream nextPutAll: '</tbody>'.
    							aStream cr.
    							12 timesRepeat: [aStream space].
    							aStream nextPutAll: '</table>'.
    							aStream cr.
    							12 timesRepeat: [aStream space].
    							aStream nextPutAll: '</td>'.
    							aStream cr.
    							(index \\ columnSize = 0 and: [index ~= aCollection size]) 
    									[10 timesRepeat: [aStream space].
    									aStream nextPutAll: '</tr>'.
    									aStream cr.
    									10 timesRepeat: [aStream space].
    									aStream nextPutAll: '<tr>'.
    									aStream cr]].
    					10 timesRepeat: [aStream space].
    					aStream nextPutAll: '</tr>'.
    					aStream cr.
    						nextPutAll: '        </tbody>
    				ensure: [aStream close]]
  37. initialize [initialize-release] xrefs
    	super initialize.
    	catalogueElements := nil.
    	columnSize := nil.
    	boundingBox := nil.
    	selectedElements := nil.
    	catalogueFilename := nil.
    	preferenceTable := nil.
    	menuBar := nil
  38. isAllSelections [testing] xrefs
    	self selections isEmpty ifTrue: [^false].
    	^(self elements reject: [:element | self selections includes: element]) 
  39. isAllVoidSelections [testing] xrefs
    	self selections isEmpty ifTrue: [^false].
    	^(self selections select: [:element | element isNotVoid]) isEmpty
  40. isEmpty [testing] xrefs
    	^self elements ifNil: [true] ifNotNil: [:it | it isEmpty]
  41. keyboardDispatchTable [keyboard] xrefs
    	| aTable |
    	aTable := Dictionary new.
    	aTable add: #Left -> [self scrollLeft].
    	aTable add: #Right -> [self scrollRight].
    	aTable add: #Up -> [self scrollUp].
    	aTable add: #Down -> [self scrollDown].
  42. keyboardDispathDebug [keyboard] xrefs
  43. keyboardEvent: event fromController: controller [keyboard] xrefs
    	| dispatchTable keyValue messageSelector |
    	self keyboardDispathDebug 
    				show: event keyValue printString].
    	controller isControlActive ifFalse: [^event].
    	self getView ifNil: [^event].
    	controller viewHasCursor ifFalse: [^event].
    	dispatchTable := self keyboardDispatchTable.
    	dispatchTable isNil ifTrue: [^event].
    	keyValue := event keyValue.
    	messageSelector := dispatchTable at: keyValue ifAbsent: [nil].
    	((messageSelector isKindOf: Symbol) 
    		and: [self respondsTo: messageSelector]) 
    				[self perform: messageSelector.
    	(messageSelector isKindOf: BlockClosure) 
    			[messageSelector value.
  44. menuBar [menu accessing] xrefs
    	menuBar isNil ifTrue: [menuBar := self class menuBar].
  45. moleculeObjects [accessing] xrefs
    	| moleculeObjects |
    	moleculeObjects := OrderedCollection new.
    	self elements 
    		do: [:element | element moleculeObject ifNotNil: [:it | moleculeObjects add: it]].
  46. move1Elements: elements toElement: target [actions] xrefs
    	| attractiveElement attractiveElements elementCollection elementIndex targetIndex headCollection tailCollection |
    	attractiveElement := elements last.
    	attractiveElements := (elements asSortedCollection: 
    					[:e1 :e2 | 
    					(self elements indexOf: e1) < (self elements indexOf: e2)]) 
    	elementCollection := self elements copy asOrderedCollection.
    	elementIndex := elementCollection 
    				findFirst: [:each | each = attractiveElement].
    	elementIndex < 1 ifTrue: [^nil].
    	targetIndex := elementCollection findFirst: [:each | each = target].
    	targetIndex < 1 ifTrue: [^nil].
    	elementIndex < targetIndex 
    			[headCollection := elementCollection copyFrom: 1 to: targetIndex.
    			tailCollection := elementCollection copyFrom: targetIndex + 1
    						to: elementCollection size]
    			[headCollection := elementCollection copyFrom: 1 to: targetIndex - 1.
    			tailCollection := elementCollection copyFrom: targetIndex
    						to: elementCollection size].
    		do: [:element | headCollection remove: element ifAbsent: [nil]].
    		do: [:element | tailCollection remove: element ifAbsent: [nil]].
    	elementCollection := OrderedCollection new.
    	elementCollection addAll: headCollection.
    	attractiveElements remove: attractiveElement.
    	attractiveElements do: 
    			[:element | 
    			elementCollection size = (targetIndex - 1) 
    				ifTrue: [elementCollection add: attractiveElement].
    			elementCollection add: element].
    	elementCollection size = (targetIndex - 1) 
    		ifTrue: [elementCollection add: attractiveElement].
    	elementCollection addAll: tailCollection.
    	self elements: elementCollection.
    	self selections: elements.
    	self redisplay
  47. move2Elements: elements toElement: target [actions] xrefs
    	| attractiveElement attractiveElements elementCollection elementIndex targetIndex headCollection tailCollection voidElements |
    	attractiveElement := elements last.
    	attractiveElements := (elements asSortedCollection: 
    					[:e1 :e2 | 
    					(self elements indexOf: e1) < (self elements indexOf: e2)]) 
    	attractiveElements remove: attractiveElement.
    	attractiveElements addFirst: attractiveElement.
    	elementCollection := self elements copy asOrderedCollection.
    	elementIndex := elementCollection 
    				findFirst: [:element | element = attractiveElement].
    	elementIndex < 1 ifTrue: [^nil].
    	targetIndex := elementCollection findFirst: [:element | element = target].
    	targetIndex < 1 ifTrue: [^nil].
    	headCollection := elementCollection copyFrom: 1 to: targetIndex - 1.
    	tailCollection := elementCollection copyFrom: targetIndex
    				to: elementCollection size.
    	headCollection with: (1 to: headCollection size)
    			[:element :index | 
    			(attractiveElements includes: element) 
    					[headCollection at: index put: self class defaultCatalogueVoidClass new]].
    	tailCollection with: (1 to: tailCollection size)
    			[:element :index | 
    			(attractiveElements includes: element) 
    					[tailCollection at: index put: self class defaultCatalogueVoidClass new]].
    	voidElements := tailCollection select: [:element | element isVoid].
    	voidElements isEmpty 
    			[(voidElements copyFrom: 1
    				to: (attractiveElements size min: voidElements size)) 
    					do: [:void | tailCollection remove: void]].
    	elementCollection := OrderedCollection new.
    	elementCollection addAll: headCollection.
    	elementCollection addAll: attractiveElements.
    	elementCollection addAll: tailCollection.
    	self elements: elementCollection.
    	self selections: elements.
    	self clearAndRedisplay
  48. moveElements: elements toElement: target [actions] xrefs
    	(JunSensorUtility shiftDown or: [JunSensorUtility altDown]) 
    		ifTrue: [self move2Elements: elements toElement: target]
    		ifFalse: [self move1Elements: elements toElement: target]
  49. multiSelections [preferences] xrefs
    	^self preferenceTable at: #multiSelections ifAbsentPut: [true]
  50. multiSelections: aBoolean [preferences] xrefs
    	self preferenceTable at: #multiSelections put: aBoolean = true
  51. openCatalogueElement: element [menu messages] xrefs
    	^self openCatalogueElement: element at: nil
  52. openCatalogueElement: element at: point [menu messages] xrefs
    	| viewer |
    	viewer := nil.
    	(element filename notNil and: [element filename exists]) 
    			[Cursor wait showWhile: 
    					[viewer := element class defaultMoleculeViewerClass 
    								fileName: element filename.
    					element toPreferences: viewer.
    					self getWindow ifNil: [viewer open]
    							[:window | 
    							| box |
    							element viewerExtent ifNil: [box := 0 @ 0 extent: 400 @ 400]
    								ifNotNil: [:it | box := 0 @ 0 extent: it].
    							point ifNil: [box := box align: box center with: window displayBox center]
    								ifNotNil: [box := box align: box origin with:  point].
    							viewer openIn: box].
    					element projectionTable ifNil: [viewer resetView]
    						ifNotNil: [:it | viewer projectionTable: it].
    					viewer cameraButton 
    						compute: [:value | self pressedCameraButtonOf: element in: viewer].
    					viewer beVisibleCameraButton]].
  53. openCatalogueFile [menu messages] xrefs
    	| catalogue |
    	catalogue := self class request.
    	catalogue ifNil: [^nil].
    	self columnSize: catalogue columnSize.
    	self elements: catalogue elements.
    	self selections: catalogue selections.
    	self filename: catalogue filename.
    	self preferenceTable: catalogue preferenceTable.
    	self fitWindowSize.
    	self updateMenuIndication
  54. openMoleculeViewer [menu messages] xrefs
    	| collection point |
    	collection := OrderedCollection new.
    	point := nil.
    	self selections do: 
    			[:element | 
    			| viewer |
    			viewer := self openCatalogueElement: element at: point.
    			viewer ifNil: [point := nil]
    					[:it | 
    					collection add: it.
    					point := it getWindow displayBox origin translatedBy: 25 @ 25].
    			(JunSensorUtility shiftDown or: [JunSensorUtility altDown]) 
    						do: [:each | each closeTogetherWhenShiftDownOrAltDown: collection].
    		do: [:each | each closeTogetherWhenShiftDownOrAltDown: collection]
  55. openSDFile [menu messages] xrefs
    	| aReader moleculeObjects aDirectory filenameCollection elementCollection |
    	aReader := ChemoJunSdFileReader request.
    	aReader isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
    	(moleculeObjects := aReader moleculeObjects) isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil].
    	aDirectory := (aReader fileName asString , '.sbd') asFilename.
    	aDirectory exists ifFalse: [aDirectory makeDirectory].
    	filenameCollection := OrderedCollection new: moleculeObjects size.
    	moleculeObjects with: (1 to: moleculeObjects size)
    			[:moleculeObject :nth | 
    			| aWriter aString aCollection aFilename |
    			aWriter := ChemoJunMolFileWriter moleculeObject: moleculeObject.
    			aFilename := (aDirectory 
    						construct: aReader baseName , aReader extension , '.' , nth printString 
    								, '.mol') 
    			aString := moleculeObject molfileHeaderBlock at: 2.
    			(aString size >= 10 and: [(aString copyFrom: 3 to: 10) = 'ChemoJun']) 
    					[aString := moleculeObject molfileHeaderBlock at: 1.
    					aCollection := aReader separate: aString.
    					(aCollection size = 3 
    						and: [aCollection first = '-' and: [aCollection last = '-']]) 
    								[aFilename := (aDirectory construct: (aCollection at: 2) , '.mol') 
    			aWriter fileName: aFilename.
    			aWriter write.
    			filenameCollection add: aFilename].
    	elementCollection := self class elementsFrom: filenameCollection.
    	self elements: self elements , elementCollection.
    	self redisplay
  56. pixmapExtent [displaying] xrefs
    	| aBox |
    	aBox := (Point zero extent: self class defaultThumbnailExtent) 
    				expandedBy: self selectionMargin.
    	^aBox extent
  57. postOpenWith: aBuilder [interface opening] xrefs
    	super postOpenWith: aBuilder.
    	self fitWindowSize
  58. preferenceTable [preferences] xrefs
    	preferenceTable ifNil: [preferenceTable := JunAttributeTable new].
  59. preferenceTable: attributeTable [preferences] xrefs
    	preferenceTable := attributeTable
  60. preferenceTableToLispList [lisp support] xrefs
    	| alist |
    	alist := JunLispCons cell.
    	alist head: #preferenceTable.
    	alist tail: self preferenceTable toLispList.
  61. pressedCameraButtonOf: anElement in: aViewer [actions] xrefs
    	| anImage |
    	aViewer ifNil: [^nil].
    	anImage := aViewer asImage.
    	anImage ifNil: [^nil].
    	anImage := anElement decoratedImage: anImage.
    		fromPreferences: aViewer;
    		thumbnail: anImage;
    		computeMappingPoints: aViewer.
    	self changed
  62. printOn: aStream [printing] xrefs
    	self toLispList printOn: aStream
  63. quitDoing [menu messages] xrefs
    	self closeRequest
  64. redisplay [displaying] xrefs
    	self changed: #redisplay.
    	self updateMenuIndication
  65. removeElements [menu messages] xrefs
    	| selections elements |
    	(selections := self selections) isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil].
    	(JunDialog confirm: #jun_Really_remove_ >> 'Really remove?') 
    		ifFalse: [^nil].
    	elements := self elements 
    				reject: [:element | selections includes: element].
    	self elements: elements.
    	self clearSelections.
    	self changed
  66. removeSelection: catalogueElement [selecting] xrefs
    	self selections: ((self selections copy)
    				remove: catalogueElement ifAbsent: [nil];
  67. requestNewImageFilename [menu messages] xrefs
    	"ChemoJunMoleculeCatalogue new requestNewImageFilename."
    	| labels values menu message aFilename |
    	labels := Array 
    				with: (Array with: (#jun_Image_files >> 'Image files') asString).
    	values := Array with: JunSystem defaultImageExtensionPatterns.
    	menu := Menu labelList: labels values: values.
    	message := #jun_Input_an_image_file_ >> 'Input an image file.' 
    				expandMacrosWith: 'image'.
    	aFilename := ChemoJunFileRequesterDialog 
    				requestNewFilename: message
    				initialFilename: self defaultBaseName , '.jpg'
    				fileTypeMenu: menu
    				initialFileType: values first.
    	aFilename isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
  68. saveAsCatalogue [menu messages] xrefs
    	| labels values menu filename |
    	self isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil].
    	labels := Array with: (Array 
    						with: (#chemoJun_Molecular_catalogue_files >> 'Molecular catalogue files') 
    				with: (Array with: (#jun_All_files >> 'All files') asString).
    	values := Array with: #('*.catalogue' '*.CATALOGUE') with: #('*').
    	menu := Menu labelList: labels values: values.
    	filename := ChemoJunFileRequesterDialog 
    				requestNewFilename: (#chemoJun_Input_a_catalogue_file_ 
    						>> 'Input a catalogue file.') asString
    				initialFilename: self defaultBaseName , '.catalogue'
    				fileTypeMenu: menu
    				initialFileType: values first.
    	filename isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
    	self saveCatalogueTo: filename.
    	self filename: filename
  69. saveAsHTML [menu messages] xrefs
    	| baseDirectory imageDirectory thumbnailDirectory aCollection aFilename |
    	self isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil].
    	baseDirectory := ChemoJunFileRequesterDialog 
    				requestNewDirectory: (#jun_Input_a_directory_ >> 'Input a directory.') 
    				initialFilename: self defaultBaseName.
    	baseDirectory ifNil: [^nil].
    	baseDirectory exists ifFalse: [baseDirectory makeDirectory].
    	imageDirectory := baseDirectory construct: 'images'.
    	imageDirectory exists ifFalse: [imageDirectory makeDirectory].
    	thumbnailDirectory := baseDirectory construct: 'thumbnails'.
    	thumbnailDirectory exists ifFalse: [thumbnailDirectory makeDirectory].
    	aCollection := OrderedCollection new: self elements size.
    	self elements with: (1 to: self elements size)
    			[:element :index | 
    			| aString imageFilename thumbnailFilename |
    			aString := index printString.
    			8 - aString size timesRepeat: [aString := '0' , aString].
    			aString := aString , '.jpg'.
    			imageFilename := imageDirectory construct: aString.
    			thumbnailFilename := thumbnailDirectory construct: aString.
    				add: element -> (Array with: imageFilename with: thumbnailFilename)].
    	aFilename := baseDirectory construct: 'index.html'.
    	Cursor write showWhile: [self htmlTo: aFilename with: aCollection].
    	JunURL browse: aFilename asURI asString
  70. saveAsImage [menu messages] xrefs
    	| aBoolean anImage aFilename |
    	aBoolean := JunSensorUtility shiftDown or: [JunSensorUtility altDown].
    	anImage := self asImage.
    	anImage isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
    			[anImage := anImage convertToPalette: JunImageProcessor grayPalette256
    						renderedBy: NearestPaint new].
    	aFilename := self requestNewImageFilename.
    	aFilename isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
    	self writeImage: anImage to: aFilename.
  71. saveAsSDFile [menu messages] xrefs
    	| aWriter moleculeObjects |
    	self elements isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil].
    	aWriter := ChemoJunSdFileWriter 
    				requestInitialFileName: self defaultBaseName , '.sd'.
    	aWriter isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
    	moleculeObjects := self moleculeObjects.
    	aWriter moleculeObjects: moleculeObjects.
    	aWriter write.
  72. saveCatalogue [menu messages] xrefs
    	self isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil].
    	self filename ifNil: [self saveAsCatalogue]
    		ifNotNil: [:it | self saveCatalogueTo: it]
  73. saveCatalogueTo: aFilename [menu messages] xrefs
    	| aStream |
    		assert: [aStream := aFilename asFilename writeStream]
    				nextPutAll: '%';
    				nextPutAll: '%';
    				nextPutAll: 'Molecular Catalogue';
    				nextPutAll: 'created by';
    				nextPutAll: ChemoJunSystem system , ChemoJunSystem version;
    				nextPutAll: 'at';
    				nextPutAll: JunCalendarModel stringFromDateAndTime;
    				nextPutAll: '%';
    			self toLispList saveOn: aStream]
    		ensure: [aStream close]
  74. scrollDown [scrolling] xrefs
    	self selections size = 1 
    			[| index down |
    			index := self elements indexOf: self selection.
    			down := OrderedCollection new.
    			(index + self columnSize to: self elements size by: self columnSize) 
    				do: [:i | down add: (self elements at: i)].
    			index := index 
    						+ (self columnSize * (down findFirst: [:element | element isNotVoid])).
    			index <= self elements size 
    					[| element |
    					element := self elements at: index.
    					self selection: element.
    					self scrollFor: element.
    					self redisplay]]
    			[self getView 
    				ifNotNil: [:aView | aView scrollBy: 0 @ self scrollGrid y negated]]
  75. scrollFor: element [scrolling] xrefs
    	self getView ifNotNil: 
    			[:aView | 
    			| elementBox viewBox mergeBox |
    			elementBox := element bounds.
    			viewBox := aView bounds.
    			mergeBox := elementBox merge: viewBox.
    			mergeBox = viewBox 
    					[| scrollAmount marginPoint |
    					scrollAmount := aView scrollOffset negated.
    					marginPoint := self class defaultThumbnailMargin.
    					elementBox top < viewBox top 
    						ifTrue: [scrollAmount := scrollAmount x @ (elementBox top - marginPoint y)].
    					elementBox bottom > viewBox bottom 
    							[scrollAmount := scrollAmount x 
    										@ (elementBox bottom - viewBox height + marginPoint y)].
    					elementBox left < viewBox left 
    						ifTrue: [scrollAmount := (elementBox left - marginPoint x) @ scrollAmount y].
    					elementBox right > viewBox right 
    							[scrollAmount := (elementBox right - viewBox width + marginPoint x) 
    										@ scrollAmount y].
    					scrollAmount := scrollAmount negated.
    					aView scrollTo: scrollAmount]]
  76. scrollGrid [scrolling] xrefs
    	^self class defaultThumbnailExtent + self class defaultThumbnailMargin
  77. scrollLeft [scrolling] xrefs
    	self selections size = 1 
    			[| index left |
    			index := self elements indexOf: self selection.
    			left := (self elements copyFrom: 1 to: index - 1) reverse.
    			index := index - (left findFirst: [:element | element isNotVoid]).
    			index > 0 
    					[| element |
    					element := self elements at: index.
    					self selection: element.
    					self scrollFor: element.
    					self redisplay]]
    			[self getView ifNotNil: [:aView | aView scrollBy: self scrollGrid x @ 0]]
  78. scrollRight [scrolling] xrefs
    	self selections size = 1 
    			[| index right |
    			index := self elements indexOf: self selection.
    			right := self elements copyFrom: index + 1 to: self elements size.
    			index := index + (right findFirst: [:element | element isNotVoid]).
    			index <= self elements size 
    					[| element |
    					element := self elements at: index.
    					self selection: element.
    					self scrollFor: element.
    					self redisplay]]
    			[self getView 
    				ifNotNil: [:aView | aView scrollBy: self scrollGrid x negated @ 0]]
  79. scrollUp [scrolling] xrefs
    	self selections size = 1 
    			[| index up |
    			index := self elements indexOf: self selection.
    			up := OrderedCollection new.
    			(index - self columnSize to: 1 by: self columnSize negated) 
    				do: [:i | up add: (self elements at: i)].
    			index := index 
    						- (self columnSize * (up findFirst: [:element | element isNotVoid])).
    			index > 0 
    					[| element |
    					element := self elements at: index.
    					self selection: element.
    					self scrollFor: element.
    					self redisplay]]
    			[self getView ifNotNil: [:aView | aView scrollBy: 0 @ self scrollGrid y]]
  80. selectAll [menu messages] xrefs
    	self selections: self elements.
    	self redisplay
  81. selectDirectory [menu messages] xrefs
    	| directory catalogue |
    	directory := ChemoJunFileRequesterDialog requestDirectory.
    	directory isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
    	catalogue := self class directory: directory.
    	self elements: self elements , catalogue elements.
    	self filename: catalogue filename.
    	self redisplay
  82. selectedElementsToLispList [lisp support] xrefs
    	| aList |
    	aList := JunLispCons cell.
    	aList head: #selectedElements.
    	self selections 
    		collect: [:element | aList add: (self elements indexOf: element)].
  83. selection [selecting] xrefs
    	self selections isEmpty ifTrue: [^nil].
    	^self selections last
  84. selection: element [selecting] xrefs
    	element ifNil: [self selections: Array new]
    		ifNotNil: [:it | self selections: (Array with: it)]
  85. selectionColor [displaying] xrefs
    	^ColorValue red
  86. selectionMargin [displaying] xrefs
    	^2 @ 2
  87. selections [selecting] xrefs
    	selectedElements ifNil: [selectedElements := OrderedCollection new].
  88. selections: elementCollection [selecting] xrefs
    	selectedElements := elementCollection asOrderedCollection 
    				select: [:element | element notNil and: [element isNotVoid]].
    	selectedElements isEmpty 
    		ifTrue: [self updateEditMenuIndication]
    		ifFalse: [self redisplay]
  89. setWindowLabel [interface opening] xrefs
    	| aWindow aFilename aString |
    	aWindow := self getWindow.
    	aWindow isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
    	aWindow model = self ifFalse: [^nil].
    	self filename isNil ifTrue: [^aWindow label: self defaultWindowLabel].
    	aFilename := self filename asFilename.
    	aString := (Filename splitPath: aFilename asString) last.
    	aWindow label: self defaultWindowLabel , ' [' , aString , ']'
  90. singleSelection [preferences] xrefs
    	^self multiSelections not
  91. singleSelection: aBoolean [preferences] xrefs
    	^self multiSelections: (aBoolean = true) not
  92. toggleCatalogIndex [menu messages] xrefs
    	self visibleCatalogIndex: self visibleCatalogIndex not.
    	self redisplay
  93. toggleFileName [menu messages] xrefs
    	self visibleFileName: self visibleFileName not.
    	self redisplay
  94. toLispList [lisp support] xrefs
    	| aList |
    	aList := JunLispCons cell.
    	aList head: self class name.
    	aList add: self columnSizeToLispList.
    	aList add: self catalogueElementsToLispList.
    	self selections isEmpty 
    		ifFalse: [aList add: self selectedElementsToLispList].
    	self preferenceTable isEmpty 
    		ifFalse: [aList add: self preferenceTableToLispList].
  95. updateEditMenuIndication [menu accessing] xrefs
    	| menuItem aMenu |
    	menuItem := self menuItemLabeled: 'Edit' inMenu: self menuBar.
    	menuItem isNil ifTrue: [^self].
    	aMenu := menuItem submenu.
    	aMenu notNil 
    			[menuItem := aMenu menuItemWithValue: #openMoleculeViewer ifNone: [nil].
    			menuItem notNil 
    					[(self isEmpty or: [self selections isEmpty or: [self isAllVoidSelections]]) 
    						ifTrue: [menuItem disable]
    						ifFalse: [menuItem enable]].
    			menuItem := aMenu menuItemWithValue: #removeElements ifNone: [nil].
    			menuItem notNil 
    					[(self isEmpty or: [self selections isEmpty or: [self isAllVoidSelections]]) 
    						ifTrue: [menuItem disable]
    						ifFalse: [menuItem enable]].
    			menuItem := aMenu menuItemWithValue: #selectAll ifNone: [nil].
    			menuItem notNil 
    					[(self isEmpty or: [self isAllSelections]) 
    						ifTrue: [menuItem disable]
    						ifFalse: [menuItem enable]]]
  96. updateFileMenuIndication [menu accessing] xrefs
    	| menuItem aMenu |
    	menuItem := self menuItemLabeled: 'File' inMenu: self menuBar.
    	menuItem isNil ifTrue: [^self].
    	aMenu := menuItem submenu.
    	aMenu notNil 
    			[menuItem := aMenu menuItemWithValue: #saveCatalogue ifNone: [nil].
    			menuItem notNil 
    				ifTrue: [self isEmpty ifTrue: [menuItem disable] ifFalse: [menuItem enable]].
    			menuItem := aMenu menuItemWithValue: #saveAsCatalogue ifNone: [nil].
    			menuItem notNil 
    				ifTrue: [self isEmpty ifTrue: [menuItem disable] ifFalse: [menuItem enable]].
    			menuItem := aMenu menuItemWithValue: #saveAsSDFile ifNone: [nil].
    			menuItem notNil 
    				ifTrue: [self isEmpty ifTrue: [menuItem disable] ifFalse: [menuItem enable]].
    			menuItem := aMenu menuItemWithValue: #saveAsImage ifNone: [nil].
    			menuItem notNil 
    				ifTrue: [self isEmpty ifTrue: [menuItem disable] ifFalse: [menuItem enable]].
    			menuItem := aMenu menuItemWithValue: #saveAsHTML ifNone: [nil].
    			menuItem notNil 
    				ifTrue: [self isEmpty ifTrue: [menuItem disable] ifFalse: [menuItem enable]]]
  97. updateMenuIndication [menu accessing] xrefs
    	self updateFileMenuIndication.
    	self updateEditMenuIndication.
    	self updateViewMenuIndication
  98. updateViewMenuIndication [menu accessing] xrefs
    	| menuItem aMenu |
    	menuItem := self menuItemLabeled: 'View' inMenu: self menuBar.
    	menuItem isNil ifTrue: [^self].
    	aMenu := menuItem submenu.
    	aMenu notNil 
    			[menuItem := aMenu menuItemWithValue: #toggleCatalogIndex ifNone: [nil].
    			menuItem notNil 
    					[menuItem enable.
    					self visibleCatalogIndex ifTrue: [menuItem beOn] ifFalse: [menuItem beOff]].
    			menuItem := aMenu menuItemWithValue: #toggleFileName ifNone: [nil].
    			menuItem notNil 
    					[menuItem enable.
    					self visibleFileName ifTrue: [menuItem beOn] ifFalse: [menuItem beOff]].
    			menuItem := aMenu menuItemWithValue: #arrangeColumnSize ifNone: [nil].
    			menuItem notNil 
    				ifTrue: [self isEmpty ifTrue: [menuItem disable] ifFalse: [menuItem enable]].
    			menuItem := aMenu menuItemWithValue: #condenseElements ifNone: [nil].
    			menuItem notNil 
    					[self hasVoidElement ifTrue: [menuItem enable] ifFalse: [menuItem disable]]]
  99. visibleCatalogIndex [preferences] xrefs
    	^self preferenceTable at: #visibleCatalogIndex ifAbsentPut: [false]
  100. visibleCatalogIndex: aBoolean [preferences] xrefs
    	self preferenceTable at: #visibleCatalogIndex put: aBoolean = true
  101. visibleFileName [preferences] xrefs
    	^self preferenceTable at: #visibleFileName ifAbsentPut: [true]
  102. visibleFileName: aBoolean [preferences] xrefs
    	self preferenceTable at: #visibleFileName put: aBoolean = true
  103. where: aPoint [selecting] xrefs
    	^self elements detect: [:element | element bounds containsPoint: aPoint]
    		ifNone: [nil]
  104. which: aPoint [selecting] xrefs
    	^(self where: aPoint) ifNil: [nil]
    		ifNotNil: [:element | element isVoid ifTrue: [nil] ifFalse: [element]]
  105. yellowButtonMenu [menu accessing] xrefs
    	self updateEditMenuIndication.
    	^(self menuItemLabeled: 'Edit' inMenu: self menuBar) submenu

class methods:

  1. catalogueElementsFromTable: aTable for: aCatalogue [lisp support] xrefs
    	| aList catalogueElements |
    	aList := aTable at: #catalogueElements ifAbsent: [^aCatalogue].
    	catalogueElements := OrderedCollection new: aList size.
    	(self catalogueProgress)
    		message: String new;
    		value: 0;
    				[aList do: 
    						[:list | 
    						| element |
    						list ifNil: [element := nil]
    								[element := ((Smalltalk at: list head) fromLispList: list)
    						catalogueElements add: element.
    						self catalogueProgress value: catalogueElements size / aList size]].
    	aCatalogue elements: catalogueElements.
  2. catalogueProgress [accessing] xrefs
    	catalogueProgress ifNil: [catalogueProgress := JunProgress new].
  3. columnSizeFromTable: aTable for: aCatalogue [lisp support] xrefs
    	| columnSize |
    	columnSize := aTable at: #columnSize ifAbsent: [^aCatalogue].
    	aCatalogue columnSize: columnSize.
  4. copyright [copyright] xrefs
    	^'ChemoJun050 (2006/08/08) Copyright 2002-2006 National Institute of Informatics, Research Organization of Information and Systems.'
  5. defaultCatalogueElementClass [defaults] xrefs
  6. defaultCatalogueVoidClass [defaults] xrefs
  7. defaultColumnSize [defaults] xrefs
  8. defaultMolecueCatalogueViewClass [defaults] xrefs
  9. defaultThumbnailExtent [defaults] xrefs
    	^self defaultCatalogueElementClass defaultThumbnailExtent
  10. defaultThumbnailMargin [defaults] xrefs
    	^6 @ 6
  11. directories: directoryFilenames [instance creation] xrefs
    	| filenameCollection |
    	filenameCollection := OrderedCollection new.
    	directoryFilenames do: 
    			[:each | 
    			| directoryName |
    			directoryName := each asFilename.
    			(directoryName exists and: [directoryName isDirectory]) 
    					[filenameCollection addAll: (JunFileModel 
    								dive: directoryName
    								level: 1
    								patterns: #('*.mol' '*.MOL'))]].
    	^(self new)
    		elements: (self elementsFrom: filenameCollection);
  12. directory: directoryFilename [instance creation] xrefs
    	^self directories: (Array with: directoryFilename)
  13. elementsFrom: filenameCollection [utilities] xrefs
    	| elementCollection |
    	elementCollection := OrderedCollection new: filenameCollection size.
    	(self catalogueProgress)
    		message: String new;
    		value: 0;
    				[filenameCollection do: 
    						[:aFilename | 
    						| anElement |
    						aFilename ifNil: 
    								[self catalogueProgress message: String new.
    								anElement := self defaultCatalogueElementClass new]
    								[self catalogueProgress 
    									message: (Filename splitPath: aFilename asString) last.
    								anElement := (self defaultCatalogueElementClass filename: aFilename)
    						elementCollection add: anElement.
    						self catalogueProgress 
    							value: elementCollection size / filenameCollection size.
    						JunSensorUtility shiftDown ifTrue: [^elementCollection]]].
  14. example1 [examples] xrefs
    	"ChemoJunMoleculeCatalogue example1."
    	| moleculeCatalogue |
    	(moleculeCatalogue := ChemoJunMoleculeCatalogue request) ifNil: [^nil].
    	JunImageDisplayModel show: moleculeCatalogue asImage.
  15. example2 [examples] xrefs
    	"ChemoJunMoleculeCatalogue example2."
    	| moleculeCatalogue |
    	moleculeCatalogue := ChemoJunMoleculeCatalogue new.
    	moleculeCatalogue open.
  16. example3 [examples] xrefs
    	"ChemoJunMoleculeCatalogue example3."
    	| moleculeCatalogue selectedElements |
    	(moleculeCatalogue := ChemoJunMoleculeCatalogue request) ifNil: [^nil].
    	moleculeCatalogue multiSelections: true.
    	selectedElements := OrderedCollection new.
    	moleculeCatalogue elements with: (1 to: moleculeCatalogue elements size)
    		do: [:element :index | index even ifTrue: [selectedElements add: element]].
    	moleculeCatalogue selections: selectedElements.
    	moleculeCatalogue open.
  17. example4 [examples] xrefs
    	"ChemoJunMoleculeCatalogue example4."
    	| aDirectory moleculeCatalogue |
    	(aDirectory := ChemoJunFileRequesterDialog requestDirectory) ifNil: [^nil].
    	moleculeCatalogue := ChemoJunMoleculeCatalogue directory: aDirectory.
    	moleculeCatalogue open.
  18. example5 [examples] xrefs
    	"ChemoJunMoleculeCatalogue example5."
    	| aDirectory moleculeCatalogue |
    	(aDirectory := ChemoJunFileRequesterDialog requestDirectory) ifNil: [^nil].
    	moleculeCatalogue := ChemoJunMoleculeCatalogue 
    				directories: (Array with: aDirectory with: aDirectory).
    	moleculeCatalogue open.
  19. example6 [examples] xrefs
    	"ChemoJunMoleculeCatalogue example6."
    	| aDirectory moleculeCatalogue lispList |
    	(aDirectory := ChemoJunFileRequesterDialog requestDirectory) ifNil: [^nil].
    	moleculeCatalogue := ChemoJunMoleculeCatalogue directory: aDirectory.
    	lispList := moleculeCatalogue toLispList.
    		show: lispList saveString.
    	moleculeCatalogue := moleculeCatalogue class fromLispList: lispList.
    	lispList := moleculeCatalogue toLispList.
    		show: lispList saveString.
  20. filename: catalogueFilename [instance creation] xrefs
    	| aStream aList aCatalogue |
    		assert: [aStream := catalogueFilename asFilename readStream]
    		do: [Cursor read showWhile: [aList := JunLispParser parse: aStream]]
    		ensure: [aStream close].
    	Cursor wait showWhile: 
    			[aCatalogue := (self fromLispList: aList)
    						filename: catalogueFilename;
  21. fromLispList: aList [lisp support] xrefs
    	| aClass aTable aCatalogue |
    	aClass := Smalltalk at: aList head.
    	aTable := self tableFromLispList: aList tail.
    	aCatalogue := aClass new.
    	self columnSizeFromTable: aTable for: aCatalogue.
    	self catalogueElementsFromTable: aTable for: aCatalogue.
    	self selectedElementsFromTable: aTable for: aCatalogue.
    	self preferenceTableFromTable: aTable for: aCatalogue.
  22. menuBar [resources] xrefs
    	"Tools.MenuEditor new openOnClass: self andSelector: #menuBar"
    	<resource: #menu>
    	^#(#{UI.Menu} #(
    					#key: #jun_File 
    					#defaultString: 'File' ) 
    				#submenu: #(#{UI.Menu} #(
    								#key: #jun_New 
    								#defaultString: 'New' ) 
    							#value: #newModel ) 
    								#key: #chemoJun_Select_Directory 
    								#defaultString: 'Select Directory' ) 
    							#value: #selectDirectory ) 
    								#key: #chemoJun_Open_Catalogue_File 
    								#defaultString: 'Open Catalogue File' ) 
    							#value: #openCatalogueFile ) 
    								#key: #chemoJun_Open_SD_File 
    								#defaultString: 'Open SD File' ) 
    							#value: #openSDFile ) 
    								#key: #chemoJun_Save_Catalogue_File 
    								#defaultString: 'Save Catalogue File' ) 
    							#value: #saveCatalogue ) 
    								#key: #chemoJun_Save_as_Catalogue_File 
    								#defaultString: 'Save as Catalogue File' ) 
    							#value: #saveAsCatalogue ) 
    								#key: #chemoJun_Save_as_SD_File 
    								#defaultString: 'Save as SD File' ) 
    							#value: #saveAsSDFile ) 
    								#key: #chemoJun_Save_as_Image 
    								#defaultString: 'Save as Image' ) 
    							#value: #saveAsImage ) 
    								#key: #chemoJun_Save_as_HTML 
    								#defaultString: 'Save as HTML' ) 
    							#value: #saveAsHTML ) 
    								#key: #jun_Quit 
    								#defaultString: 'Quit' ) 
    							#value: #quitDoing ) ) #(1 3 3 2 1 ) nil ) ) 
    					#key: #jun_Edit 
    					#defaultString: 'Edit' ) 
    				#submenu: #(#{UI.Menu} #(
    								#key: #chemoJun_Open_Molecular_Viewer 
    								#defaultString: 'Open Molecular Viewer' ) 
    							#value: #openMoleculeViewer ) 
    								#key: #jun_Remove 
    								#defaultString: 'Remove' ) 
    							#value: #removeElements ) 
    								#key: #jun_Select_all 
    								#defaultString: 'Select All' ) 
    							#value: #selectAll ) ) #(2 1 ) nil ) ) 
    					#key: #chemoJun_View 
    					#defaultString: 'View' ) 
    				#submenu: #(#{UI.Menu} #(
    								#key: #chemoJun_Show_Indexes 
    								#defaultString: 'Indexes' ) 
    							#value: #toggleCatalogIndex ) 
    								#key: #chemoJun_Show_File_Name 
    								#defaultString: 'File Name' ) 
    							#value: #toggleFileName ) 
    								#key: #chemoJun_Column_Size 
    								#defaultString: 'Column Size' ) 
    							#value: #arrangeColumnSize ) 
    								#key: #chemoJun_Condense 
    								#defaultString: 'Condense' ) 
    							#value: #condenseElements ) ) #(2 2 ) nil ) ) 
    					#key: #jun_Misc 
    					#defaultString: 'Misc' ) 
    				#submenu: #(#{UI.Menu} #(
    								#key: #jun_Manual 
    								#defaultString: 'Manual' ) 
    							#value: #browseManual ) 
    								#key: #jun_Inspect 
    								#defaultString: 'Inspect' ) 
    							#value: #inspectModel ) ) #(1 1 ) nil ) ) ) #(4 ) nil ) decodeAsLiteralArray
  23. preferenceTableFromTable: aTable for: aCatalogue [lisp support] xrefs
    	| aList preferenceTable |
    	aList := aTable at: #preferenceTable ifAbsent: [^aCatalogue].
    	preferenceTable := JunAttributeTable fromLispList: aList.
    	aCatalogue preferenceTable: preferenceTable.
  24. request [utilities] xrefs
    	"ChemoJunMoleculeCatalogue request."
    	| labels values menu filename catalogue |
    	labels := Array with: (Array 
    						with: (#chemoJun_Molecular_catalogue_files >> 'Molecular catalogue files') 
    				with: (Array with: (#jun_All_files >> 'All files') asString).
    	values := Array with: #('*.catalogue' '*.CATALOGUE') with: #('*').
    	menu := Menu labelList: labels values: values.
    	filename := ChemoJunFileRequesterDialog 
    				requestFilename: (#chemoJun_Select_a_catalogue_file_ 
    						>> 'Select a catalogue file.') asString
    				fileTypeMenu: menu
    				initialFileType: values first.
    	filename isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
    	catalogue := self filename: filename.
  25. selectedElementsFromTable: aTable for: aCatalogue [lisp support] xrefs
    	| aList |
    	aList := aTable at: #selectedElements ifAbsent: [^aCatalogue].
    		selections: (aList collect: [:index | aCatalogue elements at: index]) 
  26. system [copyright] xrefs
  27. tableFromLispList: aList [lisp support] xrefs
    	| aTable |
    	aTable := JunAttributeTable new.
    	aList do: [:pair | aTable at: pair head put: pair tail].
  28. version [copyright] xrefs
  29. windowSpec [interface specs] xrefs
    	"Tools.UIPainter new openOnClass: self andSelector: #windowSpec"
    	<resource: #canvas>
    				#key: #chemoJun_Molecular_Catalogue 
    				#defaultString: 'Molecular Catalogue' ) 
    			#min: #(#{Core.Point} 300 300 ) 
    			#max: #(#{Core.Point} 0 0 ) 
    			#bounds: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 700 468 1397 1050 ) 
    			#flags: 4 
    			#menu: #menuBar 
    				#setBackgroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} 7700 7700 7700 ) ) ) 
    			#collection: #(
    					#layout: #(#{Graphics.LayoutFrame} 1 0 1 0 -1 1 -1 1 ) 
    					#name: #catalogueView 
    					#flags: 11 
    					#component: #catalogueView ) ) ) )

index xrefs