index xrefs 2006/08/08 17:41:27


ChemoJun050 (2006/08/08) Copyright 2002-2006 National Institute of Informatics, Research Organization of Information and Systems.



instance variables:

class instance variables:

class variables:

pool variables:

instance methods:

  1. areaActivity [control activities] xrefs
    	| aModel startPoint shapeCollection endPoint aRectangle |
    	aModel := self model.
    	aModel multiSelections ifFalse: [^nil].
    	self sensor shiftDown ifFalse: [aModel selections: Array new].
    	startPoint := self sensor cursorPoint.
    	JunCursors crossCursor showWhile: 
    			[[self sensor anyButtonPressed] whileTrue: 
    					[[self sensor anyButtonPressed and: [self viewHasCursor]] whileTrue: 
    							[shapeCollection := self areaToShapes: startPoint.
    							shapeCollection isEmpty 
    									[shapeCollection do: 
    											[:shape | 
    											Screen default 
    												displayShape: shape
    												lineWidth: 2
    												at: Point zero
    												forMilliseconds: 40.
    											Processor yield]]].
    					self scrollActivity.
    					shapeCollection := self areaToShapes: startPoint.
    					shapeCollection isEmpty 
    							[shapeCollection do: 
    									[:shape | 
    									Screen default 
    										displayShape: shape
    										lineWidth: 2
    										at: Point zero
    										forMilliseconds: 40.
    									Processor yield]]]].
    	endPoint := self sensor cursorPoint.
    	aRectangle := Rectangle vertex: startPoint vertex: endPoint.
    	aModel elements do: 
    			[:element | 
    			(element bounds intersects: aRectangle) 
    				ifTrue: [aModel addSelection: element]].
    	aModel redisplay
  2. areaToShapes: startPoint [private] xrefs
    	| originPoint cursorPoint areaBox viewBox intersectBox lines pointsCollection shapes |
    	originPoint := (self view localPointToGlobal: Point zero) 
    				+ self view topComponent globalOrigin.
    	cursorPoint := self sensor cursorPoint.
    	areaBox := Rectangle vertex: startPoint vertex: cursorPoint.
    	viewBox := self view bounds.
    	intersectBox := areaBox intersect: viewBox.
    	lines := Dictionary new: 4.
    		at: #topLine
    			put: (Jun2dLine from: intersectBox topLeft to: intersectBox topRight);
    		at: #rightLine
    			put: (Jun2dLine from: intersectBox topRight to: intersectBox bottomRight);
    		at: #bottomLine
    			put: (Jun2dLine from: intersectBox bottomRight to: intersectBox bottomLeft);
    		at: #leftLine
    			put: (Jun2dLine from: intersectBox bottomLeft to: intersectBox topLeft).
    	areaBox top < viewBox top 
    		ifTrue: [lines removeKey: #topLine ifAbsent: [nil]].
    	areaBox bottom > viewBox bottom 
    		ifTrue: [lines removeKey: #bottomLine ifAbsent: [nil]].
    	areaBox left < viewBox left 
    		ifTrue: [lines removeKey: #leftLine ifAbsent: [nil]].
    	areaBox right > viewBox right 
    		ifTrue: [lines removeKey: #rightLine ifAbsent: [nil]].
    	pointsCollection := OrderedCollection new: lines size.
    	#(#topLine #rightLine #bottomLine #leftLine) do: 
    			[:key | 
    			| line |
    			line := lines at: key ifAbsent: [nil].
    			line ifNotNil: 
    					[| fromPoint toPoint |
    					fromPoint := line from.
    					toPoint := line to.
    					pointsCollection isEmpty 
    							[pointsCollection add: (OrderedCollection with: fromPoint with: toPoint)]
    							[| thePoints |
    							thePoints := pointsCollection detect: [:points | points last = fromPoint]
    										ifNone: [nil].
    							thePoints ifNil: 
    									[pointsCollection add: (OrderedCollection with: line from with: line to)]
    								ifNotNil: [thePoints addLast: toPoint]]]].
    	pointsCollection size >= 2 
    			[| firstPoints lastPoints firstPoint lastPoint |
    			firstPoints := pointsCollection first.
    			lastPoints := pointsCollection last.
    			firstPoint := firstPoints first.
    			lastPoint := lastPoints last.
    			firstPoint = lastPoint 
    					[lastPoints addAllLast: (firstPoints copyFrom: 2 to: firstPoints size).
    					pointsCollection removeFirst]].
    	shapes := pointsCollection 
    				collect: [:points | points collect: [:point | point asPoint translatedBy: originPoint]].
  3. doubleClickActivity [control activities] xrefs
    	| aModel aPoint |
    	aModel := self model.
    	aPoint := self sensor cursorPoint.
    	(aModel which: aPoint) 
    		ifNotNil: [:element | aModel openCatalogueElement: element]
  4. dropActivity [control activities] xrefs
    	| aModel aWindow aView aBox |
    	aModel := self model dropTargetCatalogue.
    	aModel ifNil: [^nil].
    	aWindow := aModel getWindow.
    	aWindow ifNil: [^nil].
    	aView := aModel getView.
    	aView ifNil: [^nil].
    	aBox := aView bounds 
    				translatedBy: aWindow globalOrigin + (aView localPointToGlobal: Point zero).
    	Screen default 
    		displayShape: aBox asPointArray
    		lineWidth: 2
    		at: Point zero
    		forMilliseconds: 100.
  5. grabActivity [control activities] xrefs
    	| aModel aPoint |
    	aModel := self model.
    	aPoint := self sensor cursorPoint.
    	(aModel which: aPoint) ifNil: [self areaActivity]
    		ifNotNil: [self moveActivity]
  6. moveActivity [control activities] xrefs
    	| aModel aPoint |
    	aModel := self model.
    	aPoint := self sensor cursorPoint.
    	(aModel which: aPoint) ifNotNil: 
    			[:element | 
    			| anImage |
    			JunCursorAnimator handCursor0 showWhile: 
    					[self do: 
    							[(aModel selections includes: element) 
    									[aModel removeSelection: element.
    									aModel addSelection: element]
    								ifFalse: [aModel selection: element].
    							aModel redisplay.
    							anImage := aModel 
    										asImageOfElements: aModel selections
    										selectionColor: ColorValue blue
    										backgroundColor: aModel backgroundColor]
    						forMilliseconds: 300].
    			JunCursorAnimator handCursor5 showWhile: 
    					[[self sensor anyButtonPressed] whileTrue: 
    							[(JunVisualTransporter load: anImage) 
    									[self sensor cursorPoint 
    										- ((anImage bounds width - (aModel pixmapExtent x // 2)) 
    												@ (aModel pixmapExtent y // 2))]
    								while: [self sensor anyButtonPressed and: [self viewHasCursor]]
    								on: self view graphicsContext.
    							self dropActivity.
    							self scrollActivity]].
    			aPoint := self sensor cursorPoint.
    			(aModel where: aPoint) 
    				ifNil: [aModel dropElements: aModel selections toCatalogue: self dropActivity]
    					[:target | 
    					element = target 
    						ifFalse: [aModel moveElements: aModel selections toElement: target]]]
  7. redButtonActivity [control defaults] xrefs
    	| aSymbol |
    	aSymbol := JunSensorUtility checkRedButton.
    	aSymbol = #single ifTrue: [self singleClickActivity].
    	aSymbol = #double ifTrue: [self doubleClickActivity].
    	aSymbol = #grab ifTrue: [self grabActivity].
    	self sensor waitNoButton
  8. scrollActivity [control activities] xrefs
    	| point box amount |
    	self viewHasCursor ifTrue: [^nil].
    	point := self sensor cursorPoint.
    	box := self view bounds.
    	amount := Point zero.
    	point x < box left ifTrue: [amount x: box left - point x].
    	point x > box right ifTrue: [amount x: box right - point x].
    	point y < box top ifTrue: [amount y: box top - point y].
    	point y > box bottom ifTrue: [amount y: box bottom - point y].
    	amount = Point zero ifTrue: [^nil].
    	self do: 
    			[self view scrollBy: amount.
    			self model redisplay]
    		forMilliseconds: 50
  9. singleClickActivity [control activities] xrefs
    	| aModel aPoint shiftDown |
    	aModel := self model.
    	aPoint := self sensor cursorPoint.
    	shiftDown := JunSensorUtility shiftDown.
    	(aModel where: aPoint) ifNil: [aModel clearSelections]
    			[:element | 
    			element isVoid 
    				ifTrue: [aModel clearSelections]
    					[aModel multiSelections 
    									[(aModel selections includes: element) 
    										ifTrue: [aModel removeSelection: element]
    										ifFalse: [aModel addSelection: element]]
    									[(aModel selections includes: element) 
    											[aModel selections size <= 1 
    												ifTrue: [aModel clearSelections]
    												ifFalse: [aModel selection: element]]
    										ifFalse: [aModel selection: element]]]
    							[aModel selection = element 
    								ifTrue: [aModel selection: nil]
    								ifFalse: [aModel selection: element]]]].
    	aModel redisplay
  10. yellowButtonActivity [control defaults] xrefs
    	| aModel aPoint |
    	aModel := self model.
    	aPoint := self sensor cursorPoint.
    	(aModel which: aPoint) ifNotNil: 
    			[:element | 
    			(aModel selections includes: element) 
    					[aModel selection: element.
    					aModel redisplay]].
    	super yellowButtonActivity

class methods:

  1. copyright [copyright] xrefs
    	^'ChemoJun050 (2006/08/08) Copyright 2002-2006 National Institute of Informatics, Research Organization of Information and Systems.'
  2. system [copyright] xrefs
  3. version [copyright] xrefs

index xrefs