index xrefs 2006/08/08 17:41:28


ChemoJun050 (2006/08/08) Copyright 2002-2006 National Institute of Informatics, Research Organization of Information and Systems.



instance variables:

class instance variables:

class variables:

pool variables:

instance methods:

  1. beInvisible [cmn support] xrefs
    	| specWrapper |
    	(specWrapper := self specWrapper) isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
  2. beVisible [cmn support] xrefs
    	| specWrapper |
    	(specWrapper := self specWrapper) isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
  3. defaultDisplayViewClass [defaults] xrefs
  4. isEmbedded [testing] xrefs
    	| aWindow |
    	((aWindow := self getWindow) notNil and: [aWindow model = self]) 
    		ifTrue: [^false].
  5. moleculeDragButtonView [interface opening] xrefs
    	^self dragButtonView
  6. moleculeFocusButtonView [interface opening] xrefs
    	^self focusButtonView
  7. moleculeGrabButtonView [interface opening] xrefs
    	^self grabButtonView
  8. moleculePickButtonView [interface opening] xrefs
    	^self pickButtonView
  9. moleculeView [interface opening] xrefs
    	| aView |
    	aView := self displayView.
    	(aView controller)
    		menuHolder: [self yellowButtonMenu];
    		performer: self.
  10. moleculeZThumbWheelView [interface opening] xrefs
    	^self zThumbWheelView
  11. setSize: extent [private] xrefs
    	self isEmbedded ifTrue: [^nil].
    	super setSize: extent
  12. spawnObject [menu messages] xrefs
    	| moleculeModel |
    	moleculeModel := super spawnObject.
    	self getView 
    		ifNotNil: [:aView | moleculeModel setSize: aView bounds extent]
  13. specWrapper [cmn support] xrefs
    	| aBuilder |
    	(aBuilder := self builder) isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
    	^aBuilder componentAt: #moleculeModel
  14. yellowButtonMenu [menu accessing] xrefs
    	| rejectedLabelString menuItem aMenu |
    	rejectedLabelString := 'File'.
    	menuItem := self menuItemLabeled: rejectedLabelString inMenu: self menuBar.
    	menuItem isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
    	aMenu := menuItem submenu.
    	aMenu isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
    	menuItem := aMenu menuItemWithValue: #saveAsImage ifNone: [nil].
    	menuItem isNil ifTrue: [^nil].
    	aMenu := Menu new.
    	aMenu addItem: menuItem.
    	(self menuBar menuItems 
    		reject: [:each | each rawLabel defaultString = rejectedLabelString]) 
    			do: [:eachMenuItem | aMenu addItem: eachMenuItem].

class methods:

  1. copyright [copyright] xrefs
    	^'ChemoJun050 (2006/08/08) Copyright 2002-2006 National Institute of Informatics, Research Organization of Information and Systems.'
  2. example1 [examples] xrefs
    	"ChemoJunMoleculeModel example1."
    	| aModel |
    	aModel := ChemoJunMoleculeModel new.
    	aModel open.
  3. system [copyright] xrefs
  4. version [copyright] xrefs
  5. windowSpec [interface specs] xrefs
    	"Tools.UIPainter new openOnClass: self andSelector: #windowSpec"
    	<resource: #canvas>
    				#key: #chemoJun_Molecular_Viewer 
    				#defaultString: 'Molecular Viewer' ) 
    			#min: #(#{Core.Point} 280 280 ) 
    			#bounds: #(#{Graphics.Rectangle} 512 384 812 684 ) 
    			#flags: 4 
    			#menu: #menuBar ) 
    			#collection: #(
    					#layout: #(#{Graphics.LayoutFrame} 1 0 1 0 -20 1 -1 1 ) 
    					#name: #moleculeView 
    						#setBackgroundColor: #(#{Graphics.ColorValue} #white ) ) 
    					#component: #moleculeView ) 
    					#layout: #(#{Graphics.LayoutFrame} -19 1 1 0 -1 1 19 0 ) 
    					#name: #moleculePickButtonView 
    					#flags: 0 
    					#component: #moleculePickButtonView ) 
    					#layout: #(#{Graphics.LayoutFrame} -19 1 20 0 -1 1 38 0 ) 
    					#name: #moleculeGrabButtonView 
    					#flags: 0 
    					#component: #moleculeGrabButtonView ) 
    					#layout: #(#{Graphics.LayoutFrame} -19 1 39 0 -1 1 57 0 ) 
    					#name: #moleculeDragButtonView 
    					#flags: 0 
    					#component: #moleculeDragButtonView ) 
    					#layout: #(#{Graphics.LayoutFrame} -19 1 -61 0.5 -1 1 61 0.5 ) 
    					#name: #moleculeZThumbWheelView 
    					#flags: 0 
    					#component: #moleculeZThumbWheelView ) 
    					#layout: #(#{Graphics.LayoutFrame} -19 1 62 0.5 -1 1 80 0.5 ) 
    					#name: #moleculeFocusButtonView 
    					#flags: 0 
    					#component: #moleculeFocusButtonView ) ) ) )

index xrefs