

ChemoJun050 (2006/08/08) Copyright 2002-2006 National Institute of Informatics, Research Organization of Information and Systems.


instance variables:

class instance variables:

class variabels:

pool variabels:

instance methods:

  1. addSelection: catalogueElement [selecting]
  2. arrangeColumnSize [menu messages]
  3. asImage [converting]
  4. asImageOfElement: element [converting]
  5. asImageOfElement: element selectionColor: selectionColor backgroundColor: backgroundColor [converting]
  6. asImageOfElements: elements [converting]
  7. asImageOfElements: elements selectionColor: selectionColor backgroundColor: backgroundColor [converting]
  8. backgroundColor [displaying]
  9. boundingBox [bounds accessing]
  10. browseManual [menu messages]
  11. catalogueElementsToLispList [lisp support]
  12. catalogueView [interface opening]
  13. clearAndRedisplay [displaying]
  14. clearSelections [selecting]
  15. columnSize [accessing]
  16. columnSize: numberOfColumns [accessing]
  17. columnSizeToLispList [lisp support]
  18. condenseElements [menu messages]
  19. defaultWindowLabel [defaults]
  20. displayElement: element index: index into: aPixmap [displaying]
  21. displayElement: element index: index into: aPixmap selectionColor: selectionColor backgroundColor: backgroundColor [displaying]
  22. displayElement: element pixmapOn: pixmapContext [displaying]
  23. displayIndex: index pixmapOn: pixmapContext [displaying]
  24. displayName: element pixmapOn: pixmapContext [displaying]
  25. displayOn: graphicsContext [displaying]
  26. displaySelection: element pixmapOn: pixmapContext selectionColor: selectionColor backgroundColor: backgroundColor [displaying]
  27. dropElements: elements toCatalogue: catalogue [actions]
  28. dropTargetCatalogue [actions]
  29. elements [accessing]
  30. elements: aCollection [accessing]
  31. filename [accessing]
  32. filename: aFilename [accessing]
  33. fitWindowSize [interface opening]
  34. getView [private]
  35. hasVoidElement [testing]
  36. htmlTo: aFilename with: aCollection [private]
  37. initialize [initialize-release]
  38. isAllSelections [testing]
  39. isAllVoidSelections [testing]
  40. isEmpty [testing]
  41. keyboardDispatchTable [keyboard]
  42. keyboardDispathDebug [keyboard]
  43. keyboardEvent: event fromController: controller [keyboard]
  44. menuBar [menu accessing]
  45. moleculeObjects [accessing]
  46. move1Elements: elements toElement: target [actions]
  47. move2Elements: elements toElement: target [actions]
  48. moveElements: elements toElement: target [actions]
  49. multiSelections [preferences]
  50. multiSelections: aBoolean [preferences]
  51. openCatalogueElement: element [menu messages]
  52. openCatalogueElement: element at: point [menu messages]
  53. openCatalogueFile [menu messages]
  54. openMoleculeViewer [menu messages]
  55. openSDFile [menu messages]
  56. pixmapExtent [displaying]
  57. postOpenWith: aBuilder [interface opening]
  58. preferenceTable [preferences]
  59. preferenceTable: attributeTable [preferences]
  60. preferenceTableToLispList [lisp support]
  61. pressedCameraButtonOf: anElement in: aViewer [actions]
  62. printOn: aStream [printing]
  63. quitDoing [menu messages]
  64. redisplay [displaying]
  65. removeElements [menu messages]
  66. removeSelection: catalogueElement [selecting]
  67. requestNewImageFilename [menu messages]
    ChemoJunMoleculeCatalogue new requestNewImageFilename.
  68. saveAsCatalogue [menu messages]
  69. saveAsHTML [menu messages]
  70. saveAsImage [menu messages]
  71. saveAsSDFile [menu messages]
  72. saveCatalogue [menu messages]
  73. saveCatalogueTo: aFilename [menu messages]
  74. scrollDown [scrolling]
  75. scrollFor: element [scrolling]
  76. scrollGrid [scrolling]
  77. scrollLeft [scrolling]
  78. scrollRight [scrolling]
  79. scrollUp [scrolling]
  80. selectAll [menu messages]
  81. selectDirectory [menu messages]
  82. selectedElementsToLispList [lisp support]
  83. selection [selecting]
  84. selection: element [selecting]
  85. selectionColor [displaying]
  86. selectionMargin [displaying]
  87. selections [selecting]
  88. selections: elementCollection [selecting]
  89. setWindowLabel [interface opening]
  90. singleSelection [preferences]
  91. singleSelection: aBoolean [preferences]
  92. toggleCatalogIndex [menu messages]
  93. toggleFileName [menu messages]
  94. toLispList [lisp support]
  95. updateEditMenuIndication [menu accessing]
  96. updateFileMenuIndication [menu accessing]
  97. updateMenuIndication [menu accessing]
  98. updateViewMenuIndication [menu accessing]
  99. visibleCatalogIndex [preferences]
  100. visibleCatalogIndex: aBoolean [preferences]
  101. visibleFileName [preferences]
  102. visibleFileName: aBoolean [preferences]
  103. where: aPoint [selecting]
  104. which: aPoint [selecting]
  105. yellowButtonMenu [menu accessing]

class methods:

  1. catalogueElementsFromTable: aTable for: aCatalogue [lisp support]
  2. catalogueProgress [accessing]
  3. columnSizeFromTable: aTable for: aCatalogue [lisp support]
  4. copyright [copyright]
  5. defaultCatalogueElementClass [defaults]
  6. defaultCatalogueVoidClass [defaults]
  7. defaultColumnSize [defaults]
  8. defaultMolecueCatalogueViewClass [defaults]
  9. defaultThumbnailExtent [defaults]
  10. defaultThumbnailMargin [defaults]
  11. directories: directoryFilenames [instance creation]
  12. directory: directoryFilename [instance creation]
  13. elementsFrom: filenameCollection [utilities]
  14. example1 [examples]
    ChemoJunMoleculeCatalogue example1.
  15. example2 [examples]
    ChemoJunMoleculeCatalogue example2.
  16. example3 [examples]
    ChemoJunMoleculeCatalogue example3.
  17. example4 [examples]
    ChemoJunMoleculeCatalogue example4.
  18. example5 [examples]
    ChemoJunMoleculeCatalogue example5.
  19. example6 [examples]
    ChemoJunMoleculeCatalogue example6.
  20. filename: catalogueFilename [instance creation]
  21. fromLispList: aList [lisp support]
  22. menuBar [resources]
    Tools.MenuEditor new openOnClass: self andSelector: #menuBar
  23. preferenceTableFromTable: aTable for: aCatalogue [lisp support]
  24. request [utilities]
    ChemoJunMoleculeCatalogue request.
  25. selectedElementsFromTable: aTable for: aCatalogue [lisp support]
  26. system [copyright]
  27. tableFromLispList: aList [lisp support]
  28. version [copyright]
  29. windowSpec [interface specs]
    Tools.UIPainter new openOnClass: self andSelector: #windowSpec
