■ What's New ■Dear All, Our sincerest condolences to all those who have suffered from the earthquakes which struck on March 11th. We are deeply grateful for your kind concern. Although there was a strong quake in Tokyo and considerable damage (soil liquefaction, fire, and so on) in the eastern coastal area, NII's building has a state-of-the-art reduce-shake system, then all the people in NII are alright. Aftershocks still continue, but are gradually calming down. NTCIR-9 Meeting will be held as previously planned (December 6-9, 2011, NII, Tokyo, Japan). The northern Honshu area is being rebuilt and the situation in Tokyo is getting back to normal. Since there are a lot of power plants in the disaster-stricken area, the electric power company currently carries out scheduled rolling blackout to deal with an expected deficiency in power. In the area NII belongs to scheduled rolling blackouts are not carried out, but we would like to cooperate the power saving in view of the social circumstances. 1. Operation of the NTCIR Data Delivery System Last Friday the government emergency notice told that an uncontrollable blackout may happen because of the acute increase of the electricity usage in the TEPCO service area. http://www.meti.go.jp/speeches/data_ed/ed110317aaaj.html (sorry it is in Japanese) To avoid the damage from the blackout and to cooperate the save electricity more than ever, we have shut down the server for the NTCIR Data Delivery system (warehouse.ntcir.nii.ac.jp) since then. With careful consideration to NTCIR-9 Time schedule and its necessity, we would like to resume the operation of system for the limited period of time. NTCIR Data Delivery System: http://warehouse.ntcir.nii.ac.jp/ntcir/ Operating Dates and Times: From March 24 18:00 to March 28 11:00 (JST) From April 1 12:00 to April 4 11:00 (JST) The operating schedule of the system may be altered without advance notice depending on the circumstances. For the operating schedule after April 4, it will be announced later. 2. NTCIR SERVERS WHICH KEEP RUNNING We will keep the following websites and servers accessible for NTCIR-9. - Mailing Lists (ntcir, ntc9-workshop,etc.) - NTCIR Website http://research.nii.ac.jp/ntcir/ - NTCIR CMS http://ntcir.nii.ac.jp/ NTCIR CMS may be temporally shut down if the electric power supply would be in a state of emergency. Sorry for any inconvenience which may caused by a shutdown, but hope your understanding. Best regards, ------------------------------------------ Noriko Kando, Leader, NTCIR Project ntc-admin [at] nii.ac.jp NTCIR Project Office ntc-secretariat [at] nii.ac.jp National Institute of Informatics 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8430, Japan ------------------------------------------ ntc-admin |