14:00-18:00 | 参加受付 (NII 13F 情報学資源研究センター) |
14:00-16:00 | タスク座長打合せ (NII 13F 情報学資源研究センター) |
16:00-18:00 | タスクプラン打合せ (NII 15F セミナー室(1509))
多言語コンパラブルコーパス, NTCIR 2001/2002でのアジア言語の言語横断検索の評価 |
一橋記念講堂 (学術総合センター2階)
9:00-9:30 | 参加受付 | |
9:30- 9:40 | 開会の辞 | 安達 淳 (国立情報学研究所) |
9:40-11:10 | NTCIR Workshop 2の概要 | |
NTCIR WS2のまとめ *1 | 神門 典子 | |
テキスト要約タスク *2 | 福島 孝博 | |
中国語検索タスク *2 | 陳 光華、陳 信希 | |
日本語・英語検索タスク *2 | 神門 典子 | |
11:10-11:30 | 休憩 | |
11:30-12:15 | 基調講演
"On Laboratory Testing of Text Retrieval Systems" |
Stephan E. Robertson, Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK |
12:15-13:15 | 昼食 | |
13:15-13:50 | 招待講演 I
"The Importance of Focused Evaluations: a Case Study of TREC and DUC" |
Donna Harman, NIST, US |
13:50-15:20 | パネル I [コーディネータ: Douglas W. Oard]
"Evaluation of Multilingual Information Access: Evaluation Methods & Metrics, Resources, and International Collaboration" |
15:20-15:40 | 休憩 | |
15:40-16:15 | 招待講演 II
"Evaluation as Enabling Tool for Research and Development" |
Daniel Marcu, ISI/USC, US |
16:15-17:30 | パネル II [コーディネータ: 神門 典子]
"Way Ahead of IR & Summuraization Research" |
17:30-18:00 | まとめ |
9:15-12:00 | 中国語検索タスク [座長; 陳 光華、陳 信希] | |
"NTCIR-2 ECIR Experiments at Maryland: Comparing Structured Queries and Balanced Translation" | Douglas W. Oard, Jianqiang Wang (University of Maryland) | |
"Description of the Trans-EZ English-Chinese Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval System" | Guo-Wei Bian and Chi-Ching Lin (Trans-EZ Information Tech. Inc.) | |
休憩 | ||
"NTCIR-2 Chinese, Cross Language Retrieval Experiments Using PIRCS" | K. L. Kwok (Queens College, City Univ. of New York) | |
"CRL at NTCIR2" | Masaki Murata, Masao Utiyama, Qing Ma, Hiromi Ozaku, Hitoshi Isahara (Communications Research Laboratory) | |
"Hybrid Term Indexing an Evaluation" | R.W.P. Luk, K.F. Wong and K.L. Kwok (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) | |
"Berkeley at NTCIR-2: Chinese, Japanese, and English IR experiments" | Aitao Chen, Hailing Jiang, and Fredric C. Gey (Univ. of California at Berkeley) | |
12:00-13:00 | 昼食 | |
13:00-15:45 | 日本語・英語検索タスク [座長: 神門 典子] | |
"Flexible Pseudo-Relevance Feedback for NTCIR-2" | Tetsuya Sakai (University of Cambridge / Toshiba Corporate R&D Center), Stephen E. Robertson, Stephen Walker (Microsoft Research Ltd) | |
"Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval based on LSI with Multiple Word Spaces" | Tatsunori Mori, Tomoharu Kokubu and Takashi Tanaka (Yokohama National University) | |
"Notes on the Limits of CLIR Effectiveness: NTCIR-2 Evaluation Experiments at Justsystem" | Sumio Fujita (JUSTSYSTEM Corporation) | |
"Regression Model and Query Expansion for NTCIR-2 Ad Hoc Retrieval Task" | Kazuaki Kishida (Surugadai University) | |
"The Effect of Document Clustering in Interactive Relevance Feedback" | Makoto Iwayama, Yoshiki Niwa, Shingo Nishioka (Central Research Lab., Hitachi, Ltd.), Akihiko Takano (National Institute of Informatics), Toru Hisamitsu, Osamu Imaichi, Hirofumi Sakurai, Masakazu Fujio (Central Research Lab., Hitachi, Ltd.) | |
"R2D2 at NTCIR 2 Ad-hoc Task: Relevance-based Superimposition Model for IR" | Teruhito KANAZAWA, Atsuhiro TAKASU, Jun ADACHI (University of Tokyo) | |
15:45-16:00 | 休憩 | |
16:00-16:40 | ショートプレゼンテーション [座長: 吉岡 真治]
2分間の登壇口頭発表 |
16:40-18:30 | デジタルポスター
デジタルポスタのリスト |
18:30-20:30 | バンケット (学術総合センター3F 食堂) |
9:15-12:00 | テキスト要約タスク [座長: 奥村 学、福島 孝博] | |||||||
"Term Weighting Method based on Information Gain Ratio for Summarizing Documents retrieved by IR systems" | Tatsunori Mori, Miwa Kikuchi and Kazufumi Yoshida (Yokohama National University) | |||||||
"Sentence Extraction System Assembling Multiple Evidence" | Chikashi NOBATA (Communications Research Laboratory), Satoshi SEKINE (New York University), Masaki MURATA, Kiyotaka UCHIMOTO, Masao UTIYAMA, Hitoshi ISAHARA (Communications Research Laboratory) | |||||||
"Hybrid Text Summarization Method based on the TF Method and the Lead Method" | Kai ISHIKAWA, Shinichi ANDO, Akitoshi OKUMURA (C&C Media Research, NEC Corporation) | |||||||
休憩 | ||||||||
"Yet another summarization system with two modules using empirical knowledge" | Kiyonori OTAKE,Daigo OKAMOTO,Mitsuru KODAMA, Shigeru MASUYAMA (Toyohashi University of Technology) | |||||||
"How small distinction among summaries can the evaluation method identify?" | Yoshio Nakao (Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd.) | |||||||
"Text Summarization based on Hanning window and dependency structure analysis" | Tsutomu HIRAO, Mamiko HATAYAMA (NTT Communication Science Laboratories) Satoshi YAMADA, Kazuhiro TAKEUCHI (Nara Institute of Science and Technology) | |||||||
12:00-13:00 | 昼食 | |||||||
13:00-13:30 | 新タスクの提案 [座長: 神門 典子]
13:30-15:00 | ラウンドテーブルディスカッション (並列セッション)
15:00-16:00 | まとめ (全体) [座長: 神門 典子]
16:00 | 会議終了 | |||||||
16:30-18:30 | プログラム委員会ミーティング (NII 15F Rm 1509) |
* DAY-1: 一般公開。情報検索および自動要約に興味のある方なら誰でも参加いただけます。
* DAY-2&3: 非公開。タスク参加者のみ参加可。
Last updated: February 28, 2001
©2000-2001 国立情報学研究所