b. 未知データ,
c. 母集団, 標本,
d. ロトカの法則, ブラッドフォードの法則
A search topic is a formatted description of a user's search request.
Format of the topics is similar to the one used in TREC and contains SGML-like
A topic consists of TITLE of the topic, DESCRIPTION, detailed NARRATIVE,
a list of CONCEPTS, and a list of FIELD(S).
<TOPIC q=nnnn> indicates the start of a search topic.
Four-digit numbers, nnnn indicates the number of the TOPIC.
TITLE is a very short description of the topic. Originally it is
intended to use as a nickname of the topic; It may not contain
every concepts needed to represent the search request. However
it may be also used as a very short query which resembles the one
often submitted by an end-user of internet search engines.
DESCRIPTION is a natural language description of a search request.
Each NARRATIVE may contain detailed explanation of the topic,
term definition, background knowledge, purpose of the search,
expected number of relevant documents, preference in text types, criteria of
relevance judgment, and so on. They may be used as a profile of user's
information need in a specific situation to evaluate interactive
retireval systems.
Each line in the field of the CONCEPT represents a group of similar concepts.
A line of concepts start with a label such as; a., b., c., and so on.
The FIELD is not used in relevance assessment. A paper published by an
academic society other than the field(s) listed in the FILED may be relevant.
</TOPIC> is a tag represent the end of a search topic.
In the Workshop, a participant group can submit
the results of more than one run.
Queries (search statement) can either be constructed automatically from
the topics, or can be manually constructed.
In the case of automatic query construction, the participants must
submit the results of the searches
using only "DESCRIPTION" fields of the topics as the mandatory run.
As results of the opitional runs, any fields of the topics can be used to
construct queries.
In the case of manual query construction, any fields of the topics
can be used in the search.