============================================================== THE NTCIR TRAVEL SUPPORT PROGRAM FOR DOMESTIC PARTICIPANTS The program provides, * round-trip travel expense, which will be calcuated based the travel expense regulation of Japanese national insitutes (You will arrive Tokyo on 7 October 2002 and leave Tokyo on 11 October 2002) to active participants who have submitted the results and who are not receiving any other funding for the travel to NTCIR Workshop Meeting. WHO CAN APPLY FOR THE PROGRAM? * you must be a member of an active participating group that submitted the results. * you must present a material at the workshop meeting either as an oral presentation or as a digital poster * you are not recieving any other funding to attend the meeting * you are the only applicant to the program from your group * you are from non-profit organization Selection will be made basically on a first-come-first-served basis. We are sorry for this but the undergraduate students are not included in this program. The application will be reviewed by the program committee and approved. ====================================================== APPLICATION FORM FOR THE NTCIR TRAVEL SUPPORT PROGRAM FOR DOMESTIC PARTICIPANTS Please send this form by email to ntc-support@nii.ac.jp no later than Sep.12, 2002. 1.date of the application: <* ex.: 2002-09-01> 2.family name: first name: 3.affiliation: 4.job title: 5.office address: 6.office phone: 7.office fax: 8.mail address: 9.group name as a NTCIR participant: 10.group's ID: 11.name of the chief investigator of your group: 12.task(s) * Please choose appropriate one(s): CLIR, PATENT, QAC, TSC, WEB 13-1.postal address: 13-2.Addressee of the invitation letter: Name: Affiliation: Title/Post: 14. note: ==============================================================