The 4th NTCIR workshop
Mailing lists

[Japanese] [NTCIR-4]

Mailing list
NTCIR project maintains a number of mailing lists.

1   Mailing list for anyone may subscribed    
   ・  NTCIR general mailing list ・・・・・Mailing list for general topic of NTCIR
   ・  Discussion mailing list for each tasks

2   Mailing list for participants of the 4th NTCIR workshop.

1   Mailing list for anyone may subscribed

     Discussion mailing list for each tasks :  Anyone may subscribed, only subscribed users may post.

Discussion list
for each task
CLIR task E&J ntc-clir majordomo
the first line of the body reading
"subscribe list-name your_e-mail_address"
(No quotes)

eg: <>
list-name: "ntcir"
"subscribe ntcir"
WEB task
J ntc-webj
E ntc-web
Patent task E&J ntc-patent
TSC Task*
E&J tsc-ml tsc-ml-ctl the first line of the body reading
"subscribe your-name"
(No quotes)
QAC task Please ask to qac-admin

* Text Summarization Challenge (TSC) Home Page and Question Answering Challenge (QAC) Home Page contain the ML information.

2  Mailing list for participants of the 4th NTCIR workshop

The following mailing lists is internal discussion for participants for each task of the 4th NTCIR workshop.
When you join each task, you subscribe each mailing list automatically.
This list is closed subscription, only participants for each task of the 4th NTCIR workshop may post.

   E-mail address to post
Announce for all participants ntc4-workshop
Cross-Language Retrieval Task (CLIR) ntc4-clir-participan
Question Answering Challenge Task (QAC) Please ask to qac-admin
WEB Task ntc4-web-participant
Patent Retrieval Task (PATENT) ntc4-patent-participant
Text Summarization Challenge Task (TSC) Please ask to tsc-adm

[Japanese] [NTCIR-4]
Last modified: 2003-11-19