NTCIR-12 MobileClick-2
NTCIR-12 MobileClick-2 Task aims to provide direct and immediate mobile information access by automatically generating a concise two-layered summary for a given query.
Systems are expected to minimize text read by the user by presenting important information at the beginning,
and to include information relevant to each intent in the second layer.
NTCIR-12 MobileClick-2 Test Collection is a test collection developed for NTCIR-12 MobileClick-2 Task,
which includes the following data:
- Training data for English/Japanese subtasks
- Test data for English/Japanese subtasks
- Evaluation data for English/Japanese subtasks
Note that document collections for training and testing are not included in the test collection.
Please download the document collections at NTCIR-12 MobileClick-2 task website.
NTCIR-12 MobileClick-2 Test Collection consists of the following files:
- MC2-training.tar.gz: Training data for English/Japanese subtasks (Queries, iUnits, and iUnit importance)
- MC2-test.tar.gz: Test data for English/Japanese subtasks (Queries, iUnits, and intents)
- MC2-test-eval.tar.gz: Evaluation data for English/Japanese subtasks (iUnit importance and intent probability)
For more details,
please refer to README files and
NTCIR-12 MobileClick-2 task overview paper in NTCIR-12 online proceedings.
Publications/Online Proceedings:
The test collection and data are available from NII free of charge.
NTCIR-12 MobileClick-2 Test Collectionis downloadable from NII/IDR at:
NII IDR: http://www.nii.ac.jp/dsc/idr/en/ntcir/ntcir.html
- The terms of use [PDF]
- Overview of the NTCIR-12 MobileClick-2 Task
- Evaluation Results of NTCIR-12 MobileClick-2 task
- NTCIR-12 Conference Proceedings: MobileClick-2 Task
NTCIR-12 MobileClick-2 task website
http://www.mobileclick.org/ -
Contact us: