NTCIR-15 FinNum-2 (Numeral Attachment in Financial Tweets)
Numeral is a crucial part of financial documents. In order to understand the detail of opinions in financial documents, we should not only analyze the text, but also need to assay the numeric information in depth. Because of the informal writing style, analyzing social media data is more challenging than analyzing news and official documents. FinNum is a task for fine-grained numeral understanding in financial social media data - to identify the linking between the target cashtag and the target numeral.
How to Cite the Corpus
Please cite the following paper when referring to the FinNum-2 in academic publications and papers.
Chung-Chi Chen, Hen-Hsen Huang, and Hsin-Hsi Chen. 2019. Numeral Attachment with Auxiliary Tasks. In Proceedings of the 42nd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2019), Paris, France.
The NumAttach dataset is consisted of "tweet", "target_num", "target_cashtag", "relation", and "reason_type" in json format.
"tweet": "$SQ is $39 per share with a P/E of over 150 and losing money...should be at least as good as them with a P/E of 30 and making money!!",
"target_num": "39",
"reason_type": "None",
"target_cashtag": "SQ",
"relation": 1
The test collection and data are available from NII free of charge.
FinNum-2 is downloadable from NII/IDR at:
NII IDR: http://www.nii.ac.jp/dsc/idr/en/ntcir/ntcir.html
- The terms of use [PDF]
- Overview of the NTCIR-15 FinNum-2 Task: Numeral Attachment in Financial Tweets
- NTCIR-15 FinNum-2 website
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