This is an old information: THe Workshop was over! [Online Proceedings]
To foster research and development of the technology for patent search and retrieval by providing a forum in which researchers and practitioners from relevant communities can share their ideas, approaches, perspectives, and experiences from their work in progress.
The search and retrieval of patent and other Intellectual Property (IP) documents is important to the scientific, business, and law communities. In the past, much of the focus for patent and IP retrieval has been from the database community, and not from the Information Retrieval (IR) community. This is beginning to change as the unique semantic and syntactic characteristic of patents and other IP text documents are being addressed.
In addition to the retrieval of documents, other areas of research and development include the extraction, usage and strategic analysis of the text documents, automatic summarization, classfication, and comparisons across related documents. A particular area of internationl interest is the access of patent and IP documents in a foreign language (i.e., what is termed cross-language or translingual document retrieval).
This workshop will bring together people interested in patent retrieval and in better access to patent documents. Participants will be from different communities including patent offices, patent vendors, professional patent users, and information retrieval researchers. The aim is to share ideas, approaches, perspectives, and experiences from their work in progress to ensure a thorough exploration of their common ground. The goals are:
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
The workshop will begin with an introductory overview of patent and intellectual property rights searching, followed by six topic-based sessions. The first five sessions will deal with; (1) existing systems for patent searching and retrieval, (2) research issues in patent retrieval systems using characteristic aspects of the genre, (3) user perspective from genuine patent users, (4) user modeling and user studies by IR researchers, and (5) evaluation of patent retrieval systems. Cross-language access will be included in the second, fourth and fifth sessions. Each session has both invited speaker(s) and contributed paper(s).
Panel discussions on the design of patent retrieval systems and on the user aspects are also programmed among the sessions above. Each panel discussion will start with brief (3 5 minutes) opening remarks from each panelist followed by a 15 20 minute open forum with the audience. The final session will be a panel discussion, in the same format, of ad hoc issues raised during the workshop and will also explore the way ahead in research and development in patent retrieval systems.
Participation in the workshop is open to all interested parties. Advance notice to the organizers is not required and the maximum number of participants is not predefined. Participants are, however, invited to submit a brief position statement according to the schedule shown below. Research papers, slides, and position papers will be put up on the workshop website ( with the permission of the authors. All participants are encouraged to read these papers before coming to the workshop to enhance the interaction. If there is sufficient interest among the participants, an edited volume or special journal issue may be published after the workshop.
All participants must register for the workshop with the SIGIR'2000 conference organization at
June 20, 2000 | Abstract submission for research papers and positions papers |
June 28, 2000 | Notice of acceptance for research papers |
July 15, 2000 | HTML version for research papers and position papers |
July 28, 2000 | Patent Retrieval workshop at SIGIR'2000 in Greece |
PAPER SUBMISSION (electronic format is preferable)
Noriko Kando
National Institute of Informatics (NII) (Formerly NACSIS)
Postal Address: 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8430 JAPAN
Phone: +81-3-4212-2529
Fax: +81-3-3556-1916
Additional information is available at Patent Retrieval Workshop-Website and enquiries can be sent directly to any of the organizers above. Information about the workshop venue can be found at SIGIR Conference website.