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This Document record conversion script is script file that can convert the ducument records included in the purchased Mainichi Newspaper Article Data into the NTCIR standard record format.
1 To purchase Mainichi Newspaper Japanese Article Data
For the non-participants, Mainichi Newspaper Japanese Article Data (1998-2001, 2002-2005) for NTCIR Test Collection is available for research purpose use from Nichigai Associates and Mainichi Newspaper Co.
(Currently information is available in Japanese only)
Nichigai Associates:https://www.nichigai.co.jp/dcs/index5.html2 To convert the document records into the NTCIR standard record format
The document records in the purchased article data shall be converted into the NTCIR standard record format by the script mai2ntc-r.pl or mai2ntc-r-utf.pl.
mai2ntc-r.pl (to EUC code)
@README: mai2ntc-r.pl
http://research.nii.ac.jp/ntcir/permission/ntcir-4/script/READMEforMainichiScript-r.txtmai2ntc-r-utf.pl (to UTF-8 code)
@README: mai2ntc-r.pl