NTCIR-10 INTENT-2 Evaluation Results

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English topic file (topics (but not intents) provided by the TREC 2012 diversity task organisers) ntcir10intent.0401-0450.full.xml

Chinese topic file (with topic tags: amb/fac/nav and intent tags: inf/nav) ntcir10intent.0201-0299.full-revised.xml

Japanese topic file file (with topic tags: amb/fac/nav and intent tags: inf/nav) ntcir10intent.0301-0400.full-revised.xml

English, Chinese and Japanese official query suggestion data (excel files) INTENT2QSdata.zjp

Chinese and Japanese Document Ranking results INTENT2DRresults.zip

English, Chinese and Japanese Subtopic Mining results (original, with bugs) INTENT2SMresults.zip

English, Chinese and Japanese Subtopic Mining results (revised) INTENT2SMresults-rev.zip

For details, please refer to the INTENT-2 website and the “Overview of the NTCIR-10 INTENT-2 Task” in the NTCIR Online Proceedings.

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