NTCIR Workshop 10 MedNLP Task Formal Run Evaluation Results
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Evaluation Results
- Task 1: De-identification task
(this task adds personal information tags to the test set)
- Task 2: Complaint and diagnosis task
(this task adds the patient status information tag to the test set)
- Task 3: Free task
(tasks suggested by participants as practical or creative ideas other than the tasks described above)
- The results are presented in the following paper:
Kaneko, S., Fujita, N., and Ohtake, M. 2013.
Finding Specific Medical Terms Using the Life Science Dictionary for MedNLP.
In Proceedings of the
10th NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Information Access
Technologies, Tokyo, June 20, 2013.
These results were used in the overview paper:
Morita, M., Kano, Y., Ohkuma, T., Miyabe, M., and Aramaki,
E. 2013. Overview of the NTCIR-10 MedNLP Task. In Proceedings of the
10th NTCIR Workshop Meeting on Evaluation of Information Access
Technologies, Tokyo, June 20, 2013.