ChemoJun050 (2006/08/08) Copyright 2002-2006 National Institute of Informatics, Research Organization of Information and Systems.
instance variables:
- moleculeObject
- messageSymbol
- exceptHydrogen
- exceptIndex
- indexExpression
- indexExpressionBlock
- cameraButton
class instance variables:
class variabels:
pool variabels:
instance methods:
- asGraph [converting]
- asGrapher [converting]
- atomConnections [accessing]
- atomConnectionsDo: aBlock [enumerating]
- atomObjects [accessing]
- atomObjectsAndIndexesDo: aBlock [enumerating]
- atomObjectsDo: aBlock [enumerating]
- beInvisibleCameraButton [buttons]
- beVisibleCameraButton [buttons]
- browseManual [menu messages]
- cameraButton [buttons]
- cameraButtonSpecWrapper [buttons]
- cameraButtonView [interface opening]
- clickAt: mouse2dPoint [actions]
- cloneViewer [private]
- computeDisplayInformationInView: aView [private]
- computeDisplayOffsetFor: atomObject [private]
- computeDisplayOffsetFor: atomObject fromAtom: fromAtom toAtom: toAtom inView: aView [private]
- computeDisplayOffsetsInView: aView [private]
- computeModifierDisplayInformationInView: aView [private]
- computeOffsetOfModifier: atomObject fromAtom: fromAtom toAtom: toAtom inView: aView [private]
- computeOffsetOfSerialNumber: atomObject fromAtom: fromAtom toAtom: toAtom inView: aView [private]
- computeSerialNumberDisplayInformationInView: aView [private]
- convertModifierStringToImage: aString focusAtomIndex: anIndex [private]
- defaultBaseName [defaults]
- defaultColorOfSerialNumber [defaults]
- defaultDisplayOffsetLength [defaults]
- defaultEyePoint [defaults]
- defaultMessageSymbol [defaults]
- defaultMinimumBoxOfSerialNumber [defaults]
- defaultMoleculeObjectClass [defaults]
- defaultMolFileReaderClass [defaults]
- defaultString [defaults]
- defaultStyleOfSerialNumber [defaults]
- defaultUpVector [defaults]
- defaultWindowLabel [defaults]
- displayInformationInView: aView [displaying]
- displayModifierInView: aView [displaying]
- displayObject [accessing]
- displaySerialInView: aView [displaying]
- displaySuperimposeInView: aView [displaying]
- exceptHydrogen [accessing]
- exceptHydrogen: aBoolean [accessing]
- exceptIndex [accessing]
- exceptIndex: aBoolean [accessing]
- fileName [accessing]
- flushDisplayAttributes [flushing]
- flushDisplayObject [flushing]
- flushModifierAttributes [flushing]
- flushSerialNumberAttributes [flushing]
- focus: aRectangle1 to: aRectangle2 [manipulating]
- grab: deltaPoint [manipulating]
- grab: from2dPoint xy: to2dPoint [manipulating]
- hasModifier: atomObject [testing]
- highResolution [menu messages]
- informationString [accessing]
- initialize [initialize-release]
- is2d [testing]
- is3d [testing]
- isMoleculeViewer [testing]
- lowResolution [menu messages]
- mediumResolution [menu messages]
- messageSymbol [accessing]
- messageSymbol: aSymbol [accessing]
- modifierImage: atomObject [accessing modifiers]
- modifierImage: atomObject fromAtom: fromAtom toAtom: toAtom inView: aView [accessing modifiers]
- moleculeFromReader: aReader [menu messages]
- moleculeObject [accessing]
- moleculeObject: aMolecule [accessing]
- moleculeText [accessing]
- numberOfAtoms [accessing]
- openMolecule [menu messages]
- postBuildWith: aBuilder [interface opening]
- saveAsFile [menu messages]
- saveFileTo: moleculeFilename [menu messages]
- serialNumberComposedText: atomObject [accessing]
- setIndexExpression: aString setIndexExpressionBlock: aBlock [private]
- setWindowLabel [interface opening]
- showMoleculeAsBallAndStick [menu messages]
- showMoleculeAsPlane [menu messages]
- showMoleculeAsSpaceFill [menu messages]
- showMoleculeAsStick [menu messages]
- showMoleculeAsStickAndSpaceFill [menu messages]
- toggleHydrogen [menu messages]
- toggleIndex [menu messages]
- updateMiscMenuIndication [menu accessing]
- updateStringHolder: aPoint [updating]
- updateViewMenuIndication [menu accessing]
- wheelActionInTopCenterBox: wheelUpBoolean [wheel actions]
class methods:
- copyright [copyright]
- defaultExceptSerialNumber [defaults]
- defaultMoleculeObjectClass [defaults]
- defaultMolFileReaderClass [defaults]
- example1 [examples]
ChemoJunMoleculeViewer example1.
- example2 [examples]
ChemoJunMoleculeViewer example2.
- example3 [examples]
ChemoJunMoleculeViewer example3.
- example4 [examples]
ChemoJunMoleculeViewer example4.
- example5 [examples]
ChemoJunMoleculeViewer example5.
- example6 [examples]
ChemoJunMoleculeViewer example6.
- fileName: moleculeFilename [instance creation]
- menuBar [resources]
Tools.MenuEditor new openOnClass: self andSelector: #menuBar
- moleculeObject: moleculeObject [instance creation]
- system [copyright]
- version [copyright]
- windowSpec [interface specs]
Tools.UIPainter new openOnClass: self andSelector: #windowSpec