Principal Investigator

Takayuki Mizuno
Associate Professor at National Institute of Informatics
Associate Professor at the Graduate University for Advanced Studies
E-mail: mizuno [at] nii [dot] ac [dot] jp
Research Interests: Computational social science, Econophysics
Regular Membership: PSJ, JEA, IPSJ, JAEE, JAFEE, JSAI
Academic Appointments
- 2005
- Doctor of Science, The Department of Physics, The Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University
- 2004
- JSPS Research Fellow for young scientists (DC2, PD)
- 2007
- Visitor at Boston University
- 2007
- Lecturer, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University
- 2011
- Associate Professor at Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba
- 2013
- Researcher at PRESTO, The Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology (“sakigake”) program
- 2013
- Associate Professor at National Institute of Informatics
- 2013
- Associate Professor at SOKENDAI, the Graduate University for Advanced Studies
- 2022.01 Present
- Society for Computational Social Science of Japan, Director
- 2021.06 Present
- The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Editorial Board
- 2018.05 Present
- Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, "Joint Workshop for Industry-Government-Academic Consultation on the Promotion of Big Data Utilization”, Committee member
- 2017.09 Present
- Japan Securities Research Institute, “Workshop on the role of securities markets”, Committee member
- 2021.03 2022.01
- Society for Computational Social Science of Japan, Committee Member
- 2019.10 2022.03
- Information Processing Society of Japan, "IPSJ-ONE 2020", Committee Member
- 2017.04 2021.03
- Information Processing Society of Japan, "Mathematical Modeling and Problem Solving" research division, Steering Committee Member
- 2016.11 2017.03
- Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, "Workshop for Information and Communication Statistics", Committee member
- 2016.10 2017.03
- Japan Patent Office, "Research for an economical role of intellectual property rights systems in Japan", Committee member
- 2015.03 2015.03
- Cabinet Office, "Economical analysis of industrial structures and economic cycles in Japan after the Great East Japan earthquake and the increase in the consumption tax rate ", Committee member
- 2015.03 2015.03
- Cabinet Office Secretariat, "Survey of a utilization of bigdata for official statistics "experts’ society, Committee member
- 2014.03 2014.03
- Cabinet Office, "Economical analysis of industrial structures and economic cycles in Japan after the Great East Japan earthquake, Committee member
- 2009.04 2013.03
- The Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, "Financial and Industrial Network" society, Committee member
- 2009.10 2010.10
- The Physical Society of Japan, Area 11 Starring Committee Member Area 11 Starring Committee
- 2019.08
- Best Paper Award at the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence the 33rd Annual Conference
Visualizing Indirect Influences of China in Global Shareholding Networks
Takayuki Mizuno - 2019.06
- Best Paper Award at Information Processing Society of Japan the 81th Annual Meeting
Data-Driven Reserch on Chinalization for The Belt and Road Initiative
Mitsuhiro Odaka, Takayuki Mizuno - 2019.04
- Best Paper Award at Transdisciplinary Federation of Science and Technology the 2018 Oukan Conference
Nowcasting Financial Risks
Takayuki Mizuno - 2019.03
- Student Encouragement Award of IPSJ the 81th Annual Meeting
Data-Driven Reserch on Chinalization for The Belt and Road Initiative
Mitsuhiro Odaka, Takayuki Mizuno - 2013.07
- Best Paper Award at Information Processing Society of Japan the 75th Annual Meeting
Agent-based model of online consumer-electronic market
Takayuki Mizuno
- Reiko Minami(Secretary) 2014/9/1-2019/8/31, 2020/3/1-2024/6/30
Ph.D. Students
- Joomi Jun (D4, Department of Informatics, SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies))
- "Controlling the transaction network using node attributes"
- Toshiya Saito (D3, Department of Informatics, SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies))
- "Mechanism and Dynamics of Consumers' Brand Attitude Formation"
- Jinghui Chen (D3, Department of Informatics, SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies))
- "Research on Information Flowing on the Web and Corporate Value"
Research Graduate Students
- Shunsuke Hatadani (Doctoral program (second semester), Graduate School of Sustainability Science, Tottori University), 2020/4/1-2021/3/31, 2021/4/15-
- "Analysis of the geography, positions, and political stances of tweets from around the world before and after the terrorist attacks"
Research Undergraduate Students
- 久野遼平(一橋大学大学院経済学研究科, 博士前期課程), 2008/4/1(2007/9/1)-2009/3/31.
修士論文「Sales Dynamics of Consumer Electronics」
進路「スイス連邦工科大学チューリッヒ校の博士過程に進学」 - 武井和優(一橋大学大学院経済学研究科, 博士前期課程), 2010/11/1-2011/3/31.
進路「一般企業に就職」 - 野々垣亘(一橋大学大学院経済学研究科, 博士前期課程), 2010/4/1-2012/3/31.
進路「一般企業に就職」 - 田平好文(特別共同利用研究員, 中央大学大学院理工学研究科,博士前期課程), 2014/4/1-2016/3/31
進路「一般企業に就職」 - 高橋昂平(特別共同利用研究員, 東京大学大学院学際情報学府,博士前期課程), 2014/4/1-2015/3/31
- 研究テーマ「金融市場における格差とバブルの関係」
- 中渡瀬秀一(国立情報学研究所, 特任研究員) 2014/10/1-2018/3/31
- 研究テーマ「サプライチェーンの可視化」
- 小髙充弘(研究研修生, 長崎大学医学部医学科,学部生), 2018/4/1-2019/3/31
進路「総合研究大学院大学の博士課程に進学」 - 小髙充弘(総合研究大学院大学複合科学研究科情報学専攻,博士課程), 2019/4/1-2020/3/31
進路「他研究室へ移動(研究テーマ変更)」 - 土井翔平(特任研究員) 2019/3/1-2021/03/31