Intelligent food systems and Cooking Recipe data analytics are emerging as a new research domain for data engineering and data management. Therein responding to emerging opportunities and challenges in a timely manner. Nevertheless, the growth of data in volumes seems to out-speed the advance of the many established data managing and processing technologies. There are many forms of food-related data that are being collected on an enormous scale, ranging from a variety of chemical and nutritional data to recipe collections and social media postings.

The 1st Data Engineering meets Intelligent Food and COoking Recipe (DECOR) workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners in the area of Intelligent food systems and Cooking Recipe data analysis and design of models, methods, demonstration systems, and intelligent tools to support the data management of computational cooking.

About Us


Topics of Interest

Foundation and Technologies for Intelligent Food and Cooking Recipe

    - Data engineering and Design Science in the food domain
    - Big Data and cooking recipes
    - Cooking and recipe computing
    - Nutrition data mining
    - Cooking recipe benchmarking
    - Data semantic modelling and ontology engineering for food data
    - Recipe data management

Data Analytics in Recipe Computing

    - Recipe data analytics
    - Open cooking linked data analysis
    - Food ontology
    - Social data analysis for recipe computing
    - Eating behavior analysis
    - Culture analytics for food recommender system
    - Multimedia food data analysis

Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Computational Cooking

    - Multimodal representation learning (Image/text alignment)
    - Recommendation systems, benchmarking and performance evaluation
    - Classification for food data
    - Recipe or cross-modal retrieval
    - Content generation for recipe computing

Design Science Research in Cooking and Nutrition Science

    - Design processes
    - Building and evaluating cooking artifacts (recipes, recommender systems, ontologies)
    - Measuring creativity and qualities of designs
    - Impacts of new nutrition designs
    - Designing socio-technical systems to improve nutrition and healthy life styles

Collective intelligence for Recipe Computing

    - Knowledge discovery from recipe computing
    - Data visualization for food decision making
    - Decision-making in intelligent food system
    - Interactions in recipe computing
    - Food recommender system for group

Nutritional Value and Applications for Intelligent Food Systems

    - Automated recipe and nutrients conversion
    - Nutritional model for the intelligent food system
    - Healthy eating models
    - Health-aware food recommender systems
    - Personalization and health model

Submission guidelines

DECOR 2018 invite authors to submit papers in one of the following type: 1. Long papers (no longer than 6 pages): Both theoretical and practical research papers from both research and industrial communities addressing the main conference topic. For instance, we will consider contributions about DECOR application, case study, datasets. 2. Short papers (no longer than 4 pages): Position or demo papers, open perspectives and challenging problems, or interesting discussion topics in the DECOR field are welcome.

All submissions must be:

  1. Prepared in the IEEE format:
  2. For LaTeX users, download this  file.
  3. For Word users, download this  file.
  4. Submitted to the easychair system at
Only submissions in PDF format are accepted.

Important Dates

  • Final submissions due: February 5, 2018 (11:00pm HAST)
  • Author Notification: Febuary 15, 2018
  • Final Camera-ready Copy Deadline: February 26, 2018
  • Workshop date: April 16, 2018


Workshop Co-Chairs

  • Frederic Andres, National Institute of Informatics, Japan,
  • Mouzhi Ge, Masaryk University, Czech Republic,
  • Maria Leite, University of South Florida St. Petersburg, USA,
  • Laure Soulier, UPMC-Sorbonne Universities, LIP6, Paris, France

Workshop Secretary

Shiho Iwasawa, National Institute of Informatics, Japan,

Workshop Publicity Co-Chairs

Geneves, Pierre. LIG Research Laboratory INRIA CRNS, France
Yamakata, Yoko. The University of Tokyo, Japan

Steering Committee Co-Chair

  • Cord, Matthieu. UPMC-Sorbonne Universities, LIP6, Paris, France
  • Hevner, Alan. University of South Florida, FL, USA
  • Ioannidis, Yannis. Athens Dept. of Informatics & Telecommunications Panepistimioupolis, Greece
  • Katz, Rebecca. Healing Kitchens LLC (Company), USA
  • Kapetanios, Epaminondas. University of Westminster, UK
  • Kersten, Sander. Nutrition, Metabolism and Genomics, Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands (tbc)
  • Kitagawa, Takuya. Rakuten, Japan
  • Levy, Pierre A. Department of Communication, University of Ottawa, Canada
  • Seignalet, Dominique. Montpellier, France
  • Yamakata, Yoko. The University of Tokyo, Japan
  • Zhang, Aidong, University at Buffalo.The State University of New York, USA

Program Committee Members

  • Agrawal, Rajeev. ERDC, USA
  • Anantaram, C. TCS, India
  • Anutariya, Chutiporn. AIT, Thailand
  • Asano, Yasuhito. Kyoto University, Japan
  • Batini, Carlo. Universidade di Milano Bicoca, Italy
  • Bhardwaj, Manisha. Halliburton, USA
  • Chondrogiannis, Theodoros. Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy
  • Dailey, Matthew. AIT, Thailand
  • Doman Keisuke. Chukyo University, Japan
  • D’Orazio, Laurent. IRISA, France
  • Elmisery, Ahmed M. Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Valparaiso, Chile
  • Ferry, Fernando. CNR,Rome, Italy
  • Fotouhi, Farshad. Wayne State University, USA
  • Ghinea, George. Brunel University, UK
  • Grifoni, Patrizia. CNR, Italy
  • Grosky, William. University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA
  • Hatano, Kenji. Doshisha University, Japan
  • Helfert, Markus. Dublin City University, Ireland
  • Ide, Ichiro. Nagoya University, Japan
  • Jannach, Dietmar. Technical University of Dortmund, Germany
  • Kannan, Rajkumar. HBC, India
  • Lu, Sanglu. Nanjing University, China
  • Ludwig, Bernd. University of Regensburg, Germany
  • Moulahi, Bilel. LIRMM Université de Montpellier, France,
  • Nafiss, Anahita. IBG-2, Juelich Research Center Center, Germany
  • Ng, Yiu-Kai. Brigham Young University, USA
  • Nijholt, Anton. University of Twente,the Netherlands
  • Nuessli Guth, Jeannette. ETH Zurich, Switzerland
  • Reddy, P.Krishna. DSAC-IIITH, India
  • Sais, Fatiha. IUT Orsay, France
  • Salviano, Oscar. PUC, Campinas, Brazil
  • Sedes, Florence. IRIT, Toulouse, France
  • Shi, Feng Bill. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
  • Stanchev,Peter. Kettering University,USA
  • Su, Ying. Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, China
  • Thome, Nicolas. CNAM, Paris, France
  • Tkalcic, Marko. Free University of Bolzano, Italy
  • Toumani, Farouk. LIMOS, UCA, Clermont Ferrand, France
  • Waller, Emmanuel. University Paris-Sud, France
  • Weber, Ingmar. Qatar Computing Research Institute, Qatar

Keynote speakers:

16 April 2018 :

  • Anthony Aubert and Théophile de La Bastie (Youmiam,France)
  • "Youmiam, the Cooking Buddy"

  • Dr. Jeannette Nuessli Guth (Dep. Gesundheitswiss. und Technol., ETH Zürich, CH) 
  • "The Eating Experience in the Past, Presence and Future - a sensory science perspective"


  • click here: Sensing Experience Technical session - April 16th evening

  • 8:30 – 8:45am. Welcome and Opening remarks by Special Guests and DECOR2018 chairs
    8:45 – 9:30am Keynote I: "Youmiam, the Cooking Buddy" by Anthony Aubert and Théophile de La Bastie

    9:30 – 12:00 am.

     Session on “Computational Cooking”.

    9:30 – 10:00am.     

    o   9:30 – 10:00 am. The CRWB RSbench: Towards a Cooking Recipe Benchmark Initiative.

    F. Andres. Digital Content and Media Sciences Research Division, National Institute of Informatics, JP

    10:00 –10:30am.  Coffee Break
    10:30 – 12:00am.

    o   10:30 – 11:00 am. Data-Driven investigation of culinary patterns in traditional recipes across the world.

    Navjot Singh1,2 and Ganesh Bagler1

    1Center for Computational Biology, Indraprastha Inst. of Information Technology (IIIT Delhi), IN                                    

     2Delhi Technological University, IN

      o   11:00 – 11:30 am.  DiEvent: Towards an Automated Framework for Analyzing Dining Events.

    Mahmoud Qodseya, Mahdi Washha and Florence Sedes.

    IRIT - Paul Sabatier University

     o  11:30 – 12:00 am.  Images & Recipes: Retrieval in the cooking context.

           Micael Carvalho1, Rémi Cadène1, David Picard1,2, Laure Soulier1 and Matthieu Cord1

    1 Sorbonne Universite, Laboratoire de Paris, LIP6                                            

    2 ETIS, UMR 8051, Univ. Paris Seine, Univ. Cergy-Pontoise, ENSEA, CNRS

    12:00 – 1:30pm.  WS get together lunch.
    1:30 – 2:15pm. Keynote II:  "The eating experience in the past, presence and future - a sensory scienceperspective."

    by Dr. Jeannette Nuessli Guth. ETH Zürich. Department of Health Science and technology,

    2:15 – 3:00 pm.


    Panel Session on "Challenges and BlockChain-based cOllaborative iNtelligence on Food, bIg   Data" cooking rEcipe, mulsemedia Nutrition, and healthCareinitiativE".

    Panel participants:

    M. Korosed and J. Bertoncelj (University of Ljubljana). Data on Composition of Slovenian Food.

    I. Petek and N. Zajek (Luxembourg Slovenian Business Club, Slovenia). CollaborativeIntelligence and decentralized business community building – Potentials in Food/Nutrition.

    3:00 - 3:30 pm.
    Coffee Break
    3:30 - 4:30 pm.
    Panel session follow-up discussion.

    4:30 - 4:45 pm.

    DECOR2018 Best Paper Award.

    4:45 - 5:00 pm.   Wrap-Up: Future Directions. DECOR2018 Chairs.