The 2nd International Workshop  "Data Engineering Meets intelligent food and Cooking Recipes"

Click Here >>>>> registration to DECOR 2019

Enjoy the coming DECOR Workshop 2019  !!!!!!!!

>>>>>>>Preliminary DECOR 2019@ICDE program  8 April 2019

SPECIAL TASTING EVENT on April 9th 2019 lunch time  (limited to 12 attendees)

gastronomy tasting of Macau cuisine

registration and detail of the event:  or

Keynote and Special Speakers

Academia Keynote: Prof. Chong-Wah NGO, Hong Kong City University, Department of Computer Science

                                     Prof. Chong-Wah NGO

Inspirational Keynote:  Chef Robert Danhi - Curator of Cultures                           
      Robert Danhi

Experimental and Tasting Track:  Dr. Jeannette Nuessli Guth, ETH Zürich. Department of Health Science and technology, Switzerland

                                                      Dr. Jeannette Nuessli Guth.                                                      

The Second Workshop on Data Engineering meets intelligent food and COoking Recipes (DECOR) aims to accelerate research in data science by providing a forum for the latest innovations in the intersection of Data Engineering and Intelligent Food and Cooking Recipes, concerning data and software organization, integration, and sharing.  This workshop is specifically focused on data science innovations that accelerate the integration, access, and sharing of digital objects in support of Intelligent Food and Cooking Recipes domain, which comprises not only the process of cooking, but also includes intelligent methods for enhancing human-food interactions, ranging from devising technology, playful interactions, multisensory experience design, understanding cross-cultural food eating habits and perception, as well as food choices and health connections. Consequently, increasing the ability of influencing food eating habits and choices that promote, simultaneously, healthful eating-decisions and creative new human-food interaction experiences.


The goal of the workshop is to provide concrete contributions in developing model design, technologies and presenting intelligent data management tools supporting Intelligent Food and Cooking Recipes processes. Authors will be encouraged to submit contributions addressing a range of topics in the intersection of Data Sciences and Intelligence Food. In addition to primary investigations applying advanced analytic pipelines to data already stored in repositories, desirable contributions also include the reports of the full set of digital objects that are produced. These digital objects might include original data, software, software pipelines, models, workflows, containers, virtual machines, intermediary data, and metadata strategies.


Topics of Interest Include but not limited to:

Foundation and Technologies for Intelligent Food and Cooking Recipes
- Data engineering and Design Science in the food domain

- Big Data and cooking recipes

- Cooking and recipe computing

- Nutrition data mining

- Cooking recipe benchmarking

- Data semantic modelling and ontology engineering for food data

- Recipe data management

Data Analytics in Recipe Computing
- Recipe data analytics

- Open cooking linked data analysis

- Food ontology

- Social data analysis for recipe computing

- Eating behavior analysis

- Culture analytics for food recommender system

- Multimedia food data analysis

Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Computational Cooking
- Multi-modal representation learning (Image/text alignment)

- Recommendation systems, benchmarking and performance evaluation

- Classification for food data

- Recipe or cross-modal retrieval

- Content generation for recipe computing

Collective intelligence for Recipe Computing
- Knowledge discovery from recipe computing

- Data visualization for food decision making

- Decision-making in intelligent food system

- Interactions in recipe computing

- Food recommender system for group

- Data visualization for enhance food sensorial experience

Nutritional Value and Applications for Intelligent Food Systems
- Automated recipe and nutrients conversion

- Nutritional model for the intelligent food system

- Healthy eating models

- Health-aware food recommender systems

- Personalization and health model


Submission Guidelines

The proceedings of the workshop will be published jointly with the conference proceedings and all papers must be prepared in the IEEE format.

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. Authors are invited to submit long papers (6 pages) and short papers (4 pages)
Students are also invited to submit long papers and short papers in the special enlightening student session.

All submissions for review should be made by way of EasyChair:


 Important Dates

December 7, 2018


Abstract Submissions due

December 14, 2018

January 14, 2019 (NEW)

Full Paper Submissions due

January 11, 2019

February 10, 2019 (NEW)

  • Acceptance Notification
  • Deadline for Extended Abstract/Demo/Poster

February 1, 2019

February 15, 2019 (NEW)

  • Revision Submission for the accepted Full Papers
  • Acceptance Notification for Extended Abstract/Demo/Poster

February 11, 2019

February 19, 2019 (NEW)

Final Notification

February 22, 2019


Camera-ready papers and Author registration due  

April 8, 2019


Workshop date (tentative date)

Workshop Chairs:

  • F. Andres, NII, JP
  • I. Ide, Nagoya U, JP
  • W. Grosky, U MI-Dearborn, US
  • M. Leite, U Sth Fl St.Pbg, US

Publicity Chairs:

  • D.L. Lee, HKUST, HK
  • K. Yanai, UEC, JP

Secretary Workshop:

Shiho Iwasawa, NII, JP
Email: shiho at nii dot ac dot jp


Steering Committee:

  • Hevner, Alan. U. of Sth Fl, US
  • Ioannidis, Y. U of Athens, GR
  • Kapetanios, E. University of W, UK
  • Kitagawa, Takuya. Rakuten,
  • Levy, P. A. U. of Ottawa, CA
  • Nuessli Guth, J. ETH Zürich, CH
  • Yamakata, Y. The U. of Tokyo, JP
  • Zhang, A., State U. of  NY Buf., US

Program committee:

  • R. Agrawal, ERDC, US
  • C. Anantaram, TCS, IN
  • C. Anutariya, AIT, TH
  • E. Azzari, PUC, Campinas, BR
  • M. Bhardwaj, Halliburton, US
  • S. Bhattacharya, FSU, US
  • W. Chang, NIST, US
  • W.-Y. Chang, U of Macau, CH
  • T. Chondrogiannis, F. U. of B-B, IT
  • K. Doman, Chukyo Univ., JP T
  • L. D’Orazio, IRISA, FR
  • F. Ferry, CNR, Rome, IT
  • F. Fotouhi, WSU, US
  • G. Ghinea, Brunel University, UK
  • P. Grifoni, CNR, IT
  • P. Hitzler, Wright State Univ., US
  • N. Holden, UCD, IR
  • M. Jaglan, NIT Hamirpur, IN
  • D. Jannach, Tech. U. of Dort, DE
  • R. Kannan, HBC, IN
  • A. A. Krisnadhi, U. Indonesia, IDN
  • R. Liu, U. Wyoming, US
  • A. Nafiss, JRCC, DE
  • Y-K Ng, Brigham Young U., US
  • A. Nijholt, U. of Twente, NL
  • F. Ofli, QCRI, QA
  • E. Ogasawara, CEFET/RJ, BR
  • O. Salviano, PUC, Campinas, BR
  • C. A. S. Santos, UFES, BR
  • F. Sedes, IRIT, Toulouse, FR
  • I. Taxidou, Univ Freiburg, DE
  • E. Waller, Univ. Paris-Sud, FR
  • I. Weber, QCR Institute, QA
  • J. Youself,  Kitchen Theory, UK
  • Y. Yu, NII, JP
  • A. Ziviani, LNCC, BR