2013.12.26-27 |
Meeting on (Inductive) Logic Programming for Dynamical Systems, Wakayama University, Wakayama
2013.12.11 |
Assist. Prof. Tenda Okimoto has been awarded as Best Presentation Award at
The 7th International Workshop on Multi-Disciplinary Trends in Artificial Intelligence (MIWAI2013).
11.18,11.25,12.2 |
Lectures Series by Prof. Robert A. Kowalski (Imperial College London):
"Computational Logic and Human Thinking"
2013.11.7 |
KGU-NII Meeting on Qualitative Spatial Reasoning, Kwansei Gakuin University Umeda Campus, Osaka
2013.11.6 |
Meeting on Theories and Applications of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (With Prof. Esra Erdem)
2013.10.11-14 |
The 4th JFLI-LIP6-NII Meeting on Efficient Methods for
Reasoning and Problem Solving
(LIP6, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France)
2013.10.9-10 |
The 5th JFLI-NII-LRI Workshop on Formal Approaches for Modeling and Analyzing Biological Networks
(LRI, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France)
2013.9.19 |
Alexandre Medi (Univ. Nantes & NII Internship student), Assist. Prof. Tenda Okimoto and Prof. Katsumi Inoue have been awarded as Excellent Paper Award at Joint Agent Workshops and Symposiums 2013 (JAWS 2013).
2013.9.15 |
1st International Workshop on Learning and Nonmonotonic Reasoning (LNMR 2013)
2013.9.15 |
Prof. Inoue was introduced in an article ("Can Artificial Intelligence Make Scientific Discovery?") of The Nikkei (in Japanese).
2013.9.11 |
Prof. Inoue gives a TopConf special lecture on adaptive learning at The 30th Annual Conference of Japan Society for Software Science and Technology.
2013.9.4 |
2nd Call of 2013 NII International Internship Program
(The topics Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
(deadline at NII: 2013.10.25)
2013.8.1 |
International Workshop on Systems Resilience at NII
2013.7.26 |
Tony Ribeiro, Ph.D. student, has been selected as the recipient of "The 2013 NII Best Student Award".
2013.7.24-26 |
Joint Seminar on Theory, Implementation, and Applications of Logic and Inference and
The 3rd CSPSAT2 Meeting at Hokkaido University
2013.7.12 |
GlueMiniSat (develped in collaboration with Hidetomo Nabeshima and Koji Iwanuma, Univ. Yamanashi) won the 2nd prize on SAT Competition 2013 (Application, Certified UNSAT).
2011.6.14-15 |
Poster presentation of "Systems Resilience" at NII Open House 2013
2013.6.6 |
Prof. Inoue gives a special lecture entitled "Explanation and Prediction: From Discovery to Recovery" at The 27th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence.
2013.5.20 |
Prof. Inoue was introduced in an article ("A Future when Robots Live") of The Asahi Shimbun (in Japanese).
2013.5.10 |
Nicolas Schwind, Tenda Okimoto, Katsumi Inoue, Hei Chan and Tony Ribeiro have been awarded as the Third Prize of
Challenges and Visions Papers at The 12th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 2013)
2013.4.19 |
KUBIC-NII Joint Seminar on Bioinformatics 2013
4.3,4.10,4.17 |
Lectures Series by Prof. Morgan Magnin:
"Computational approaches to analyze complex dynamic systems:
Model-checking and its applications"
2013.3.13-15 |
The 2nd CSPSAT2 Meeting
2013.3.8 |
1st Call of 2013 NII International Internship Program
(The topics Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
(deadline at NII: 2013.5.10)
2013.2.26 - 2.27 |
Symposium on Systems Resilience
2013.2.18-22 |
Visit to University of Melbourne (MSSI and NICTA), Australia
2013.1.8 |
Lecture by Prof. Morgan Magnin (École Centrale de Nantes):
"Formal Models for the Inference of Time Delay Parameters
in Biological Regulatory Networks"