2012.12.11 |
Lecture by Dr. Dalal Alrajeh
"Handling Flaws in Declarative Specifications"
2012.11.21-23 |
The 2012 CRIL-NII Collaborative Meeting on Reasoning about
Dynamic Constraint Networks
(CRIL, Université d'Artois, Lens, France)
2012.11.19-20 |
The 4th JFLI-LRI-NII Workshop on Consequence Finding and
Propositional Satisfiability in Distributed Environments and
Systems Biology
(LRI, Université Paris-Sud, Orsay, France)
2011.11.15-16 |
The 2012 JFLI-LIP6-NII Meeting on Efficient Methods for
Reasoning and Problem Solving
(LIP6, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France)
2012.10.26 |
Dr. Tenda Okimoto received
IEEE Computer Society Japan Chapter JAWS Young Researcher Award
at Joint Agent Workshop and Symposium (JAWS) 2012
2012.10.16 |
Prof. Inoue gives a lecture on "Science of Discovery" at NII Public Lectures
2012.10.11-12 |
The 5th CSPSAT & ASP Seminar
(co-hosted by the 2012 NII collaborative research)
2012.10.5 |
Lecture by Prof. Torsten Schaub
"Answer Set Programming in Practice"
2012.9.24 |
International Workshop on Learning and Discovery in Symbolic Systems Biology (LDSSB 2012)
2012.9.4 |
2nd call of 2011 NII International Internship Program
(deadline: 2012.10.24 at NII)
(The topics Nos. 13, 14, 15 and 16)
2012.8.1 |
Updated People with a new member.
2012.7.26-27 |
Systems Resilience Summer Workshop in Karuizawa
2012.7.12-13 |
The Joint Meeting of the 1st CSPSAT2 Meeting and NII Collaborative Research Projects
2012.5.27-31 |
NII Shonan Meeting on Parallel Methods for Constraint Solving
and Combinatorial Optimization
2012.5.21-22 |
The 4th CSPSAT & ASP Seminar
(co-hosted by the 2012 NII collaborative research)
2012.5.18 |
Seminar by Prof. Chitta Baral
"Lessons from Efforts to Automatically Translate English
to Knowledge Representation Languages"
2012.5.10 |
Systems Resilience Project Kickoff Meeting
2012.5.7 |
Updated Research.
2012.4.26 |
KUBIC-NII Joint Seminar on Bioinformatics 2012
2012.4.2 |
Updated People with new members.
2012.3.8-9 |
The 8th Meeting on Inference-based Hypothesis-finding and its Application to Systems Biology
2012.3.6 |
1st call of 2011 NII International Internship Program
(deadline: 2012.4.19)
(The topics Nos. 6 and 7)
2012.2.2-3 |
on Knowledge Discovery on Global Regulation Networks Based on
Inference with Causal Relations
(supported by the 2nd Transdisciplinary Seeds Research)