Inoue Laboratory

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Inference and Learning Group

Events and News (2011)

2011.11.29 Seminar on Award-Winning Modern SAT Solvers
2011.11.21-22 The Third CSPSAT & ASP Seminar
(co-hosted by the 2011 NII collaborative research)
2011.11.18 Seminar by Prof. Torsten Schaub
Answer Set Programming, the Solving Paradigm for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
2011.11.13 - 17 International Symposium on Symbolic Systems Biology (ISSSB' 11)
2011.11.3 The 2011 JFLI-LIP6-NII Meeting on Models of Symbolic Reasoning and Distributed Inference (LIP6, UPMC, Paris, France)
2011.10.31-11.2 The 3rd LRI-NII Collaborative Meeting on Distributed Reasoning and Problem Decomposition (LRI, Orsay, France)
(deadline: 2011.11.18)
2nd call of 2011 NII International Internship Program
(The topics Nos. 11, 12, and 13)
2011.9.21 Seminar on Cooperative Query Answering Systems
2011.9.12 - 13 The 7th Meeting on Inference-based Hypothesis-finding and its Application to Systems Biology
2011.6.22 glueminisat (developed by Prof. Hidetomo Nabeshima) was ranked 1st at The SAT 2011 Competition on Application (UNSAT) problems in CPU Ranking. It was also ranked 2nd in the SAT+UNSAT category and in the UNSAT category in WC Ranking.
2011.6.21 Lecture by Dr. Patrick Grüneberg (TU Berlin)
On the Epistemic Relation between Data and Information - Some Projectionist Considerations on Designing a Computational Space of Intelligence.
2011.6.2-3 NII Open House 2011
2011.5.20 Self evaluation report (in Japanese) of the 2008-2011 JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) No. 20240016 "Inference-based Hypothesis-finding and its Application to Systems Biology" is available.
2011.4.27 KUBIC-NII Joint Seminar on Bioinformatics 2011
2011.4.25 Seminar by Johannes Oetsch
Answer-Set Programming as a New Approach to Event-Sequence Testing
(deadline: 2011.5.12)
1st call of 2011 NII International Internship Program
(The topics Nos. 2, 3, 4, and 5)
2011.3.17 - 19 The 9th Meeting on CSP and SAT (in Japanese)
2011.3.14 - 15 The 6th Meeting on Inference-based Hypothesis-finding and its Application to Systems Biology
2011.2.25 - 26 The 8th Symposium on Knowledge Creation Support Systems (in Japanese)
2011.1.29 Gabriel Synnaeve received
BIOINFORMATICS 2011 Best Student Paper Award for the paper:
"Kinetic Models and Qualitative Abstraction for Relational Learning in Systems Biolog"
co-authored with Katsumi Inoue, Andrei Doncescu, Hidetomo Nabeshima, Yoshitaka Kameya, Masakazu Ishihata, and Taisuke Sato.


Webmaster: Takehide Soh (E-mail soh at