Inoue Laboratory

Events and News (2010)

2010.12.6-7 Imperial College-NII Logic Learning Workshop
(Imperial College London)
2010.11.8-9 The Second CSPSAT Seminar
(co-hosted by the 2010 NII collaborative research)
2010.10.12-13 JFLI Workshop in Paris
2010.10.6 Lecture by Dr. Lena Wiese
"Logical Requirements for Database Security"
(deadline has passed)
2nd call of 2010 NII International Internship Program
(The topics Nos. 1, 2, and 3)
2010.9.6 - 7 The 5th Meeting on Inference-based Hypothesis-finding and its Application to Systems Biology
2010.9.1 Prof. Katsumi Inoue appeared in:
"NII Interview", NII Today, No.49 (in Japanese).
"NII Interview", NII Today, No.35 (in English).
2010.8.11 Lecture by Prof. Toby Walsh
What can we do in SAT?
2010.6.17 Yoshitaka Yamamoto, Ph.D. student, received
ILP 2010 Best Student Paper Award for the paper:
"From Inverse Entailment to Inverse Subsumption"
co-authored with Katsumi Inoue and Koji Iwanuma.
2010.6.3 - 4 NII Open House 2010
(Link to the PDF file of our poster).
2010.5.28 KUBIC-NII Joint Seminar on Bioinformatics
(deadline has passed)
1st call of 2010 NII International Internship Program
(The topics Nos. 1, 2, and 3)
2010.4.8 Takehide Soh, Ph.D. student, received
The SOKENDAI President's Award (in Japanese).
2010.3.23 Lecture by Prof. Rina Dechter
Recent Advances in Solving Combinatorial Optimization Tasks over Graphical Models (Joint work with Radu Marinescu)
2010.3.9 The 4th Meeting on Inference-based Hypothesis-finding and its Application to Systems Biology
2010.2.4 CSPSAT Lecture Presentation
by Prof. Reiner Hähnle and Dr. Niklas Sörensson
at Kobe University
(co-hosted by the 2009-2010 NII collaborative research)
2010.1.20 Lunch Seminar
"Two Enhancements on Abductive Reasoning"
(by Prof. Katsumi Inoue)
English | Japanese
2010.1.19 Technical Presentation
"Learning Multi-clause in First-order Logic"
(by Ms. Dianhuan Lin)

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