2009.10.23 (deadline has passed) |
2nd call of 2009 NII International Internship Program
(The topics Nos. 11, 12, and 13)
2009.10.2 |
Meeting on Aggregation of Belief Sets
2009.9.30 - 10.1 |
Franco-Japanese Workshop on Knowledge Discovery, Machine Learning and
their Distribution in Multi Agent Systems
2009.9.30 |
Takehide Soh, Ph.D. student, received
The 2009 JSAI Convention Award for the paper presentation co-authored
with Prof. Katsumi Inoue.
2009.9.28 - 29 |
Franco-Japanese Workshop on Hypotheses Finding and its Applications
2009.9.21 - 25 |
The 3rd Franco-Japanese Symposium on Knowledge Discovery in Systems Biology (FJ'09)
2009.6.25 |
Lectures on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (by Prof. Thomas Eiter and Alexander Bochman)
2009.6.11 - 12 |
NII Open House 2009 (Link to the PDF file of our poster).
2009.5.27 - 28 |
JFLI "Kick-Off" Workshop
2009.5.26 - 29 |
The 2009 IEEE International Workshop on Bioinformatics
and Life Science Modeling and Computing (BLSMC 09)
2009.5.14 - 15 |
Visit to University of Yamanashi
2009.4.23 |
Visit to Akutsu Laboratory
2009.4.17 |
Meeting on Machine Learning
2009.3.2, 10, 23, 30, 4.6 |
Lecture Series: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning for Systems Biology (by Prof. Andrei Doncescu)
2009.3.23 - 24 |
The 2nd Meeting on Inference-based Hypothesis-finding and its Application to Systems Biology