Inoue Laboratory

Events and News (2009)

(deadline has passed)
2nd call of 2009 NII International Internship Program
(The topics Nos. 11, 12, and 13)
2009.10.2 Meeting on Aggregation of Belief Sets
2009.9.30 - 10.1 Franco-Japanese Workshop
on Knowledge Discovery, Machine Learning and
their Distribution in Multi Agent Systems
2009.9.30 Takehide Soh, Ph.D. student, received
The 2009 JSAI Convention Award for the paper presentation co-authored with Prof. Katsumi Inoue.
2009.9.28 - 29 Franco-Japanese Workshop
on Hypotheses Finding and its Applications
2009.9.21 - 25 The 3rd Franco-Japanese Symposium on Knowledge Discovery in Systems Biology (FJ'09)
2009.6.25 Lectures on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
(by Prof. Thomas Eiter and Alexander Bochman)
2009.6.11 - 12 NII Open House 2009
(Link to the PDF file of our poster).
2009.5.27 - 28 JFLI "Kick-Off" Workshop
2009.5.26 - 29 The 2009 IEEE International Workshop on Bioinformatics and Life Science Modeling and Computing (BLSMC 09)
2009.5.14 - 15 Visit to University of Yamanashi
2009.4.23 Visit to Akutsu Laboratory
2009.4.17 Meeting on Machine Learning
2009.3.2, 10, 23, 30, 4.6 Lecture Series: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning for Systems Biology (by Prof. Andrei Doncescu)
2009.3.23 - 24 The 2nd Meeting on Inference-based Hypothesis-finding and its Application to Systems Biology

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