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Events and News (2015)

2015.12.09 The paper "Formalization of resilience for constraint-based dynamic systems" has been published (as an "Online First" version) in Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments.
2015.12.09 VR Forum 2015 - Communication Dynamics-
2015.11.19-21 Workshop for Resilience and Scheduling (Nagasaki)
2015.11.06 Tenda Okimoto, Katsutoshi Hirayama, Maxime Clement and Katsumi Inoue have received a Best Presentation Award and a Best Session Paper Award at The 16th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems for the paper "Skill-Based Dynamic Team Formation Problem".
2015.10.28 NII International Advisory Board Meeting 2015
2015.10.08-09 Systems Resilience Workshop 2015 in Karuizawa
2014.09.10 2nd Call of 2015 NII International Internship Program (Topic Nos.: 8-12) (The deadline has expired.)
2015.08.24 ILP NII-Satellite Meeting
2015.08.20-22 The 25th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP 2015, Kyoto, Japan)
2015.07.21 The paper "Applying Constraint Answer Set Programming to Combinatorial Test Case Generation Problems" presented by Mr. Hiromasa Kaneyuki (Graduate School of System Informatics, Kobe University) at JSAI 2015 is selected as a winner of JSAI Annual Conference Award.
2015.07.15 Prof. Helmut Veith (Vienna University of Technology) visits NII and gives a lecture at The 78th GRACE Seminar.
2015.07.14 The final defense (pubic examination) for Ph.D thesis by Tony Ribeiro, followed by Summer French Party 2015 (Ginza)
2015.07.01 Lecture on "Belief Revision Games" at NII Lunch Seminar (Nicolas Schwind)
2015.06.28 The UNILOG '15 Workshop on Emergent Computational Logics (Istanbul, Turkey)
2015.06.25 The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Le Centre de Recherche en Informatique de Lens (CRIL), France and NII was established. The MOU between The University of Ferrara, Italy and NII was also approved. Inoue Lab is involved in both agreements.
2015.06.15-16 Workshop on Learning from Interpretation Transition (LFIT), Wakayama University, Wakayama
2015.06.12-13 Poster presentations of "AI Against Adversity" will be given at The 2015 NII Open House.
2015.05.22 Members updated.
2015.05.01 Logo changed.
2015.04.30 Lecture on "Logic for Meta-Level Abduction" at NII Lunch Seminar (Katsumi Inoue)
2015.04.03 1st Call of 2015 NII International Internship Program (Topic Nos.: 09-12) (Deadline at NII: 2015.05.15)
2015.04.03 Hanami (Chidorigafuchi) & Party (Kojimachi)
2015.04.01 Inoue Laboratory at Department of Computer Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology has started. It is situated at Room 905, West 8E building (W8E), Oookayama Campus.
2015.03.23-24 The 8th CSPSAT Seminar and a retirement party for Prof. Ryuzo Hasegawa at Kyushu University (Beppu, Oita)
2015.03.06 The final lecture by Prof. Taisuke Sato at Tokyo Institute of Technology
2015.03.01-03 Workshop on Computational Techniques for Sustainability and Resilience (Ishigaki Island, Okinawa)
2015.02.22-26 NII Shonan Meeting on Systems Resilience: Bridging the Gap between Social and Mathematical (Shonan Village Center, Hayama, Kanagawa)
2015.02.16-17 The 7th International Workshop on Information Systems for Social Innovation (NII, Tokyo)
2015.01.29 The paper "How to Form a Task-Oriented Robust Team" by Tenda Okimoto (Kobe Univ.), Nicolas Schwind, Maxime Clement, Tony Ribeiro, Katsumi Inoue, Pierre Marquis (CRIL) has been accepted for AAMAS 2015.
