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Events and News (2016)

2016.12.19 The 2nd CSPSAT3 Meeting (Kobe).
2016.12.07-10 Visit to CRIL, CNRS / Université d'Artois (Lens, France).
Joint Franco-Japanese Seminar (12.08).
2016.12.02 The 6th CSPASP Meeting (Kobe).
2016.11.14-15 The 10th CSPSAT Seminar (Kobe).
2016.11.08 Assoc. Prof. David Toman (University of Waterloo) visits NII and gives a talk at the lab meeting.
2016.09.21 Emna Ben Abdallah, Tony Ribeiro, Morgan Magnin, Olivier Roux and Katsumi Inoue present the full paper "Inference of Delayed Biological Regulatory Networks from Time Series Data" at CMSB 2016 (Cambridge, UK).
2016.09.15-16 NII Collaborative Research Meeting on "Reasoning in Vector Spaces of Knowledge Graphs" (Wakayama University, Wakayama).
2016.09.15 2nd Call of 2016 NII International Internship Program (Topic Nos.: 01-06).
2016.09.05 Enguerrand Gentet, Sophie Tourret and Katsumi Inoue give a short presentation on "Learning from Interpretation Transition using Feed-Forward Neural Networks" at ILP 2016 (London, UK) (slide).
2016.07.29 The 5th CSPASP Meeting (Kobe).
2016.07.21 The LNAI post-proceedings of ILP 2015, "Inductive Logic Programming: 25th International Conference, ILP 2015, Kyoto, Japan, August 20-22, 2015, Revised Selected Papers" has been published from Springer (Online version).
2016.07.15 Special issue on "SAT Evolution and Applications", IPSJ Magazine, Vol.57, No.8, Information Processing Society of Japan, 2016 (in Japanese).
2016.06.01-02 Joint CSPSAT Meeting (Kobe).
2016.05.27-28 Poster presentations of "D04: Reasoning and Decision Making under Dynamic Environments" and "D05: Challenges for Constraint Optimization in AI" are given at NII Open House 2016.
2016.04.30 Two papers have been accepted for PATAT 2016 (Udine, Italy):
  • Mutsunori Banbara, Katsumi Inoue, Benjamin Kaufmann, Torsten Schaub, Takehide Soh, Naoyuki Tamura and Philipp Wanko, "teaspoon: Solving the Curriculum-Based Course Timetabling Problems with Answer Set Programming"
  • Maxime Clement, Tenda Okimoto, Katsumi Inoue and Mutsunori Banbara, x-Optimal Solutions in Highly Symmetric Multi-Objective Timetabling Problems"
  • 2016.04.12 The book "Systems' Resilience" (in Japanese) is published by Kindai kagaku sha Co., Ltd.
    2016.04.05 Two papers have been accepted for IJCAI-16 (New York City, NY, USA):
  • Tenda Okimoto, Tony Ribeiro, Damien Bouchabou and Katsumi Inoue, "Mission Oriented Robust Multi-Team Formation and its Application to Robot Rescue Simulation"
  • Nicolas Schwind, Katsumi Inoue, Gauvain Bourgne, Sébastien Konieczny and Pierre Marquis, "Is Promoting Beliefs Useful to Make Them Accepted in Networks of Agents?"
  • 2016.04.01 Members page updated.
    2016.03.30 Hanami (Chidorigafuchi) & Party (Kojimachi).
    2016.03.27 Prof. Inoue gives the invited talk "LFIT: Learning from Interpretation Transition" at The 100th JSAI SIG-FPAI Meeting (Kumamoto).
    2016.03.17 Haruki Noritake, Mutsunori Banbara, Takehide Soh, Naoyuki Tamura (Kobe University) and Katsumi Inoue have received the 20th Research Paper Award from Japan Society for Software Science and Technology for the paper "Constraint Modeling and SAT Enconding of the Packing Array Problem".
    2016.03.18 1st Call of 2016 NII International Internship Program (Topic Nos.: 07-11).
    2016.03.11 Systems Resilience Concluding Meeting (NII, Tokyo).
    2016.03.04-05 NII-Kobe Collaborative Meeting on Dynamic Scheduling and Resilience (Kobe).
    2016.02.26 Research page updated.
    2016.02.14 Katsumi Inoue, Hayato Ohwada and Akihiro Yamamoto present the paper "Inductive Logic Programming: Challenges" at a "What's Hot" section of AAAI-16 (Phoenix, AZ, USA).
    2016.01.26 The paper "Learning Relational Dynamics of Stochastic Domains for Planning" by David Martínez, Tony Ribeiro, Katsumi Inoue, Guillem Alenya and Carme Torras has been accepted for presentation at the main track of ICAPS 2016 (London, UK).
    2016.01.22 The paper "Representative Solutions for Multi-Objective Constraint Optimization Problems" by Nicolas Schwind, Tenda Okimoto, Maxime Clement and Katsumi Inoue has been accepted to the technical program of KR 2016 (Cape Town, South Africa) as a short paper.
    2016.01.22 Franco-Japanese Seminar on Beyond SAT (Kobe).
    2016.01.12-16 Visit to University of Potsdam (Potsdam, Germany).
