2018.12.19 | Bonen-kai (E907, Ookayama). |
2018.11.22 | La journée Atlanstic2020 (École Centrale de Nantes, Nantes, France). |
2018.11.01 | A briefing session for prospective students on Department of Informatics, SOKENDAI is held at NII (in Japanese). |
2018.10.18-19 | The 6th CSPSAT3 Meeting is held at Kobe University (in Japanese). |
2018.09.20 | 2nd Call of 2018 NII International Internship Program (Topic Numbers: 09-12). |
2018.09.15 | The paper "Proposal of SAT-Based Method to Detect Deadlock of Petri Nets" by Tomoya Sunda, Takehide Soh, Mutsunori Banbara, Naoyuki Tamura, Katsumi Inoue (in Japanese) has been awarded as a Specially Selected Paper of Journal of Information Processing. |
2018.09.03 | The paper "Robust Coalition Structure Generation" by Tenda Okimoto, Nicolas Schwind, Emir Demirović, Katsumi Inoue, Pierre Marquis has been accepted as a regular paper for PRIMA 2018 (2018.10.31-11.02, Tokyo, Japan). |
2018.08.13 |
Two papers have been accepted for MIWAI 2018 (2018.11.18-20, Hanoi, Vietnam):
2018.08.07 | The paper "Assessing the resilience of stochastic dynamic systems under partial observability" by Jacopo Panerati, Nicolas Schwind, Stefan Zeltner, Katsumi Inoue, Giovanni Beltrame has been accepted for PLoS ONE. |
2018.08.01 | The paper "Learning Representation of Relational Dynamics with Delays and Refining with Prior Knowledge" by Yin Jun Phua, Tony Ribeiro, Katsumi Inoue has been accepted as a full paper for NeSy'18 (2018.08.23-24, Plague, Czech Republic). |
2018.07.26 | Summer Party (SONAR, Ginza). |
2018.07.06 2018.07.20 |
Three papers have been accepted for ILP 2018 (2018.09.02-04, Ferrara, Italy):
2018.07.16 | Tobias Kaminski, Thomas Eiter and Katsumi Inoue have received the Best Paper Award at ICLP 2018 for the paper "Exploiting Answer Set Programming with External Sources for Meta-Interpretive Learning". |
2018.07.13 | Katsumi Inoue visited Imperial College London and gives a talk "Partial Evaluation of Logic Programs in Vector Spaces" (joint work with Chiaki Sakama, Hien Nguyen, Taisuke Sato; presented at ASPOCP 2018). |
2018.07.12 | The paper "Probabilistic Coalition Structure Generation" by Nicolas Schwind, Tenda Okimoto, Katsumi Inoue, Katsutoshi Hirayama, Jean-Marie Lagniez, Pierre Marquis has been accepted as an extended abstract and poster presentation at KR 2018 (2018.10.30-11.02, Tempe, AZ, USA). |
2018.07.08-28 | A SAKURA Exchange Program in Science is conducted at NII. |
2018.06.22-23 | NII Open House 2018. |
2018.06.14-16 | The 3rd Joint Meeting of KAKENHI Kiban-A Project "Learning Relational Dynamics from State Transition". |
2018.06.12 | Special Lectures on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning by Pierre Marquis, Sébastien Konieczny and Jean-Marie Lagniez (CRIL). |
2018.06.05-08 | The 32nd Annual Conference on Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI 2018) (Kagoshima). |
2018.04.17 | The paper "Abducing Relations in Continuous Spaces" by Taisuke Sato, Katsumi Inoue, Chiaki Sakama has been accepted for IJCAI-ECAI-18 (2018.07.13-19, Stockholm, Sweden). |
2018.04.15 |
Two papers have been accepted for ICLP 2018 (2018.07.14-17, Oxford, UK):
2018.04.12 | 1st Call of 2018 NII International Internship Program (Topic Numbers: 04-07). |
2018.03.29-30 | The 5th CSPSAT3 Meeting (Kobe). |
2018.03.28 | Hanami @ Chidorigafuchi + Farewell & Welcome Party @ Hanzomon (photos). |
2018.03.23-24 | The 11th CSPASP Meeting (Kobe). |
2018.03.22 | The 2nd Home Coming Day of Department of Informatics, SOKENDAI (NII). |
2018.03.04-06 | The 2nd Joint Meeting of KAKENHI Kiban-A Project "Learning Relational Dynamics from State Transition" (jointly held with NII Collaborative Researches) (Kanazawa, Ishikawa). |
2018.02.13 | Presentation of graduation theses (for B4) (Tokyo Tech). |
2018.02.01-02 | Presentation of master theses (for M2) (Tokyo Tech). |
2018.01.25 |
Two papers have been accepted for AAMAS 2018 (2018.07.11-13, Stockholm, Sweden):
2018.01.03 | The paper "teaspoon: Solving the Curriculum-Based Course Timetabling Problems with Answer Set Programming" by Mutsunori Banbara, Katsumi Inoue, Benjamin Kaufmann, Tenda Okimoto, Torsten Schaub, Takehide Soh, Naoyuki Tamura and Philipp Wanko has been accepted for Annals of Operations Research. |