NTCIR (NII Test Collection for IR Systems) Project bNTCIRbCONTACT INFORMATIONbNIIb




NTCIR-8 Meeting
Instructions for Oral Presentations

For Task Participants

Anyone who did not participate in the tasks set by the NTCIR Workshop 8 is
invited to submit their papers to EVIA 2010.
Of course, we invite submissions from NTCIR-8 Task Prticipants, too!


Speakers are selected on the basis of the contents of draft papers (3-4 speakers for each task). Notification will be made by task organizers, by early in May.

Presentation time

Presentation time varies depending on the task.


All presentations must be in English.


Data projector and overhead projector are available. For computer-based presentations combined with a data projector, please bring your own PCs.

In the case you couldn't bring your own PC, we will prepare a laptop computer, Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Office 2007 and Adobe Reader 8.0 installed. (Note that this computer and softwares are all Japanese version.)
If you wish to use our PC for presentation, please bring your presentation data on a CD media or on a USB memory stick.

Presentation and Poster files

Presentation slides and posters are very informative to know the achievements of the researches done in NTCIR-8. We recommend you to provide us your files.

If you agree to make your presentation materials publicly available together with your paper in the online proceedings page, please make your poster or presentation ppt files into PDF format and rename your files with all the required information:

NTCIR8-[TASK]-[Family Name and Iinitial of the paper's first author]-['poster' or 'slides']. pdf

For example:
Task - IR4QA, First Author of the Proceedings paper - Noriko Kando

Please rename the files as below:

-file name of the poster:

-file name of the slides:

And please send them to ntc-proceedings during or after the meeting.


Oral presenters who wish to distribute handouts (e.g., hard-copies of slides and PPT files) at the workshop - Please provide and bring sufficient number of copies for audience at the workshop.


If you have questions and requests regarding your presentation, please email to ntc-secretariat

Last updated: March 19, 2010