NTCIR Project
(Recognizing Inference in TExt)
Research Purpose Use of Test Collection


NTCIR-9 RITE (Recognizing Inference in TExt)

NTCIR-9 RITE test collection can be used for experiments of Recognizing Inference in Text, for Chinese (Simplified (CS), Traditional (CT)), and Japanese (JA).

Collection Subtask Task Data
Language Text Pairs Relevance judgment
(gold / gold standard data)
Development Data Test Data
BC Cs 407 407 2-way (Y/N)
Ct 421 900
J 500 500
MC Cs 407 407 Five-way (F/R/B/C/I)
Ct 421 900
J 440 440
Entrance Exam * J 499 442 2-way (Y/N)
RITE4QA Cs - 964 2-way (Y/N)
Ct - 682
J - 682

J: Japanese, E: English, C: Chinese (Cs: simplified Chinese, Ct:traditional Chinese)

* Entrance Exam data for NTCIR-9 RITE is available for task participants in NTCIR-9 workshop, only.
Permission to use the Data is under negotiation. We will announce when it is available.



Test Data Format
<dataset type="bc">
  <pair id="1">
  <pair id="2">
  : : : 

Dev/Test Gold Standard Data Format
<dataset type="bc">
  <pair id="1" label="Y">
  <pair id="2" label="N">
  : : : 


The following is the procedure to obtain the test collection. The test collection and data are available from NII free of charge.



NTCIR Project (Rm.1309)
National Institute of Informatics
2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
102-8430, JAPAN
PHONE: +81-3-4212-2750
FAX: +81-3-4212-2751
Email: ntc-secretariat


The test collection was constructed and used for the NTCIR project. It is usable only for research purposes.
The document collection included in the test collection was made available to NII for use in the NTCIR project free of charge or for a fee. The providers of the document data understand the importance of such test collections in research on information access technologies and have kindly given their permission to use the data for research purposes. Please remember that the document data in the NTCIR test collection is copyrighted and has commercial value as data. To maintain a good relationship with the data producers/provider, we researchers must be reliable partners and use the data only for research purposes under the user agreement, and we must use the data carefully so as not to violate copyright.

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Updated on : 2014-06-09